
  1. O

    Püssi Punk - Estonia

    Püssi is still alive! On June 20th and 21st, all the interested will be showered with bad music and all the other great things . This is the party with the cheapest tickets (0 €) and best lineup (you will hear soon) in the world. Good has never been so good........ There will be music bands that...
  2. reeed

    Everybody gets a free house party

    Wana join my political house party? Everybody Gets a Free House Party Overview The 'Everybody Gets a Free House' Party is a political party and organizing platform advocating for free housing for everyone. It's simple; Everybody gets a free house. Our goal is not affordable housing - our goal...
  3. Framese

    How do you get a free hotel room?

    Is there anyone that has a solid theory on getting hotel rooms for free? I wonder if there's a certain kind of person that puts up travelers. Is there a state they're from, or a universal way to put asking to share a room with someone you don't know, but with no hidden requirement? I feel like...
  4. Section8

    Free Rides North from Vancouver

    Free Pizza, free liqour. Going to Dawson City. Got 3 seats or 4 seats if you're okay being cozy... or a dog. Got room for cargo too.
  5. Stevie hebe

    Question Where to find free anchorage?

    I just got a boat in LA but I'm looking for places to moor or anchor without paying the man or having the man come down on me. Any ideas or suggestion for the west coast LA long beach area?
  6. Hyphae

    Breaking Free

    Hello, my name is Skyler, I am 21 years old, I grew up in Oregon and currently live in Washington. I have been dreaming of having my own van since I was 12 years old and it's something I've been working on to this day. I enjoy hiking, mushroom hunting, gardening, and anything out in nature. I...
  7. BennyLurks

    Free Hep C Cure in Southern Ohio

    Southern Ohio has an Outreach Program that gives out free HEP C medication after a blood draw sample. They then call in the proper meds for your specific stage of Hep. It's free. Here's the phone number and it is in different locations throughout the month: (740) 999-4372
  8. Jeddar

    Free COVID tests @ USPS

    Hey! Just wanted to drop a line for anyone in or coming to the US. USPS (post office) is offering free COVID home tests to any and all. Hope this helps someone:) Jeddar Felix
  9. NightWalk

    ( Free Party France Archive )

    Hello ! Les Free Party appelé aussi Rave est un mouvement toujours actif mais illégal en France et en Europe . La Plupart des Free Party sont Organisée dans la Nature / Champ ou dans des Hangars désinfectés . On y joue différent Style de musique comme la Tribe , Hardcore , Transe , Drum'N...
  10. Taylorwltrs

    Anyone in sac want to see a free punk show tomorrow?

    So yeah, hella short notice. I was going to try to make it out, bought the ticket n everything but I'm seeing it's not gonna work out for me last minute. Main band is The Queers. 90s garage punk I'd say. Ticket were only 15 so it's not much of a loss on my end, just figured if someone was in the...
  11. MetalBryan

    Free tents (and other camping gear) in the news

    Here's a story about a UK festival where the estimate (reddit) 60,000 tents and an estimated (reddit) 1 million pounds sterling of camping gear was left behind at the festival. If there isn't already an...
  12. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How to find free tarp and corage?

    I'm extremely tight on fundz right now, I want to make myself a emergency diy shelter with corage, a tarp and with some trees. Where are some free places that might help assist with getting me these things?
  13. isaiah

    best places for free camping near santa Barbara?

    Does anyone know a good camping site around santa Barbara? Where I won't get hassled for sleeping or stabbed for my stuff? Lol
  14. Lamentations

    Free utilities

    I know in a lot of abandoned buildings, there's a power box with no lock. You just take the little piece of red tape out from between the two currents, open up the meter and stuff something in between the dial and the thing that holds it to stop it from rotating, and voila! You have free power...
  15. Timothy Englert

    Free Legal Camping in NY State Forests

    IF you are traveling across southern NY/PA border, be sure to check out the NY-DEC website list of numerous state forests. Most allow free camping up to 3 days with groups up to 10 persons. The DEC has state forests all over NY but there are 100s of them along the southern counties. List of...
  16. Animalia777

    Glad to be a member. Anyone have any suggestions on cheap or free dental care?

    Hi all, been off the road for a few years, but I lost my job and place due to the virus, I've missed it anyway. If anybody knows any place to get cheap dental work done (I'm talking root canals, so fairly intensive) I'd appreciate it. I'm aware of dental schools that do reduced pricing so if you...
  17. D

    Free UP Patches.

