east coast

  1. tenderowl

    East Coast / NC / TN / VA dispersed camping

    Heya lovely folks, I'm living up in Nova Scotia, planning a road trip in my hatchback with my sweet puppy down through Maine to spend time in the Ashevile, NC, TN, VA, & Atlanta, GA areas. My trip is pretty flexible and I am primarily seeking to connect with like-minded individuals &...
  2. myusername

    Question East Coast Route Experience

    Hey guys! I am new to trainhopping and am currently curious about the route from Lynchburg, VA to Atlanta through Greensboro on NS 13R and 25A. Has anyone been on that specific route? Security seems low in VA and NC but a bit higher in Atlanta. What time of day do they show up in your...
  3. fatberg

    calling all NYC queerdos

    I would love to form community with nyc/brooklyn queerdos and freaks who live the nomadic life. I'm a new van lifer and new to the city. Settling in well to my nomadism, but wanting more community with the transients. I also travel to Philly often and sometimes Baltimore. Mostly, I'm seeking...
  4. marmar

    Meet up east coast, NYC?

    I was wondering if any van dwellers are around North East or New York city specifically and wanna meet up. I've been back to the city on and off for a year and split time between city and the mountains, been living in my new van full time for a few months now. I feel pretty good in the van when...
  5. R

    Newb here!

    Hey all! New to the nomad lifestyle, still learning but hopefully starting soon as I feel a huge call towards it! I'm 25 & just moved to Richmond Virginia in the northside. Just kinda exploring things right now! I have complex ptsd and some physical limitations but I'm consciously focusing on...
  6. fatberg

    Are tires cheaper depending in what region you get them replaced?

    I have a Honda Pilot that I am moving into at the start of March. The tire treads are pretty low and I should get them replaced, and I'm wondering if that would be cheaper to do depending on where I am. I'm starting out in Baltimore, and my first stops are Richmond, VA and FL. Does anybody know...
  7. otch0z

    Hitchiking the east coast of USA as a woman alone : am i gonna die ?

    Hey y'all ! I'll make this quick. I have experience hitchiking alone in eastern Canada and France. I've been wanting to go back to NOLA for a while now (so it's a Montreal to NOLA kind of situation) But I'm worried about hitchiking alone in the states because, well, people seem more dangerous...
  8. D

    hoofing the east coast greenway

    i know this has been posted about under bike touring, but has anyone ever walked a good chunk of this? is it worth fkn with or might as well do the AT...? thinking about spring SBD from the NE
  9. Ani mal

    Need rainbow light line numbers for east coast

    So my adopted mom is hitting the road for the first time since she had kids. And i would like her to have a copy of all light line number incase she needs to get info or help of some kind. Shes n older women now n hasnt been to a gathering in some time now n lost contact with fam yrs ago due to...
  10. Spooky Biscuits

    Winter spots that are warm and have work.

    There's another thread, but everybody in it seems to crash at their parents places. I'm looking for actual squatter friendly areas in the US, hopefully find work as well.
  11. Koala

    Photos East Coast Road Trippin

    I just drove with my grandma (Nana) from Florida to Pennsylvania and took a lot of pictures along the way! Tallahassee, FL Mobile, AL Some bandos on the way to Montgomery, AL Selma, AL Montgomery, AL Atlanta, GA Chattanooga, TN DeButts Yard..... :p...
  12. Timelurk

    queerdo new to east coast

    Hiii fellow freaks new in town. kinda wierded out that this website pulled a pic of me from somewhere, w/o me knowing how. .. any way I will be on the east coast in June for the first time and need to make my way from new orleans to baltimore by june 21st it is for a job, and i never have...
  13. JSO

    Howdy, bumming down the east coast

    Been living in Brooklyn, working at a bookstore, then recently I got fed up, realized there was nothing that had to be done, and I didn't want to do that anymore. I'm headed down to Florida, currently on a buddy's couch in northern VA. Hope to hit Charlotte next, or perhaps Raleigh, I think I...
  14. croc

    Maybe I'm romanticizing the lifestyle and won't last... Only one way to find out

    Hey folks, I'm Lyle, 22 from the east coast of FL. I've been dreaming of getting rid of all my shit and leaving my starchly white, republican hometown for years now. So while I've been looking for someone else to travel with, I've taken to researching everything I can. Made this account a few...
  15. Koala

    Photos Hitchventures & East coast exploring

    Here's some photos from the hitching trips I've done over the past few months, and some photos from a bush walk I did when I met up with @Benji91 :) they're all from the coast between Melbourne - Sydney - Brisbane, to just north of Brisbane. The old rail tunnel is in Dularcha National Park.
  16. Gypsybones

    Has any one ridden the East Coast Greenway?

    About to leave Greensboro and head up to philly via the ECG. Has anyone done this or live near it or know anything I should do that is cool around it? Hell, anyone ridding it or want to and can get up and go asap? get at me nurds! check out my travel blog n shit...
  17. elliemichele

    Hey guys, first time female traveler here.

