
  1. Hillbilly Castro

    CB Radio Mounted on Bicycle

    Pretty good video about installing a CB on your bike. I think I may install this on my motorized recumbent trike so that I have the option of being social anywhere I'm at, or radioing for help / weather updates, or maybe even finding some work (?). I even wonder whether, as a bike tourer, it'd...
  2. Art101

    Battery backup charger

    Picked up a BlackWeb backup charger for 35 bucks at Wallyworld.So far I have been able to get 2 full charges and a full Kindle charge off of it.Takes about 5 hours to fully charge.It has a solid case made from aluminum.Seems very solid.Haven't dragged it out on the road yet but will keep ya all...
  3. Buck Toothed Dogo

    Primitive Technology

    This guy has some really cool projects in Australia. He never speaks, but if you hit the CC button there are captions for what he's doing.
  4. BadBoBo

    SMARTPHONE aka your best friend

    These things are great. You can see you friend across the world (Skype), Find a job or a gig for a few days with or even a place to sleep. You can check your email, look up your route, find a good camping spot or place to sleep with a birdseye view(google maps), Find free shit on LetGo or...
  5. roaddawwggSagnastyNick

    I like trains, comfort, technology

    I've been unemployed most of my life so I'm looking to make money and save money, lower my living costs. I would like to hop freight trains with people that aren't assholes or posers. I like squats that are clean and have electricity and internet.
  6. G

    Common Sense in the digital world

    Hacking is becoming a big problem in today's society. Even our email boxes can lead to stolen information. I am not talking about about that NSA shit (that's a given). But common everyday stuff that can royally screw us over Here are some hard lessons I learned from my experiences 1#: Lock...
  7. Treefoot

    Free xfinity wifi 4/12-4/19

    I've never made a theead on here before and since the subject matter is temporary if it has to be deleted or whatever I'll snap to it. Eh anyways this is temporary but if you can get to a hotspot there's an free trial set up for easter by xfinity. So just pull it up and give them an email and...
  8. G

    News & Blogs Real men pack light

    I learned that traveling is not as hard as one would think. If one keeps to Transporation, Shelter, and Food (TSF) one can go farther than expected. However, I learned people pack too much (I am also guilty of this). Unless you are going to outer space or the Artic, you really don't need much...
  9. TheWindAndRain

    Video Whipsnake 37,000,000,000 liter. Has technology gone too far?

    For the oogle who has everything.
  10. A

    Removing html from a post with mobile

    So I just posted a really cool article but it was full of affiliate links I don't get any money from is there a way to remove the HTML from a post quickly and easily from an article for the safety of stpers?
  11. krynitz

    Phone in NOLA

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone happens to have a spare phone in NOLA that I could have or even just borrow for a month. I'm staying put here for the rest of my US stay duration and realising it'd be useful to be able to communicate with peeps around town. Thanks
  12. shabti

    Hitchwiki, as good as we make it.

    So I'm on my first long term road trip since joining the site. We went through all of northern Cali, and It was my first time hitching. A lot of really cool people and experiences, but there was one thing that stuck out to me: how obsolete most of the info on Hitchwiki is, and how perfectly...
  13. Garminbozia

    Video DIY USB Charger

    Don't know if y'all already know about this. I seen it the other day for the first and thought it's really near. Figured I'd share it. You can charge phones or anything with a usb cord.
  14. QueerCoyote

    Wifi passwords for airports around the world

    This came across my dashboard today, figured it might prove useful to y'all. You can contribute to his map by commenting as well, and he keeps it pretty updated apparently.
  15. Vagabonds Photography

    FREE 1 Year Pilot Travel Center WIFI

    We tend to sleep in various Walmart or Truck Stop parking lots finding WiFi isn't always important to us, although it's nice. Found a easy way to get free wifi for 365 days for Pilot outdoor premium wifi. 1. Go into pilot and grab a new "preferred customer" pilot rewards card. Don't use it...
  16. Mankini

    Make Da Vinci stuff at home!

    Da Vinci's diagrams are easy to use. You can make weapons, aircraft, and much, much more with little more than some scrap lumber and old newspapers!
  17. autumn

    Best phone for your obamaphone SIM card

    Alright so depending on which company you have your obama phone through, you're going to be running on a subsidiary of different carriers. For Assurance Wireless (virgin mobile/sprint) and any AT&T carrier, this is the phone you should be getting: The Sprint version is the 'Sonim XP Strike'...
  18. OutsideYourWorld

    Actual durable headphones?

