
  1. forestwitch

    experiences hitching as a transfemme?

    hey everyone, i've been hitching a lot over the past few years all over europe and i've always tried to hide my gender while doing so for safety concers by putting on different clothes and stuff. i've probably still been read as not so much gender-conforming but it never really had any effects...
  2. clockwise5000

    Considering Europe.. Cycle? Hitch? Busk?

    Sorry for the lack of structure/rambling... The postal service says my passport should be here tomorrow. Once i see it, I think I'll to book a flight from New York to maybe Spain. (cheapest from JFK). I think I saw some flights for $200-$250 as soon as two weeks in advance. I was thinking...
  3. Booneshine

    hey y'all- inexperienced lady traveller in nyc - meet up with other lady folks to share stories?

    Hey y'all-- I'm looking to meet with fellow lady travellers and get some advice on hitching and traveling alone? Would love to hear your stories and steal some o' ur smarts xx
  4. beersalt

    Shortest amount of time you hitched Cross Crounty

    Hey y'all! I'm very interested in all of you thumbin' jackass' responses in regards to the quickest amount of time you got across the whole country, via "bummin' a ride." ;) I'll be embarking on my first cross-country hitch along the I-40 here soon. Gonna try to make it from NC ~ Socal within...
  5. coltsfoot

    arcata, ca - hitchhiker ride drove off with pack and guitar

    Male/female couple, putbull named king. Woman named Angel, heavy set. Male, skinny covered in tats. They were driving a Pontiac Bonneville that barely had breaks so they probably won't have that car for much longer. Really really shitty.
  6. Buster

    Hello from a Swedish hitchhiker!

    Hello StP! My name is Buster and I just got back to Sweden after a six week hitchhiking trip from Debrecen in Hungary to Helsingborg Sweden. I'll stay in Sweden for a few weeks now but I'm currently looking in to the possibility of hitchhiking to India through all the -stan countries.
  7. P

    Hitchhiking love ?

    My questions are the following . *1 Are your relationships strained to due to extensive travel ? *2 When is love making night ? Where does love making go down ? I'm used to the woods and behind dumpsters. *3 What's the longest relationship you have had while on the rails or road ? * 4 dogs...
  8. HelianthusSpiral

    nashville to tulsa, advice for hitching newb?

    hey yall, my partner and i are on our way to tucson, making a stop in tulsa first. we are especially hoping to find a trucker(s) up for driving us. i'm curious what points in nashville are best for finding a ride out of town? any truck stops along 40W that are better for catching rides, in...
  9. Will Wood

    Knife or Multi tool, what do you carry on your belt, or in your pack?

    I've got a belt folding knife and some tools I've collected for various reasons in my back pack. I'd like to lose the weight and get a multi tool that is good enough. I'm thinking about a Stanley? It's cheep enough and good enough.? Not sure. Ideas??
  10. Lowcardd23

    Looking for hitch buddy

    Head out of Lexington ky. Looking for a hitch hike buddy to hit California with. Or if you're in California, I can catch bus there, and we can hitch hike from there
  11. Howl

    Looking for something better...

    Hello all! My name is Daryl Howl, and I'm a 20 y/o transguy from a little town called Willsboro, NY. I've not started traveling yet for a number of different reasons, but I aim to soon and hope to meet many cool people along the way. Im honestly kind of scared to travel on my own cause I'm...
  12. ElderGreen9

    Hitching virgin (hi)

    Hey all! I'm a big traveler but never hitchhiked before. Looking to explore the free traveling world more so I was thinking I'd hitch up the coast (in LA right now) to SF or even NorCal as a little sampler. I'm a big backpacker/ naturalist so I have all the gear. The only thing I feel a little...
  13. dodi

    Hitchhiking to the Outback

    Hi all :) Sooo, I am on the eve (not literally, it's gonna be in August) of an hitch-hiking trip across Australia, starting Sydney and hopefully ending in the Outback. I am after any advice about hitchiking or train hopping in that country, also ideas as to where to go. I personally have two...
  14. AaronOnTheRoad

    Gear you need for hitchhiking.

    Hitchhiking is fun and rewarding way of travel but you're going to need gear to hitchhike. So, I'm making a list for the new hitchhikers that wants to hitchhike, but has no idea what to pack. One more thing i need to express before i make this list. The gear i list is opinion based. Some gear...
  15. beginnavagabond

    Tips on Boulder to Portland

    I want to get to Portland and I am in Boulder right now and I was thinking going to Cheyenne and hitch on I-80 W. Is there a better way to get there? Have you done this route before? Let me know and thanks!
  16. AaronOnTheRoad


    Okay here in about a week i will be heading to Montana with a road dog. Once we get there i want to hit the west coast cause I've never been. I will be crossing the way to get to my dads house. Should i stop by and get a hoodie and maybe a long sleeve shirt. Im having a feeling that it's going...
  17. GuyXsmith

    Any tips for hitching the west coast?