    Hey everyone, it's always been a dream of mine to travel without a car etc. Decided it's (finally) time to leave. Always been interested in trains and hitchhiking since I was a kid. I'm leaving from North East Pennsylvania, I'm hoping to end up somewhere in the west. Any advice/tips is...
  18. K

    News & Blogs East coast snow storm forecasted this weekend

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you haven't found a way out you may want to get indoors or hunker down for a few. Be safe! Snow Storm Forecast to Wallop East Coast Takes Shape Over Plains Alexander Smith COMMENTSThe Weather Channel. "It is going to snow hard and it's going to be...
  19. 4t7

    east coast to west without a license

    Has anyone ever driven without a license? Long distance? [emoji604] How terrible of an idea is this? [emoji600] If I get pulled over but still have legit title, registration, and insurance how fucked over would I be? [emoji601] Looking to hear stories/advice on this that any of you...
  20. teejay

    East Coast Greenway

    I've begun planning my first cross country bike trip & I'm just looking for some general pointers and/or personal experiences from others who have travelled via the same means. I plan on taking the east coast greenway from Worcester, MA to Key West. I have a touring road bike with 21 gears, it's...
  21. Crack Rock Savior

    [Sept 27-29] East Coast Tsunami Fest

    East Coast Tsunami Fest is basically a huge, one stop hardcore fest in Reading, Pennsylvania. Yeah, I know, it's not the best area ever, but I actually live close by, so I was wondering if I was going to be seeing anyone there? Tickets are a little pricey, but Hatebreed is headlining, so I think...
  22. sparky

    WA To East Coast

    Whats up guys, Just got of the navy chillin in Bremerton WA right now looking for someone to head to the East Coast with.
  23. TanMan

    East Coast Kid Looking to Live.

    I'm a 17 year old kid from Rhode Island developing an ever-growing obsession with adventure. I've always wanted to get away. I've spent months planning, plotting.. Sharpie to Road Atlas. Printing pictures. Researching hitching laws, researching train routes, types and stations; organizing places...
  24. bryanpaul

    [Sep 29, 2012] East Coast Tsunami Fest (hardcore/punk) (Reading, PA)

    D.R.I....Sick of It All...Agnostic Front...Blood For Blood.....Common Enemy...Ensign...Murphy's Law...Shutdown...Leftover Crack...H2O...the Casualties...........etc etc etc.........reading PA, sept. 29 and 30th " The East Coast Tsunami Fest 2012 is coming quickly! The lineup is set, the...
  25. Sauv89

    East Coast / Barrier Islands Mid July

    I'm heading to Rainbow Gathering and after I'd like to kick it in the Carolinas for a bit. I was thinking about heading to Greenville,SC and making my way to the SC/GA border. I have friends and family out there who will host a few ppl . I plan on going to one of the Barrier Islands for a week...
  26. fateoficarus

    East coast road trip

    Right, so I'm travelling from D.C. to Birmingham during September. I know where I'm going and what I'm doing in D.C. and B'ham, but there's a lot of space in between. Anyone know good places to check out in Atlanta or elsewhere in the Southeast?
  27. dontworryaboutme

    Sights along the east coast suggestions (rva, nola, jax)

    Traveling through some of these cities for the first time, and i want to see all the awesome (free/cheap) sights available. Really want to see the under belly of these cities. interesting stores, city parks, freight related sights, abandoned buildings, etc. Looking for info on Richmond VA...
  28. Gypsymouse

    Anyone From the East Coast?

    I'm From the East Coast Looking for some new adventure especially when it warms up :B
  29. B

    Central --> East Coast "A Brothers Quest"

    Hello, I am looking to go from Chicago to Washington DC, and was wondering if anyone knew how long it would take or if they wanted to tag along for the ride. I want to visit my brother which is near the border of D.C. in virginia. This would be my first time but for those who might be...
  30. G

    New in east coast

    Hey Names brian in late tenns in the philly area. Kind of new to all this but liking what ive seen so far. Benn an anarchist for a while so this is how i was introuduced to squating and all that etc. Hope to learn alot thanks
  31. Whiteyisacommiefaggot

    East Coast

    First timer for heading out east. As A Cali boy, I'm pretty used to the whole liberal, laid back, attitude and I hear that the east coast is completely different from what I am used to... So, any advice that will help keep me from ending up dead and sodomized in a dark alleyway would be...
  32. Japhy

    East coast travel?

    My friend billy and I want to travel fairly soon, with time to get our packs ready. We reside in buffalo, NY. If anyone has any idea where a good place to travel to for a little while, I'd be more than thankful for your help. I'm new at this, so all the help is appreciated.
  33. Dillinger

    Biking, East Coast, Maybe More, Idk, idk idk we'll see.

    How do you kids get away with biking around the states? I have no idea where to start and stop. I'd like to whore out the Appalachian trail for a bit and get off and keep on going. But how could I find exactly WHERE to bike. say from Penn. to SD? Bah. thanks everyone. -Dillinger
  34. Ramblin_Rose

    east coast travelers

    Oi is there anyone who wants to hitch in May to somewhere. I want to go out to Cali and squat and hit up some concerts and generally meet people. I do not have the money for a plane or train but cannot hitch by myself. Anyone down? I'd love a traveling compainion! PM me! I'm excited!