new mexico

  1. Caveman118


    Been off the site for a few years but I'm back, what's up all, 10+ year traveling/homesteading got a bit of land and house in taos country if anyone is passing thru.
  2. R

    Anyone familiar with BLM land in New Mexico near the Rio Grande?

    I am planning on camping long term somewhere along the Rio Grande in south New Mexico, and ideally to sustain myself mostly from the land. Does anyone have experience with this or similar?
  3. Matt Derrick

    Video A brief visit to the White Sands National Park in New Mexico!

    @Daisy and I make a very brief visit to the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. The wind was blowing super hard so the audio isn't going to be that great, but it was a fun little stop that I recommend checking out if you're in the area.
  4. NorthboundNoam

    Hey! I'm Noam

    im i traveler from israel. traveling the states with my car and looking for adventures and new friends. currently in new Mexico and trying to make my way to cali. i enjoy exploring weird places and things and try to stay off the usual route that people would take. i have been on the road...
  5. Timothy Englert

    Question New Mexico Roads suggestions

    I'll be biking to Albuquerque New Mexico next summer from Buffalo New York. What roads should I consider in New Mexico? What roads should I avoid in New Mexico?
  6. NewMexicoJim

    New Mexico On Lockdown

    New Mexico will go on lockdown starting Mon 11/16 and lasting a minimum of 2 weeks. Nonessential businesses will close. Essential businesses must limit customers. State parks will be closed. Lodging will be closed or limited. When people fail to follow the simple guidelines of...
  7. NewMexicoJim

    Following the ancients in SW New Mexico

    People have lived here for many thousands of years and some have left signs of their passing that have lasted through the ages. What were they trying to say? We can only guess. These were found while following the trail of the old Butterfield Stage Route in Grant and Luna Counties. Most of the...
  8. lemoncats

    New(ish) nomad ready to hit the road again soon!

    Hi. As it says on my profile, Ive been travelling with my partner for almost 8 years with our cats. We've kinda stayed to ourselves, living out of th car and crashing on some friend's couches. We've settled down from time to time but based on some personal situations, we have always stayed in...
  9. NewMexicoJim

    New Mexico Bliss in the Gila Wilderness

    I have just returned from two weeks in the wilderness to see the world on fire. Guess I'll be heading back soon as people all around are acting weird, angry and fearful. The Gila National Forest is immense. One hundred miles across from any direction, there is isolation in abundance. I left...
  10. NewMexicoJim

    Photos Seeking isolation in New Mexico

    Once the exclusive realm of the Apache, the San Mateo Mountains northwest of Truth or Consequences New Mexico rise in solitary splendor and are managed by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the greater Cibola National Forest. Vick's Peak rises to just over 10,000 ft at the south end of the 40...
  11. coltsfoot

    New Mexico Hot Springs Camping?

    Hey there, anyone recommend a hot spring where we can camp nearby in new mexico. preferably a spot that doesnt usually get too crowded/rowdy. thx! cf
  12. NewMexicoJim

    Nomad rubbertramp ready for the road

    Hello everyone. Having lived and worked from TX, AZ, OR, AK, NM I am now retired and ready to be a rubbertramp nomad. I'm looking for a traveling companion, company, riders, road dawgs to help and be helped. About me: 62yo gay male, skilled, experienced, wilderness camper, ready for the road...
  13. Maxnomad

    So tell me about new mexico

    I might have a line on a place to crash, kinda in the stix in a town called vallecitos. Anybody been there? What's good in nm more generally?
  14. Coywolf

    News & Blogs Greyhound vs. SEMI truck leave 7 Dead in New Mexico

    I hope no one on here was on this Bus.... Greyhound Bus, Semi-Truck Crash Head-On In New Mexico; At Least 7 Killed August 30, 201811:01 PM ET VANESSA ROMO Twitter First responders...
  15. Railroadways

    Photos New mexico hike and hot springs 2 mnths ago

  16. Dcook213

    One way trip

    Whats up yall my name ia david i am 18 years old and in alabama just moved back to be with my girlfrie d it did t work out. I have traveled with mikel knight and the mdrst so i love traveling im comfertable with it. I am just looking to get to new mexico from alabama north part. So if anyone is...
  17. SeanHarrahy