    I'm hitching out of eugine Or lookin to get down the coast any advice on routes or cool places to camp or just any cool sites to see this is my first time coming through California
  18. AaronOnTheRoad

    what cracks me up

    When trying to hitch a ride and the driver shakes their head in sync with the passenger and don't even know they was in sync. Cracks me up
  19. archie2020

    Hitching Trip through NY to Canada (tips?)

    Hey , So I have 2 weeks of break the beginning of august but no money to do anything fun. So i decided i would go on a hitchhiking trips north to Canada by myself just for the hell of it. I will have exactly 13 days (and I have to be back by that 13th day, CANNOT be late) and am...
  20. AaronOnTheRoad

    hitchhiking with a road dog

    What's the difference from hitchhiking solo and hitchhiking with another person? Are rides the same or less likely? Just wondering
  21. Will Wood

    Found a great deal..

    Have you found a good deal on kit, or have a good link for finding the stuff we can use?? I'll start. I found a down sleeping bag for 20 bucks, and a Kelty Yukon backpack for 10 bucks. The backpack is a bit small at 48 liters, but I'm going to make it work.. I'd upload pics, but the camera...
  22. M

    Solo Female Hitching Den-SF

    So, I'm 18, and tired of mundane 9-5 societal life, and am ready to embark on a journey of spiritual growth, and personal freedom. I'm headed from Denver to San Francisco solo.. I'm semi-new to this, but am excited for something new. Debating if I want a road dog or if I can do it alone.. Any...
  23. AaronOnTheRoad

    My hitchhiking summer gear

    Okay everyone I've been reading the great information on Stp and gathered everything ill need for this trip. Please comment anything i might have missed and or what you bring that is useful. 50+5 wasing backpack One person tent Sleeping bag 1 t shirt 1 pants 3 pair of socks Muscle shirt Hygiene...
  24. Brother X

    Hitchhiking the U.S. for the Beginner

    Ran across this on FB. Read it and thought it would be good to include this here for any newbies. ========== Original: https://www.wildwill.net/blog/2017/05/31/hitchhiking-the-united-states-for-the-beginner/ Jacobi | Posted: May 31, 2017 The Hitchhiking Mindset The trick to hitchhiking is...
  25. Koala

    Photos Hitchventures & East coast exploring

    Here's some photos from the hitching trips I've done over the past few months, and some photos from a bush walk I did when I met up with @Benji91 :) they're all from the coast between Melbourne - Sydney - Brisbane, to just north of Brisbane. The old rail tunnel is in Dularcha National Park.
  26. MoHank

    Denver-Portland-Sacramento-Las Vegas

    College age guy leaving on hitchhiking trip in a few weeks. Route is Denver-Portland, Portland-Sacramento (via 101) then Sacramento-Las Vegas. First timer here! Who's got tips? Spots along that route I need to hit? How long will this probably take? Anyone been to Bitterroot National Forest...
  27. XlilyX

    cops and hitchhiking in affluent areas- San Diego

    Thought id share my recent hitchhiking experience. Was trying to go from Carmel Valley (had been there to say hi to relatives) to Carlsbad- like 20 miles up the five or something. This was my first experience dealing with cops while hitchhiking (aside from one that drove by and used his speaker...
  28. D

    Newbies looking to Hitchhike cross-country! ?

    Hello! I've been reading StP for a while now, but just posting for the first time today! As of right now, my friend Sarah and I are aiming to mostly hitchhike across the country from NYC to Los Angeles, going along the Southernmost parts of the US in mid May. We're inexperienced as hitchhikers...
  29. Shwillam

    A Warning For Anyone Planning To Hitch or Ride HWY299.

    Hey guys, just went throu this nightmare myself. The 299, about 40 miles east of Willow Creek, has a HUGE "rock" slide that's more of a "mountin" slide. Expect to wait an hour or more to get throu it EDIT: After consideration, it's actually totally worth the hour wait. Check it out, it was...
  30. Yancwhatchuwanttho

    Hitching I77 north to W.v.

    Anyone have first hand experience?
  31. SammyG

    Favorite Hitching Routes

    What are your favorites routes and destinations? Most fun cities?
  32. SammyG

    Hitching with more than one person?

