
  1. NeverComingBack

    Travelogue Snowy Ride Through Rogers Pass(Vancouver to Calgary Oct 2024)

    After visiting with friends in Mission, BC my travel partner ditched me, spending the last of his money on a bus ticket home. Probably for the best after he polished off my 15 pack while I was out gathering firewood the previous night. I spent the next day walking and busing into the lower...
  2. A

    Help Planning Rubbertramping Route from AZ to Vancouver

    I'm planning to travel from AZ to Van to get to a couch to sleep on :D. So planning to drive up the westside of the US. I've done this before but it was a bit more rushed and I wasn't as broke and resourceless. I will be car camping the whole way, but also have a tent for dispersed campsites...
  3. Section8

    Free Rides North from Vancouver

    Free Pizza, free liqour. Going to Dawson City. Got 3 seats or 4 seats if you're okay being cozy... or a dog. Got room for cargo too.
  4. Lobostonto


    Lost contact with her last night Oct 2 at 5pm, last seen at her camping spot at 10pm. Was propositioned to camp at a presumed illegal site, Im worried she got nabbed into trafficking. If you see her, or Maya if you see this please let me know you're safe. I found your old spot and I’m waiting...
  5. kerouac

    Vancouver Island/Gulf Islands

    Hey folks! I currently live in Vancouver and I've got a week off of work coming up next month and I wanna get away from this city for a while. I've thought of going to Victoria to check it out, or one of the gulf islands. Just throwing this out there to get some ideas. What I would really like...
  6. Twistback47

    Vancouver Washington

    What’s up I’m twist Im going to be traveling along the us im from portland but hopping out of Vancouver Washington bout to head out train hopping /hiker life kinda just fuck up for me writ now so I’m doing what I want to do maybe traveling will help me figure stuff out will see....
  7. S

    Headed to the Pacific Northwest

    I'm planning on going this winter. Portland, Seattle, Olympia, maybe even Vancouver, BC. ~ What are some good youth drop in resources? I need someplace LGBT friendly, that doesn't require ID, and which doesn't feel like fucking juvenile hall; someplace like Safe Place for Youth in Los Angeles...
  8. Clay Ladouceur

    Hello everyone, new to vancouver

    Hey everyone. New to the site. Reading everyone's journeys and ideas are really fascinating. I'm 20 years old and just recently moved to vancouver from Alberta. Just packed up everything I have in my car and came to start a life. Basically I never got along with parents or family and I just left...
  9. Benji91

    Aussie moving to Canada (probably BC)

    Hey lovely people, I'm a few weeks out from applying for a two-year Canadian "working holiday" visa, there's a lot of reasons I need a massive change in my life and I've decided up-rooting and heading overseas is the way to go. I've been working my arse off and saving everything I can to make...
  10. Griffagriff

    Squatting in Victoria, BC, Canada, Vancouver Island

    Hello there. So I've just moved to Victoria on Vancouver island and am living in my car. I've found a big old house in a beautiful neighbourhood that's been abandoned and boarded up and graffitied. I've squatted in various places around the world but never in Canada. What are the rules and...
  11. Ben Avery

    Crossing into Canada near Vancouver

    Headed for alaska so I've got to deal with this nonsense again. Multiple travelers I know have been given Alot of trouble on this border so I'm seeking the crowds knowledge. What is the best crossing in this area? I was going with the 'fuck it' and heading strait for Blain, WA but taking the...
  12. Droidy Pendejo

    Squatting in Vancouver BC

    Hey there. What's the squat scene like in Van? Is it well organized by neighbourhoods or more of wild squattling style? I know there is no shortage of empty houses in Vancouver. Anyways, anybody out there have experience and might be willing to shed some light? With a vast portion of houses...
  13. Xenji

    The Mighty Valley Of Vancouver Island.

    If you're on this site, chances are you've contemplated living off-grid in order to live off the beauty of mother nature herself. The terminology "Squatter's" given to us are to me, nothing more than mere jealousy. Due to the fact the government can't control our flow of currency nor...

    where do the punks hang out in Vancouver?

    just rode in on a stacktrain, looking for a spot to chill in the streets....don't say E Hastings. anybody know this town?
  15. JimmyLocal

    Vancouver Folk Punk

    Hey guys! heres a link to my EP, you can download it for free. Take a listen maybe. Much appreciated Cheers
  16. Erable

    Going hitching, vancouver to alaska(hopefully)

    Early june my best bud and I are gonna be taking off and hopefully hitching up north to alaska, but neither of us have ever even hitched a ride(lofty dreams keep the heart alive though, right?); I was hoping some of you might have some tips, considerations, ideas for signs, suggested gear to...
  17. SeeYouInIceland

    hitching out of Vancouver, B.C.

