
  1. remagen

    Travelogue Sleeping in a bowling alley in rural Kansas

    Settled down for winter in KC but since the weather's been warming up here my cousin and I decided to do a short hop to a rural Kansas town to visit and crash with a friend. We set out late at night on a grainer and got off in Herington, KS during the CC to grab beer and a bite to eat. Ended up...
  2. fahahag

    Trans girl named floor lookin for a road dog to show me how to hop freight this spring

    Wassap, my name is floor, well, that's what I am using on here, im in my late 20s. I have done a bit of hitch hiking both alone and with company in my early adulthood, but have always wanted to hop freight, just never found the right people to do it with. I've hitched the 101 a few times...
  3. klamytaint101

    learning the ropes of freight hopping before my first ride

    before i start off i do want to say im not expecting any free information, although that doesnt mean it wouldnt be appriciated lol. anyways. for years ive been interested in freight hopping, starting back watching hobo stobe or shoestring years ago. as of recently me and a friend have been...
  4. Tony G

    Nice idea

    So I saw something at the surplus...they make wrist rockets that shoot arrows and they have an attachment to bow fish I'll get it and let everyone know how it works out it's called the pocket hunter
  5. crosstie walker

    Photos 35mm film and freight trains

    Here to share my joy of freight trains via 35mm film scans! This one is leaving Dunsmuir, Ca. :)
  6. 7izard

    introduction from PA

    Hello all! I am a 20 year old guy from Pennsylvania hoping to learn more from this community. I writing from Montreal where I'm working on a degree in environmental science, but my world is at home. I like canoeing on the Brandywine creek and playing music with my friends. Has anyone been...
  7. georgiabear name is Georgia and I'm located in the midwest name is Georgia and I'm located in the midwest. Still in high school (I'm 18) and graduating in late spring. Right now i've been working to save up so i can move out and head to NY after graduation. I plan to stay for a few months. Still not sure where I plan to go after that. I'd like...
  8. train in vain

    Always Expect a Train

    Clip from a longer ambient noise project I've been working on. If you like train sounds, dig in. Always Expect a Train
  9. travelbytrainsagain

    Looking for a guy I rode from collinwood to SYR with this past summer

    We got off in syr near a truckstop. You were going to clean a jungle. Hmu if you see this!
  10. travelbytrainsagain


    Seeking my friend Bernie. Traveler. Sorry I was on a bad bender before, staying sober now! Call me!
  11. Svintah5635

    Upside down trains in Wuppertal

    For a little over a year it had been on my bucket list to ride the upside down trains in Wuppertal. It’s a train track built over the river (Wupper) and the trains hang. Yesterday I went 3,5 hours by train and was finally able to catch one of those. The indescribable feeling when I was there...
  12. Murkyerky

    Bringing a banjo on trains

    So this is gonna sound kind of dumb but I’ll be hitting the rails as a greenhorn soon here. I’ll be with some friends. They hop with really nice guitars and are able to maintain them, but they’ve been at it for a longggg time . I wanna bring my main banjo which is a nicer banjo I got back when I...
  13. Murkyerky

    Newbie on trains and gear

    Hey it’s murky, so I’ve ready for my trek. I’ll be in cars for a few months but after that I plan catching freights. Any gear tips? My back without food is 30 pounds, I have a mat tarp steaks spare ropes compact sleeping bag and hammock, micro stove, few cans of fuel, knife, mobile phone...
  14. Gypsybones

    Train nerds: 4041 bigboy passin though Nola

  15. AG Golda

    Rats, theft, trains and being a dumbass :)

    Hi friends :) after a ton of research and videos and guidance from a friend who's also on stp, I hopped my first train last month. That friend helped me get on but it was a solo ride from halifax to moncton. My mistake here was getting off a little bit too soon. I threw my pack off and watched...
  16. Gypsybones

    Event Hey train nerds, check this shit out!!!
  17. CouchPunx

    Video Riding Junk: Video Essay about addiction, trains, and time travel

    I have no idea if anyone will be interested in this kinda weird artsy bullshit. I know personally I usually stay far away from youtubers and people who think that they're artists or writers or whatever. But for some reason I got hold of a video camera and made this thing when a friend of mine...
  18. FawnGone

    Old eco-poem of mine about trains, deer, travellin...