    How much less viable is hitching with two people? Do you get less rides? Is it worth it?
  33. izzz

    I'm hitching the 101 from Crescent City to SF

    Hey everyone! Wondering if anyone has any suggestions... Or an extra seat in your vehicular. Or any suggestions on where to score some food? Places to crash? Anyone wanna meet? Love and respect
  34. Shwillam

    In case anyone is still afraid of hitchhiking:

  35. J

    Anyone ever hitch 99W Eugene to Corvallis?

    I tried the 99E last summer Eugene to Salem and had no luck, ended up walking most of the way then over to the 5. Just wondering if anyones had any luck on 99W. Bout to hit that ass in a couple days.
  36. syrinyx

    What is the hardest/scariest thing you've faced on the road?

    What's been your worst moment or biggest mistake or most painful decision or scariest hitch or most dangerous hike? Maybe a lost lover or solid dog? Keep it road related if possible. I want to hear about when you ran into a bear on accident and nearly shit your pants, not about your babushka...
  37. MarcellZ

    Looking for advice of road dogs of the States

    Hello everyone, I've been a casual fan of this site for the past years, and for the first time, I'm planning a hitchhiking trip. Also first time in the States. I'm looking for the advice of experienced travelers about my journey plan...
  38. Vulture

    Hitchhiking to Denver

    (a true story) I told myself three days when I got here. Then there was the beer and the dog and Meg and Savannah. Oh, then there was Earth Day. Then what's his name offered me 60 bucks to pull the weeds in his lawn. All of that and Savannah. The guy I came with is heading northwest, Portland...
  39. Billy Cougar White

    Hitch hiking trip to Tofino.....hippies, shrooms, and a commune

    My friend Mike and I are both laid off and needed to get some travelling out of our systems before we go back to work for the season. We decided to hitch hike to Tofino BC, a surfing town on the west coast of Vancouver island. so we packed a couple days of Mr. Noodles, and cheap granola bars...
  40. CowboySolo

    Hitchhiking China

    Hello SquatThePlanet! This is my first day, and also my first post. I've been trying to get as much information about hitchhiking China, though there seems to be little out there on the interweb. I've created this thread to put together on a single page any details that I might find useful, and...
  41. MoHank


    Hitchhiking Denver to LA. Who's done it? Tips? Suggestions? I am brand new to this. College age male traveling alone. -Thx
  42. Koala

    first time thumbin'

    This is a piece I've been working on from my first time hitchhiking back in March 2016. I plan on writing a full-length memoir at some point! I have a lot more that comes after this but it's quite disorganized, so I've still got a long way to go with it. Hope you enjoy what I've got so far :)...
  43. briancray

    Video Hitchhiking around Hawaii

    Just a short video of my time in Hawaii over the past few months with my wife. I am highly considering going back there to check out the Big Island and Molokai when we have the money, the only islands we never got the chance to explore. If you are considering heading out there you won't regret...
  44. carol

    canada to alaska

    has anyone hitchhiked from canada to alaska before? i really want to go to alaska this summer, and i can't find any cheap bus ride or trains that go to alaska. any tips help guys!
  45. D

    Video Old vid of Tomahawk hitching in Maine

    Sent from my iPhone using Squat the Planet Mobile
  46. Y

    Rails or hitching from Olympia

    Headed southbound out of Olympia today, any tips/advice for a new traveler? Or tips of the turf? (From Seattle and don't know Olympia well)
  47. Brother X

    What will autonomous or driverless cars mean for hitching?

    I was listening to a market report this morning and they were discussing driverless and autonomous cars. The industry experts all said driverless/autonomous cars will be in the market by 2020 or 2030 latest. That's not distant future anymore! I began to imagine how this will affect a rider's (no...
  48. S

    new to most of this,

    hi! my name's izze, i'm looking to get out of sacramento for awhile and wander once i figure out what i'm going to do with school. i'm currently a senior in highschool and it is taking a toll on my mental health which has already affected me for a long time now. i plan to either get my ged...
  49. iamwhatiam

    Help us find this thief: Hitchhiking ride stole a travelers dog, backpack, and Banjo. Keep on the lo

    Reposting this from Reddit/r/vagabond: Attention: looking for a theif. My friend Jesse Carlson was in a hitchhiker ride in Georgia , when he took a piss at the gas station, they drove away with his dog, gear and banjo. Happened an hour ago. The guys name is Seth, he is 28, and has a tattoo of...
  50. shabti

    Hitchwiki, as good as we make it.

    So I'm on my first long term road trip since joining the site. We went through all of northern Cali, and It was my first time hitching. A lot of really cool people and experiences, but there was one thing that stuck out to me: how obsolete most of the info on Hitchwiki is, and how perfectly...