    Found these on some old hats, in the basement of old hotel I was helping demo, right near the yard here in Winnemucca. I'd say 70's/early 80's. The hats were too rotten to keep so yeah....anybody want these??
  18. TheUndeadPhoenix

    [NYC area] Two free 16'x12' tarps to a good home

    Looking to give away one or both of these tarps. I bought them back in 2016 and left them in a drawer and never used them. Only discovered that they're too big for what I need like 3 days ago. The colors were listed as brown and green, though the green is more of an aqua. Will bring to you if...
  19. D

    Free Love and Orgies?

    I mean, do these things really happen on the road? Like hippie free love-type things? Free love religions, orgies and all that? Asking for a friend.
  20. MetalBryan

    28 days for $420, become a yoga instructor and eat free meals

    To be upfront, I don't know shit about yoga and don't fancy myself being restrained enough to live here for a month... but my friend was telling me about this last night - Living Yoga Training - Month Long Immersion Program -...
  21. D

    The prisoners who walk free

    Do you spend so much time alone that it feels like your in solitary confinement? I always wanted to write a book about the effects of bad choices in life and the long lasting social effects... Or at least, how it looks from my perspective... What amazes me, is how you can be free and walking the...
  22. Jackthereaper

    Free Ivermectin / heartguard

    Hi, i just realized that some people here might not have the resources to give their dog heartworm treatment. If anyone really needs it plz pm me any address you can have a letter sent to. I will send ivermectin cattle formula, 1ml (cheapest source of the drug) which when diluted will give a...
  23. David1

    Ride Twin Cities Light Rail/Northstar Commuter Train for free with VA ID Card

    At least that is what I was told by my VA rep in Saint Cloud,MN as I need to sometimes shuttle back and forth between Saint Cloud,Northtown and the Minnie VA on the Northstar Train
  24. Ragtag Dumpster

    What ive been up to. Also looking for free goats

    Ive dissapeared a bit since i came to northern minnesota. Ive been living off grid in the wilderness while harvesting wild rice, duck hunting, fish netting, growing food, and lots of other cool shit. Been about 7 months. Feels like years. Welp, time to move on going to oregon now and im going to...
  25. Lynora

    Learn Boatbuilding Free--Plus Free Housing and Food

    Hi all. I'm a long time lurker. Love this place, and I've gotten lots of valuable info here. Thought maybe I could return the favor. Not last winter, but the winter prior I did this free 9 month wooden boatbuilding apprenticeship (Sept-June) on the coast of Maine. It's a pretty good gig...
  26. S

    Free or cheap fast food

    This may be common knowledge, & I apologize if so. But, I download all the apps on WiFi o see the deals, so... 1. If you sign up on steak n shakes website, for promotions, you get a free double cheeseburger & fries. Done this multiple times. 2. Jersey Mikes gives a free 1/2 sub on your...
  27. findfoot

    HOUSELESS RECORDS: Front Porch Tour

    Hi humans, I have these projects and I'm working on a house show tour August - November 2019. Calling all musicians and people to check it out and maybe get involved. This is letter has more details and a cheesy anecdote (cause it was aimed towards housies). Wanna host a show...
  28. Aria

    the Universe gave me free weed

    as I walked out to go hop a train, I was walking in a construction zone. behold! a nugget of the dankest kush I've ever seen. So I headed back to my roommates apartment to share it with them. I have put off the last day, and will leave soon.
  29. MetalBryan

    Free Boat in Baltimore - link in post 1 week old

    "Free, tall rig, furling sail. engine in good shape. needs keel bolts fixed, I have all the materials to do the job but I do not have the time. Free, at young's boat yard in sparrows point."
  30. Coywolf

    Judge Throws Out Panhandling Law, Says Physical Interaction Is Free Speech

    Fuck Arkansas. Praise for the ACLU. Judge Throws Out Panhandling Law, Says Physical Interaction Is Free Speech - LAW Judge Throws Out Panhandling Law, Says Physical Interaction...
  31. drewcrime

    Free Boat

    Found in Jacksonville FL. I believe this is not too far from Green Cove Springs Marina, an affordable do it yourself boat yard.
  32. Durp

    Free mental health resources?

    Been coming to terms that I may need some help. Anyone have resources for free mental health clinics? The pain is starting to be more then I can handle.
  33. mazapunx

    Free wood cabins around Europe?¿

    Hii!!:):) I'm looking for some cabins around Europe. Could anyone help me or offert me some plan?? i need some place to rest from this fucking world, and find somewhere where i could do my shitty stuff Thanks you all!::cat::
  34. DoctorZ

    Using Casino Buses To Get Around Minnesota For Free

    I don't know if anything like this has been suggested on here before, but a guy I know travels all around our State of Minnesota for FREE by using Casino Buses! Most of our Native American Owned gambling casinos offer FREE bus service to their establishments. My buddy simply hops on their...
  35. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How to keep really warm on a tight budget/for free with fall/winter camping?