    Jessica Dampier - Patience - Warrior Poets - (Old poem inspired by a ride... They added all the pics and video, only the words are my original content. I have a bunch of old writing from when I was a teen and I should write more...
  19. PunkRockForever1981

    Long shot: My brother passed in 2007, "Danny Boy (Falla)" in Elk River, MN from a train accident...was hobo'ing it, riding the rails before he passed.

    I am Danny's sister, Linda. I am looking just for some stories or better yet, pictures of Danny. I have two children now and I don't have tons of pictures, stories, etc. to pass along to my children about him, but I do have some. He was born in 1984, passing away at 23 years of age on the train...
  20. Staylowrideatnight

    Don't bring citizens on trains

    I have a lot of great travel stories and don't want to bombard anyone with too many so here's a few for the kids. Many years ago I was bunked out at a good spot all just enjoying the moonlight smoking my cigs and drinking my last few beers waiting for a good ride and I kept seeing these teenage...
  21. Gypsybones

    Video Train nerds can get in with the fun too!

    That not a train, that’s a bike!
  22. trashswag86

    Hipsters on trains

    You can be a hipster or a hobo -not both. Came across a couple train hoppin ladies in Dunsmuir. They looked to be about 30-35, and one of em had these big obnoxious shades on that made me think she really needs attention, but that's the least of it. They pointed me to the sbd hobo camp, and...
  23. Billy Cougar White

    Today I met two train track kittys

    Oh my god what a great day. I'm planning to hop my first ever freight train from Amherst to Halifax, so today I was looking for spots near me to catch out, and i met two train track kittys. I met them about a half km apart. Both were super friendly and wanted all the love in the world.
  24. beersalt

    Protecting a train riding dogs hearing

    Here's a question for those that have hopped trains with a dog long-term. I know that many railroad workers are prone to hearing loss.. and I know for a fact, that I definitely have grown to like riding freight with ear plugs in. So, why wouldn't I try the same for my pooch? Out of all of the...
  25. ZIGER

    Video Traveling on freight trains in China

    Video about a trip to China. Unfortunately the video contains a lot of obscene words and only English subtitles are available (I'm not sure that the translation was made correctly) Can add more information: The entire railway line is fenced along with fences. There are no railway crossings...
  26. Crazy Hobo Johnny

    Haunted Trains on Coast to Coast AM radio Show 12/6/19

    Hey StP members and guests: I'm sure when you're on the road you have a radio and listen to Coast to Coast AM to pass time which is nationwide radio show late in the wee hours of the night. Subjects talked about; UFOs, Bigfoot, Missing Persons, Ghosts, etc. (btw David Pauldies will be on this...
  27. David1

    Ride Twin Cities Light Rail/Northstar Commuter Train for free with VA ID Card

    At least that is what I was told by my VA rep in Saint Cloud,MN as I need to sometimes shuttle back and forth between Saint Cloud,Northtown and the Minnie VA on the Northstar Train
  28. Zeddock

    Zvijer, my first fight against the metallic leviathan.

    Disclaimer: I am a greenhorn. In my society (as is the case pretty much anywhere) this is what has been pummeled into our minds for generations: you're born, you go to school, maybe to university, you get a job, settle down, you start a family and that's it. You know what the tragically funny...
  29. Mathurin Kerbouchard

    I hopped the wrong train

    Intentionally wanting to make my way east toward Arkansas, I hopped a train that took me south. Taken back in the winter of 2015, I revisit my first freight hop south out of Ft. Worth, Texas. RaZin_do_'bos Entertainment
  30. Coywolf

    News & Blogs Model Train Enthusiast Sick of Finding Crust Punk Figurines in Train Set

    Model Train Enthusiast Sick of Finding Crust Punk Figurines Hiding in Freight Cars - Model Train Enthusiast Sick of Finding Crust Punk Figurines Hiding in Freight Cars Facebook...
  31. Strangeandsolo

    Coal train cut off, or miner miscalculation.

    Found this interesting article about CSX So it said the protesting workers let one train through because of the police. Howmuch do you think that was worth... CSX won't say who got the coal...
  32. BradKajukenbo

    Video Amtrak's new Train will hold more passengers and be faster.

    I've rode Amtrak a few times in the past. Was pretty decent then. They say its going to be the future of rail passenger travel.
  33. scutellaria

    cassie - long time listener first time caller

    hi yall im cassie. dont know why it took me so long to decide to make an account but here i am. been travelling on and off for almost 10 years now (thats nuts to think about) since i was 19 and been houseless or squatting muh of the time not travelling. have mostly travelled by myself and seein...
  34. Ahava

    Featured My first train, Australia 2019.