    Roswell New Mexico

    I'm going to be stuck in Roswell for a few days waiting for a group I'm meeting up with. Anyone know anything about things to do, places to sleep?
  18. T

    Socorro New Mexico

    I will be there in a few hours. Who has passed through there? What was your experience like? Do you have any interesting stories about this town? I heard that rockhounding is big in secorro county too. Any good finds around the area? Thanks in advance. Much love. -TJ 72
  19. Vanholio

    Photos luxurious Amador Hotel, Las Cruces, NM

  20. D

    Photos Buffalo in New Mexico

    Arlene - The grandest saddle mule to ever walk a trail. Back in April of '05 I had just returned to Arizona after being gone for a year working in the tiny Middle Eastern country of Qatar. The company I worked for was the 2nd worst employer I have ever had. Anyway, being back in the USA I tend...
  21. DeanBean93

    Another twenty something with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

    My name is Dean, 23 and I have no idea what the fuck I am going to do. Wasted the last six years of my life doing nothing but drinking, doing drugs and living in my imagination. Thought about moving out to California and joining a militia but someone made me realize how dumb that is. I'd...
  22. europeiantramp


    hey everyone, this is my introduction. i'm Loke, just got to the states from sweden where i grew up. have been moving around all my life, been homeless for 3 years, busking alot around europe. i play banjo and guitars. last year i've been living in south of sweden working, living in an...
  23. D

    Travel in New Mexico

    Back in April of '05 I had just returned to Arizona after being gone for a year working in the tiny Middle Eastern country of Qatar. The company I worked for was the 2nd worst employer I have ever had. Anyway, being back in the USA I tend to get bored quickly so I began to look for something to...
  24. D

    Tomahawk in New mexico

    Tomahawk in New Mexico I was at my camp in the Huachuca mountains of South Eastern Arizona, and getting a little bored. I had been living there for the winter, Surviving on the meager funds I had at my disposal and a lot of dumpster diving on the army base. There were some pretty rich...
  25. Kassy

    places to squat a night n new Mexico?

    Anyone know a good place for 5 ppl and a dog to squat in New Mexico were on our way to Dallas Texas but are prolly gonna need a place to crash on our way thru
  26. Kal

    Hitching from Pueblo Colorado to Taos New Mexico and jumping a train to Tucson Arizona

    Finally I will be hitching from Pueblo to Taos tomorrow and then from Taos I plan on jumping a train to Tucson.
  27. T

    Homeless man shot to death by police while "illegally camping" in the foothills of New Mexico

    Death to all cops! fucking fuck im so enraged right now holy shit these stupid reatarded motherfuckers whathefuck. you have several guys with guns how is a guy with two tiny knives gonna attack you with all those guns pointed at him? why use real ammo when they have "beabag" ammo? fucking...
  28. B

    Albequrque New Mexico @ Big D's

    So the special fx guy for Breaking Bad housed us up and love the traveling folk come threw anyone traveling is welcome . 406harvard st
  29. Chef

    cool ish in new mexico cerca december?

    thinkin about ridin a train to new mexico. got a week to kill and havnt gotten out of town in a while. anyone ever been to truth or consequences, nm? might wanna check out some hot springs there. any cool peeps in taos?
  30. Blackout

    farmington new mexico to san antonio TX

    so i hit the old dusty trail out of farmington to the abq i stayed there a night then i left to el pasco got stuck and met this bad ass old hitch hiker named shades i finaly got a ride out and a inter section by some crazy ass red neck. he made me drive his car for awile wile he got all drunk...
  31. Blackout

    farmington new mexico to san antonio TX

    so i hit the old dusty trail out of farmington to the abq i stayed there a night then i left to el pasco got stuck and met this bad ass old hitch hiker named shades i finaly got a ride out and a inter section by some crazy ass red neck. he made me drive his car for awile wile he got all drunk...
  32. Blackout

    new mexico to arizona

    yeah im trying to get the hell out of new mexico its cold and it sux so im heading to arizona does eny one know chill playes to stay. i hitched it there last year with some crustie kids to tempi and i liked it so im heading back is eny one heading that way by chance im bymyself