    I'm wondering if I should stop in Vancouver for a couple days on my way to Alaska. It seems like a big place, maybe difficult to get out of with my dog in tow. Can anybody share experiences about hitching or hopping outta there? I'm not a fan of most big cities, but don't want to miss out on a...
  18. TBone

    Vancouver to Prince Rupert

    I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience hitching in that part of Canada. It's looking like I'm going to have some cannery work up in Petersburg Alaska and am thinking of foregoing the plane trip from Seattle and hitching up to Prince Rupert and then taking a ferry or plane from...
  19. jeffyDee

    im wanting to take a freight train from vancouver to seattle

    i need pointers because ive never crossed the border by train hopping i heard its easy
  20. Dave Chapelle

    [Sep 27, 2012] Distort Vancouver Fest Vol. 8... (Vancouver, BC Canada)

    SEPTEMBER 27 - 29, 2012 AT SUBMERGED STUDIOS 390 INDUSTRIAL AVE. VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA. WOLF BRIGADE (Classic Swedish d-beat punk) WAR CRY (Portland d-beat masters) MERDOSO (Oakland hardcore punks) XEROXIDE (Oakland raw punk. Ex-SANCTUM, STORMCROW, PELIGRO SOCIAL) CRIMSON SCARLET (Oakland goth...
  21. Rambing Roots

    just in case anyone is hitching out of vancouver b.c.

    just a tip to save you some time ,there is construction on hwy 1 from surry all the way to aldergrove. better to go out through pitt meadows or maple ridge, or you'll be sweatin in the sun for hours.
  22. J

    Vancouver to Vancouver

    After spending 3 weeks too many ramblin' around Portland I decided to head out again and head to Bend, OR. I was going to try and catch the M-EVEBAR in Vancouver, WA and ride it through the Deschutes River Canyon to Bend. I had my friend drop me off by the yard in Vancouver around 8PM where I...
  23. Bennis

    Boots in vancouver?

    Hey, my buddy and i are looking for a good second hand store that's likely to have some good boots. Any ideas? We're in the port moody area but have busability.
  24. F

    trying to get out of vancouver

    anyone travelling out of the city anytime in the near future heading east through nelson or anywhere close to that destination? It's time I leave.
  25. zedoktar

    Hitching from Vancouver to Montreal?

    Hey all, hows tricks? So here I am planning to vagabond from Vancouver to Montreal in the coming summer, and I am wondering what the hitching is like across Canada. I've hitched around BC, the Kootenays and the Okanagan are both really great for finding rides. I've had people go so far as to...
  26. Spirit

    Names spirit, im from Vancouver island.

    im from a place called campbell river, its on vancouver island in BC, Canada. its a pretty place but also pretty fucked up, so im about %90 sure ima bounce soon as i figure out how. i dropped out at 15 from grade 10 and have been working on and off for about 5 years. im sick of it, i want to do...
  27. CardBoardBox

    Cheers from Vancouver Island.

    Hello StP I came across this forum through a friend of mine. It's full of tasty little tidbits and, through some brief consideration, I decided to join. The stories and ideals I've witnessed here are inspiring to me. I've got my feet on the ground, pack ready and mind, well, fairly stable. I'm...
  28. dirtyfacedan

    The Beat of Frances Street. A video of Vancouver BC Squaters in the 90's

    I Remember this quite well... I was locked up in a youth facility at the time. Frances street is on the border of the suburbs, and the heavy industrial area in Vancouvers East side, bordering downtown. It continues to be a battleground. The video shows the standoff with police, and how the war...
  29. dirtyfacedan

    LRAD, (Long Range Acoustic Device), VAncouver Police have it, just in time for the winter olympics.

    The Vancouver cops have recently purchased at least one LRAD system, just in time for the winter fucking games. I was wondering if anyone has ever dealt with this. It was used at the Pittsburgh anti g-20 meetings a couple months ago as well. I'm sure if you ever wanted to piss off a large group...
  30. dirtyfacedan

    2010 Olympic Winter Games, Vancouver BC Canada.

    Protests abound, more info as the "games" get closer. The games are in Feb 2010!!!
  31. wokofshame

    and so it ends in vancouver......

    so this isn't quite a full story. 2 friends and i just finished a 5-week trip that took us from vermont down to baja mexico and up to van here. i'm planning to post some stories here about various crazy stuff that happened to us road-tripping, hitchhiking and biking. but i'm pretty dished right...