    Title says it all, and I'm sure many of you know what I'm asking... Being that a lot of us travel a bit more roughly than others, headphones tend to break pretty easily. Whether that's by the wires being pulled out of connections, or the speakers blowing up/getting water damaged,etc. I'm curious...
  19. K

    Distance measuring app for idevices

    I know a few out there have idevices or might even find one. Here's an app which will let you easily measure distances and show you a satellite map image of whatever is on the planet. The resolution is fairly decent and it is easy to use. It is also much less crashtastic than google earth...
  20. petergreen

    finding a decent cheap hd camera

    Aside from the usual places like Craigslist, eBay and Amazon does anyone have any advice for sourcing a cheap HD camera? I love to take video of the places I visit for posterity but given my lifestyle my equipment invariably ends up broken, stolen or both.
  21. A

    Tips to Save Your Phone's Battery

    A few of these pointers are common tricks that we all know, but for those curious on helping their phone battery life. . . Ways to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer With today's technology cell phones have become a part of everyday life, so it is important to keep the battery in tip...
  22. wizehop

    News & Blogs The end is fucking near

    This is fucked...not so much about this revolv thing, (what ever the fuck it is) but what is being implimented here. One step closer to losing total control... Google reaches into customers' homes and bricks their gadgets...
  23. D

    Putting together a traveling tech article.

    I need some feedback on technology people travel with and what they use it for. The ideas of interest are smartphones with or without service, tablets, mini laptops, and regular size and big laptops. This is including different makers, models, and default software. Operating systems aren't so...
  24. Chrissy Alleyn

    How to be happy with your Sat Nav

    First thing to remember is, You Are In Charge. Sat Navs are not frightening because you are Human and can switch the thing off. The reverse is not the case. When you switch it off you will be absolutely No Worse Off Than You Were, you will Still Be Lost admittedly, but no more lost. You will...
  25. wizehop

    News & Blogs 'self-filling' water bottle turns air into drinking water

    This seems like it will be cool, if not a bit pricey... Things appearing from thin air is something no longer reserved for magic shows. The Fontus is a water bottle prototype that uses condensation to absorb the moisture in...
  26. D

    Kindle. . ..

    Was given one by my moms boyfriend. Despite my kind of detestation for tech. It is kind of neat. I figure I can always sell or trade later. I tried the prime free signup and downloaded tunes and movies but I don't think they'll play once it runs out and without WiFi. Anyone have ideas or tips or...
  27. landpirate

    wind up radios

    I got some pocket money from my grandpa for christmas ::woot:: and I want to get a wind up radio for my van. I've been pulling my hair out with boredom recently because my solar power isn't doing its thing and thought a wind up radio would keep me entertained without draining any batteries...
  28. Mankini

    free cell service?

    Cellphones are just transmitters/receivers, right? How do service providers monopolize access? Aren't cells just cb radios? There's gotta be a way to bypass providers' ID protocols, and use the airwaves as ghost transmitters.

    People with scanners

    M***If you have a scanner be shure to gorrila tap or duck tape the antenna to the bnc connecter where the antenna locks into the top of scanner. After ruff use thisDOES NOT WORK antenna still comes off ! I can't seem to deleat this wish I could
  30. kelz

    Disconnecting from a over connected world

    Smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, iwatches, gps, it never ends. Everyday on the train I am the only person not staring at a phone or with headphones on ignoring the world. At a large family gathering this past weekend every person there was at some point glued to their phones or ipads...
  31. erisiansnafu

    Use Android to make an inexspensive scanner.

    If you are unwilling to put down several hundred dollars for a 100 channel scanner there are other lighter options. Using an android device along with a DVB-T dongle attached to an attenna and you have a complete scanner.
  32. Mankini

    Krill lights: Green Tech/Green spectrum

    Sometimes you gotta find your campsite in the woods at night on unfamiliar terrain. Or maybe you want visitors to find you discreetly..I like these little lights: you can use rechargeable AA batts w/ them; and they're not disposable/wasteful like ChemLights...
  33. T

    Uncapped 4g LTE hotspot from the phone

    A lot of us use those month to month phone plans -- Net10 Wireless, Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile, Metro PCS -- And while most services have like 2gb of bandwidth at 4g LTE speeds (Then worse than dial up speeds after that :( ) , I just found out that Metro PCS has literally uncapped bandwidth at...
  34. stormcrow

    Prepping Your Phone for Life as an Anarchist

    I was very resistant to the idea of getting a smartphone for many years. When I heard about backdoors installed by default like carrierIQ I resolved to stick with my nokia brick for as long as I could. Then I started working at an electronics recycling place and was introduced to both Android...
  35. Mankini

    Which is better? Using your phone as a modem or a Mobile Hotspot?

