
  1. Daman45

    How can I squat without being killed, raped, murdered, or arrested?

    Hi, I am looking for a adventure. I am keeping my needs to transpiration, food, and shelter. Transportation is hitchhiking, rideshare, or public transient. Food supermarket, cooking, or leftovers from restaurant. But the thing that bugs me the most is shelter. I am planning to use friends...
  2. nivoldoog

    My favorite shelter material.

    My favorite shelter material is a thick painters plastic. It is cheap, can be found at construction areas, heat rententive, water proof, see threw to see around you, compactable, can substitute for tarp, tent and if thick enough sleeping bag. Next step down is a thick plastic shower curtain...
  3. ydnalein

    Throw tent and tarp?

    I thought about a throw-tent and 2 tarps as padding and rain protechtion. But i never saw this in the forum. Is there a reason for it?
  4. Guy Chouinard

    Shelter Options Slab City?

    This may be "una pregunta estúpida" but I am seriously thinking of squatting somewhere possibly Slab City so I can bank some money for a van. Problem is, I only have a tent. And from what I have gleaned on the Net tents just can't handle the winds and besides that, the desert sun just destroys...
  5. Daman45

    Hello, need help getting across America alive.

    Hi, I am new to alternative traveling. I want to get to California for the sheer fun of it. However, I have no clue to get there without using a car or a airplane. Both of which are going to cost more than I am able to make. I need some tips and advice on how to travel, lodge, and even get my...
  6. Multifaceted

    Video Cinch Solar Powered Tent

    I thought this would be interesting for some rubber tramps- It looks as though the solar power soaker (forgetting the name for them currently) doesn't put out much energy, and you have to buy your own battery pack, but I think the idea is still pretty nifty, even if you can only find a battery...
  7. Ironweed

    canvas bivy sack

    This looks like a worthy investment. Check it out: Yes, it is a bit pricy, but for what you get, it may be a great idea.
  8. Peregrin

    Eno Sub7 hammock

    I acquired the hammock and Eno Atlas straps today. It's comfortable but I'm curious how many of you have used this on the road? Could I get different straps to allow me to mount to structures like support beams, or will the straps I have grip fine? How do you feel about sleeping in it? I...
  9. Matt Derrick

    Video DIY Tarp Shelter | Desert Camping

    @HippieGangster's improvised shelter while squatting in Southern Utah:
  10. Matt Derrick

    $150 bike camper: DIY micro mobile home

    you can buy the plans for this trailer here:
  11. D

    Handbook of the Streets! Don't go hungry or naked in Twin Cities!

    The handbook is printed for '14 - '15 but it's still very useful! ::joyful:: Day and night shelters, places to get clothes, food shelves and soup kitchens. Even legal support and advocacy. The website and The Handbook via PDF. Good luck and safe travels, family! ::drinkingbuddy::
  12. Vulture

    When it's too fucking windy

    I don't know if this is common sense, but I just discovered it. I'm in Texas; it's alway always windy in Texas. Fucking hate it. I needed to stay up lest I miss an early morning appointment. Anyway I tried hiding from the wind by a dumpster and then by a wall. Aerodynamics was not my friend. I...
  13. creature

    News & Blogs once in a while something really good happens... kids reading to shelter dogs <edit - added text - wanted to add there's an adorable vid at the link, Tude> The Humane Society of Missouri is rolling out a new program, which not only acquaints shy dogs with friendly humans, but also helps young kids with their reading...
  14. eskimo


    Anyone ever made a tipi before? I feel like it would be a pretty kick ass shelter. There are some pretty simple designs. A bunch of long relatively straight branches and a tarp. You can have a small fire in them if you're careful too, so why not? I have some ideas, but if anyone has made them in...
  15. Rolly Leonard

    Greetings From Georgia!

    hey guys my name is eli and currently i am in milledgeville georgia. i have been giving the vagabond lifestyle some very serious consideration (i have gone from georgia to cali and back earlier this year) and as of right now, the only thing holding me back is my girlfriend and lack of guidance...
  16. MrSirLanceAlot

    Bushcraft Shelter?

    So during my travels, when I find a place I would like to stay, I am going to go into the woods and build a shelter. I was going to dig about 3-4ft down and then build a moss roof and just try to conceal it as much as possible. My question is, has anyone tried something similar to this? If so...
  17. couchissatan

    Keeping warm in a tent.