    Between the wire fence and floodlights lies freedom March 29th, 2019 on the belly of the beast desert bound with the pot of stars overhead to direct this north bound train. Getting here felt like an intangible dream, fast and ambitious like the stars as their life pounds deeply on our...
  35. superphoenix

    Seeking Train Rider Jarvis

    Hey everyone, Last summer while exploring the West Coast, I met a really dope fellow train rider named Jarvis around June and I never got his contact info. We spent the night in a boxcar in the Roseville yard before I had to dip to SLC. Dark skin and an afro, kind of looked like Childish...
  36. rando

    My First Hop (Where my Real Travels Began) Part One

    After attempting to walk to the furthest east edge of Bakersfield from downtown, about a ten mile walk, I awoke the next morning in an undeveloped lot. The previous night was cold but I was certainly warm between my fluffy dog and heavy, zero degree sleeping bag. The morning sun woke me, an...
  37. OBIWAN616

    What do you call a train kid that doesn't hitch? A liar!

    name the most weirdest ride you got, mine was in the back of a garbage truck in Mississippi.
  38. W

    Train Mishaps YouTube Channel

    I've been binge watching this guy's YouTube channel. His narrative kills me! Hope you all stay safe out there. Happy Rails!
  39. Tude

    Photos Zack Grahm aka WildCat RIP - Man found dead atop moving train

    Searched but have not seen this on STP. I also do have an update with an uncomfirmed pic of the traveler below. (From Facebook OP) - He has been identified as ZACK GRAHM AKA WILDCAT RIP Man found dead atop moving train in Hart County...
  40. Adam Wynona May

    night train is a rapist

    Okay so I was at the national gathering in Georgia and ended up chilling with this kid named night train in his tent and passed out. Woke up with sleep paralysis to being fingered. Could have been a misunderstanding but it was still assault and traumatizing. He's got a fucked up eye and a dog...
  41. Pinky

    new / hopped first train

    hey my name's will i'm pretty new to the lifestyle been out less than a week. i mean i was sleeping in tents most the summer doing dock labor in AK, so I sorta had the idea of things. but ya i'm 19 always been interested in travelling made friends with a bunch of travel kids in alaska and it...
  42. BelleBottoms

    Train riding survey

    Just wondering.
  43. Coywolf

    All I want to do is drink beer, ride trains, and be free...

    Howdy, StP. Some of y'all know me. I've been around here for a bit. I started this whole online traveling info journey when DigiHitch was still around. And eventually migrated over to StP when I posted about alternate sites to go to when they announced they were going down. Lo, and behold, I...
  44. Will Wood

    10 longest rail trails. Stealth camping possibilities?

    Pulling off on a long cycling trail may have places for stealth camping? And connect you with a couple of urban settings.. ..
  45. Will Wood

    Knife or Multi tool, what do you carry on your belt, or in your pack?

    I've got a belt folding knife and some tools I've collected for various reasons in my back pack. I'd like to lose the weight and get a multi tool that is good enough. I'm thinking about a Stanley? It's cheep enough and good enough.? Not sure. Ideas??
  46. siid

    Featured my (very short) first train ride

    so i thought i'd post about my travels in the past year from russia to hitch hiking central america and south america, but im going to start with some photos of my first train ride (philly to baltimore) which i went on before i left the country :) I'd been traveling/working with the circus for...
  47. AaronOnTheRoad

    News & Blogs 2 dead 1 injured - CSX train collides with car Henryville, IN

    Today in henryville Indiana a CSX train hit a vehicle killing two kids and hurting there mothet real bad. I try to find the link
  48. Luckydog752

    Greenhorn wants to go on a train journey...

    Hello everyone just want to say that if it wasn't for YouTube videos & digging around online I wouldn't have even gotten this far into my journey. I am willing to watch read or learn the hard way about freight train riding from Florida to Indiana. It's gonna be a long journey but that's ok with...
  49. roaddawwggSagnastyNick

    I like trains, comfort, technology

    I've been unemployed most of my life so I'm looking to make money and save money, lower my living costs. I would like to hop freight trains with people that aren't assholes or posers. I like squats that are clean and have electricity and internet.
  50. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs Raw portraits of the transient kids who travel america’s trains

    so some of these pictures folks on here might have seen before, but there's some new ones, so i figured it was still worth sharing. raw portraits of the transient kids who...