    I am NOT tech savvy at all. I know nothing about electronics.
  36. wizehop

    News & Blogs Google's new finger control technology is straight out of a science fiction movie

    As cool as technology is getting, all I can see is how big brother is going to use this stuff to keep an ever greater hand over us. Google's new finger control technology is straight out of a science fiction movie...
  37. shabti

    GPS devices?

    Who here uses them? Designated hiking gps thing? I was looking at buying a garmin gps and two way radio thingy. At school, I know the geology department uses them. I kind of wanted to figure out how to log coordinates into a GIS...
  38. Thorne

    FREE domain name and website host for a year (NO JOKE)

    As I mentioned in the feed earlier, I have transferred the Houseless Not Homeless Project website to a new webhost. The URL will be the same, but it will just be on a new server. Hopefully one that everyone can access. Anyway, the server I moved it too is a place called and they give...
  39. Everymanalion

    Who here travels with a high end smartphone/electronics?

    Thinking about taking my samsung galaxy note 4 on the road with me next time, it is huge and was expensive but I take great care of my stuff and have an otterbox on it, wrap it in a bandana and keep it in a ziplock waterproof bag when not in use so it made me curious, who else here travels with...
  40. Preacher

    TracFone Promo codes for 2015

    Jan 1 - Dec 31 Buy 400 min, get 400 min + 200 bonus min on a 1 year card. Promo code 82943 Buy 450 min, get 450 min + 50 bonus min. Promo code 40149 February: Buy 60 min, get 60 min + 20 bonus min. Promo code 30788. Buy 120 min, get 120 min + 20 bonus min. Promo code 28850 Buy 200 min, get...
  41. stryk3

    Anyone carry a Linux OS flashdrive with them?

    Carry a computer sounds impractical so I was thinking I could just cop a high capacity flash drive and throw a linux distro and all my files on there for all my computing needs. I'm probably gonna use Seems fairly simple in practice just boot up a public PC, goto the...
  42. dyingslowlyeveryday

    Best buy/sprint prepaid smartphone deal

    At best buy, some prepaid sprint androids come with a free month of service of your plan choice. $35, 45, 55, I think they are all unlimited everything, but throttles at 1gb, 3 and 6 respectively. The cheapest phone is $40, and a pretty good deal...
  43. M

    Anyone ever use magnets?

    A friend of mine told me that he once saw someone carrying a magnet for riding. I've never seen or heard of anyone doing it. However, I've looked online and you can buy magnets that hold like 200 lbs that are rechargeable or permanent magnets, and they only weigh like 1 or 2 lbs. Seems to me...
  44. 209

    can you suggest a good computer for travel?

    I'm trying to find a good travel computer something with some decent power behind it but also small sized and easy to pack, not easy to break and durable holds good battery life has multiple ways to charge it, and a sim card slot for 3g access.
  45. RSTY802510

    scanner info. ARA channels

    just got my hands on a uniden scanner a couple months back, its already programmed to most of the american railroad frequencies. was wondering if anyone had any additional things i should program into it. any advice helps.
  46. Raven1998

    Solar Power!!!!!

    Hellooo I was wondering if any one on here could help explain some things to me about Solar power! I have been interested in getting a panel, deep cycle battery and inverter to make my own Solar Generator set up but I am still confused about some things. I have read a couple guides but still...
  47. Matt Derrick

    Photos We now have the technology to fight the police!

  48. shabti

    The Ultimate Swiss army knife (written on Libre Office, Debian Jessie with XFCE)

    The Ultimate Swiss-Army Knife The Ultimate Swiss-Army Knife is not from Switzerland...nor is it a knife. It's the computer. There are a lot of green anarchists, primitivists, luddites, etc who argue (with quite a valid point) that the “information age” is just one more way that dominance and...
  49. Matt Derrick

    Video Video: GoPro: Fire Breathing With A 24 GoPro Array

  50. hobopoe

    Wasn't sure (pnuematic bank tube)

    I was not sure where to post this, but I think this would be a neat piece of equipment, if it is legal. I heard that having one of these is...