    Does anybody have any good ideas for insulating a tent or any thing like that? The tent I have is 6x6 basically. And I will have a Mr.Heater Little Buddy. Also what's the beat way to keep water from getting through the bottom of the tent? I havnt stayed in a tent where it is going to lightly...
  18. Di Cruz31

    Hi everyone!

    Hi peeps, just made an account on the site, and I am from the Clarksville, Tennessee area, if ya wanna chat hit me up on here :) hope to talk to ya :) Also I'll be needing someone to stay with, food shelter, anything would be great, I will work for travel :)
  19. samiblake

    seeking shelter , travel companions ,escape

    Hello, new to this site looking for shelter preferably in nyc , a workshare,intentional community,squatting,commune,art studio to sleep in etc a group/person to roam with . only neccesties : shelter,food ,water would travel on my own since i cant seem to make friends but like people too much...
  20. kaichulita

    News & Blogs 9 year old girl makes shelter for the homeless

    This girl is a badass! I found this post on This is Hailey 9 year old Hailey Ford from Bremerton, Washington, has made it her goal to construct shelters for the homeless. "It just doesn't seem right that there are homeless people. I think everyone should have a place to live."...
  21. briancray

    What Bivy Do you Recommend?

    Ok, so it's gotten to that point where I need new gear. By new I just mean I need to upgrade as I have no issue with used gear as long as it works. I just got a used Kelty Cosmic 0 degree sleeping bag, but I need recommendations on a bivy sack to purchase. I get paid in a few days and I'm...
  22. Jaguwar

    Got my bivy sack but...

    So I got my bivy sack today, but there were no poles with it. I'm going camping next week come hell or high water, any suggestions what I can do in a hurry... for free? I'm piss broke right now...
  23. Badly Drawn Girl

    Tent, tarp or bivvy sac?

    Trying to decide on my rough camping options...I'm planning on a hitching trip and I'd previously been really nervous about the idea of getting "stuck" in between towns or rides and having to sleep out in the open. Like, really nervous. But, I'm guessing that it should help a little bit if I...
  24. Desperado Deluxe

    Erik Petersen @ The Bomb Shelter, Savannah GA

    Eric Peterson is playing at The Bomb Shelter. Possibly free? Erik Petersen (Acoustic) @ The Bomb Shelter Apr 04, 2015 7:00 pm - 7:00 pm 637 E. 37th St, Savannah, GA
  25. A

    Ultralight Bivy & Tarp Shelter After 1yr. Test Video

    Just finished up this short review... *** For a full detailed list of all the tested ultralight equipment scroll to end of this post. Hello folks, I'm back after a year of learning and experiences. I have a lot to share and decided to make a quick video to kick it off. I wasn't totally...
  26. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How to keep warm in winter with cardboard boxes as a shelter?

    Hi there! I'm thinking of squatting in the back of this apartment building, its kinda like a backporch, but has has cement floors and there is some cold air that does come in, so was thinking of getting some big furniture boxes to lay in, 2 regualr sleeping bags ( geared to like -30 winter)...
  27. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    Good Winter Tents

    I'm thinking of doing some winter camping outside, just wondering what kinda tent I should use, ( like a specific brand, type). Also gonna be doing some squatting and if super cold, possibily stay at a shelter house. Looking for something affordable or to make do with untill I find or save up...
  28. Art101

    Anyone else stay at the Burnside Youth shelter in the late 80's or very 90's

    Was just thinking about the old Burnside and Outside In back in the day. There were some great characters back then. Wonder whatever happened to some of those folks like Bishop, Skytiz, Dancer and Tabby. I know several people I knew either od, contracted HIV or died. Caught many a freight out of...
  29. wizehop

    Homeless Man Tearfully Watches As Police Destroy His Shelter Homeless Man Tearfully Watches As Police Destroy His Shelter The Huffington Post | By Robbie Couch Sam had just one request for police about to destroy the makeshift shelter in the woods he'd...
  30. iamwhatiam

    News & Blogs Bench that turns into a shelter

    Simple but cool idea: yea so I don't know how to post the article instead of the link, maybe someone can help
  31. Tanto

    Keeping Your Debris Shelter Bug Free

    Tents can provide excellent protection from the elements, but they can also be expensive/broken/stolen/somehow not available when you find yourself in need of one. As most probably already know, debris shelters can provide an effective and perhaps more importantly; free, alternative to the...
  32. Matt Derrick

    Video: Urban Stealth Hammock Camping; Episode 1. Staying at a Hotel for free.