    Hello there People! thanks so much if you decide to read this, as i need to know something to survive and stay warm in the bush with my fiance during the rest of october in northern ontario, canada. For the past 3 months, me and my bf have been sleeping in a tent in the bush ( cuz we are...
  36. NotSoSchwillyWilly

    What are some relatively safe spots to stay the night in New Orleans? Whether a place to sleep in the van or free camping spots near the city

    I want to have a general idea of guaranteed spots we can stay, that aren't far from the safe spots of New Orleans.
  37. D

    Getting Free Shit...All...The...Time...

    So maybe I'm talking to the wrong crowd here, but does anyone ever feel exhausted from being on the receiving end of free shit when traveling? On my way back to Wa this year I scored a Canon 40D and a pair of brand new combat boots that I later found out to be worth 200 buckaroos. That on top of...
  38. General Semantics

    Free Squatrod in LA

    Hello friends As an intro to this wonderful community I'd like to offer up my old van-friend called Ruben. I recently left LA after being stuck there for almost a decade. Got my squatting and anarcho roots there. I haven't paid rent since 2013 after reading that's what Noam Chomsky did. I...
  39. M

    Free downloaded music on the road

    Not sure which forum to put this in... wanted to share this app my friend told me about called Fildo. You can download full albums free.
  40. Gwasher

    Free water locations while traveling. Is there already a list?

    I was walking through a redneck town in north Ga and I was incredibly thirsty. I started to get a little nervous bc its 90 degrees by noon and im miles from a store. I got an idea to cut through a closed for the summer middle school campus. low and behold a water spout right next to the playing...
  41. Connorb47

    Free camping index?

    I recently started rubber tramping from hitching and hopping and well i remember one time being picked up and a girl had told me that she found an index or forum type thing, of travelers who compiled a list of free campgrounds, and what not throughout the US. I know i usually just pull off some...
  42. Dunedrifter

    Free digitized copy of The Tramp’s Handbook

    I stumbled across this interesting book called “The Tramp’s Handbook”, that was written in England in 1903 by Harry Roberts. Full of fascinating folklore for living the tramp’s life from back in the day, that’s still very applicable today. Click this link...
  43. BalancingBear

    Having Healthy Fur Friends Fur Free!

    I have had many great furry companions on the road with me and a concern has always been ensuring their health and safety regardless of what I put myself through. I have discovered VCA ANIMAL HOSPITALS, which are located all across the country, have pleasant and helpful vets and offer FREE...
  44. M

    Free Museum Show on Moniker Art

    Late June to Late October Massillon Museum Ohio
  45. D

    National parks free. Only one day a year each park.
  46. Coywolf

    All I want to do is drink beer, ride trains, and be free...

    Howdy, StP. Some of y'all know me. I've been around here for a bit. I started this whole online traveling info journey when DigiHitch was still around. And eventually migrated over to StP when I posted about alternate sites to go to when they announced they were going down. Lo, and behold, I...
  47. pcflvly

    Free beer in Asheville

    I was spared the rain while I slept in Waynesville but by the time I finished my coffee and packed the bike, it began. I rode on into a drizzle. It didn't last long. Just all the way through town and past Lake Junaluska. I pulled my hat down low and kept pedaling. My route to Asheville passed...
  48. beersalt

    Anyone gonna be @ Folk Life 2018?

    Gonna be trying to attend the annual Folk Life Festival in Seattle,WA this year. It’s held at the end of May- and I’m gonna be round there bangin’ on a washboard, and hoping to jam with any and all. It’s also cohesive with apple picking season, (so I’ve heard) and may be a good opportunity for...
  49. Dunedrifter

    Free lunch for volunteering at the Food Bank

    So I’ve worked at a food bank for the past year, and have some insight as to how you can get a belly full of good food for a few hours of volunteering your time. Most every small town has a food bank, and if you show up to help sort produce, stock shelves, sweep, or whatever needs to be done...
  50. NapalmBreath

    Eugene Friday Food Not Bombs

    Every Friday from 3-5ish Food Not Bombs has a free vegan meal served at either Kesey Square (if it's sunny) or under cover at the park blocks if it's raining. Anyone interested in helping cook can email for the address. we start around noon and usually head downtown...