  33. Ash Ludd

    Poncho Tent

    Hey folks, I came across this guide and thought it was a really cool idea. I got fed up of lugging my normal tent around. More often than not we find people are willing to have us stay in their house or squat or whatever or the weather is...
  34. JillyBoe


    Which of these have you used and how effective was it against the weather?
  35. E

    ECWS Bivy Bag

    If you're prior service you're probably familiar with these. They contain multiple bags and when used together (along with a wool hat and some good socks) are rated -30 degrees F. You can also split them apart to use in warmer weather. The outer shell is woodland camo gore-tex which is great for...
  36. domo

    i assumed this has already been answered...

    i know now that the more the tent holds the more its gunna weigh . Now, size and all around circumference really play a key part in tent hunting excluding the capacity. I am trying to find a nice compact tent between 1-5 pounds preferably. That may fit nicely in my pack and not weigh my down...
  37. S

    Help out an Aussie with shelter please..

    Hello all, when I hit the roads of Australia I need a decent shelter, here down under we have tents or swags, we don't have tarp tents or anything like that, I will need something light for my pack but I want something that will have space for my pack and items that's why I was thinking a small...
  38. Mad Max

    bevy sac-the alternative to a tent, hammock, or tarp

    One alternative to a tent, hammock, bridge, trap, or building is a called a bevy sac. I haven't met a lot of people out side of the military or survivalist type that seem to be aware of what a bevy sac is, and I am the only person I know who has one. I think they are a great option for any one...
  39. A

    Photos Hammocking picture thread

    A few photos of some cool spots along the way I've been able to hang. Others please share.
  40. Zoshpermanent

    I'd Sleep Outside Before I'd Go to a Shelter
  41. Charlie

    12'x16' tarp, tent stakes, a string, and a walking stick

    that's what I recently started using for a tent. I can wrap the tent stakes with the string, fold up the tarp and fasten to pack, and carry walking stick. The walking stick makes a great prop for hitchhiking. When I'm incognito (camping in an orchard), I can set up the tarp wide and short (hot...
  42. nostalgichobo

    Underground Shelters

    Hey guys, was just browsing the web and came across this news article about an underground shelter in Kansas City. I just didn't understand where, when & how any crimes were being committed...
  43. S

    Hennessy Hammock

    Anyone here ever used a Hennessy Hammock? What are your opinions on them?
  44. Roots317

    Bike Tube Hammock

    Been wanting to make one for awhile. Has anyone else/any tips or ideas?
  45. conner

    Compact Versatile Shelter

    Hey everyone, this is my first time on this forum, I'd appreciate any advice. I've been traveling around Asia on a motorbike for 6 months now. I haven't payed to sleep once yet, just been squatting old buildings, Couch Surfing, roughing it and camping.. until now. I lost my tent. It fell off...
  46. japanarchist

    Tent recommendations?

    Anyone have any suggestions for a decent not too expensive brand of tents? I been looking for a one person tent that's not over 5 lbs, durable 3 or 4 season, big enough to accommodate my pack and in an inconspicuous colour, nothing neon yellow or whatever. I was thinking about going with a...
  47. W

    tent groundcloth/footprint used by itself as a shelter??

    my brotha sent me some camping gear the other day and one of the things he sent was a vista tent footprint which i guess is a groundcloth for a pretty big tent. but their wasnt the tent part. so i think he meant for me to use it as a shelter. like a tarp except its a more lightweight material. i...
  48. dolittle

    HELP with link!!!

    I am trying to find a link to a hamock shelter. I thought I saw it on hear but now I can't find the link. So it might have been on another sight. But anyway. It's kinda hard to explain. It was a hammock like contraption. Looked sorta like a 3 armed starfish.(mabe only 2 arms. Can't remember.) Or...
  49. ipoPua

    Patching a Tarp?

    it's not too bad just yet but my house has a few holes in it i should probably fix up. anyone have any tips on materials or even how to do the stitching? all i ever do is a retard's running stitch but i'd like to learn how to do something sturdier
  50. Johnny Ricardo

    Gimmie shelter in SF.

    Just signed up on here. I just finished a semester at Academy of Art University, and sometimes do work in catering. Right now, I'm looking for a place in San Francisco to stay for a little while until I can get a more stable situation going in my life. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.