
  1. Devogsh

    new podcast !

    guys i made a podcast/online radio called crustcast , we share underground music , metal,folk,folkpunk.punk rap u name it please check it out and submit your music at
  2. K

    DIY Island Offshore and Off the Grid

    Came across this and wasn't sure if it had been posted on here before or not. Here's a short video of it along with an article. It’s sorta like a moored houseboat, but bigger: a Canadian family built an...
  3. K

    New Jersey DIY Skatepark Warehouse

    Short interesting video, feel free to move this to a different section, just putting it here cause they said they've been living there for 5 years.
  4. Raven1998

    Los Angeles DIY and Anarchist resources?

    hellooooo I'm in the L.A wasteland area and am looking for some info shop type places. Anyone know of anything? I've found this, but wondering about some other stuff as well.
  5. Matt Derrick

    Video DIY Tarp Shelter | Desert Camping

    @HippieGangster's improvised shelter while squatting in Southern Utah:
  6. Matt Derrick

    Idaho modern oldtimer builds underground & solar $50 houses

    i think the house in this video is beautiful, i'd totally live there.
  7. Matt Derrick

    $150 bike camper: DIY micro mobile home

    you can buy the plans for this trailer here:
  8. nobrains

    Couple of DIY pack ideas

    Stopped in my home town for a bit after I wrecked my car. Now that I'm back on foot I have to find myself something better than a rucksack with a couple of tied-on straps I salvaged from a pack rotting near a yard. Army surplus here wants $60 for an ALICE without a frame, $100 with frame. The...
  9. D

    Lazy and Low Impact DIY

    I want punk and fucked up clothes, but I just can't bring myself to do it, myself. "Lazy" is the easiest thing to say, but honestly with all I'm going through in the area I'm currently in my energy is being sapped from having such hard times. I would just give stuff for someone to DIY punk/...
  10. warlo

    Help needed on DIY backpack project.

    Hello everybody, Recently I posted a DIY backpack project (Linyera Backpack Project) and been traveling around with it successfully. Now im stayin for long in Oslo and decided to make a new version with what I have learned. Considering that I got now a sewing machine and loads of recycled...
  11. Odin

    Video DIY Submarines...

    So I got the idea to look up some vids on this subject. I didn't think it would be such a thing... but I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of youtube vids on it. Also, seems if your innovative it might not even cost a fortune. Even got a fellow from china hashing together something...
  12. iamwhatiam

    Hardcore Alaskan diy sourdough formed his own dentures from animal teeth

    A couple years back, I saw a listing on craigslist for a ~40 acre riverfront remote parcel of land in Eagle, AK listed for around 40k and was reminded of that when I read this article. I just found this article and thought it was an interesting read - to think of how self-sufficient &...
  13. Matt Derrick

    Living on a DIY riverbed island in the mountains of Kosovo

    Living on a DIY riverbed island in the mountains of Kosovo JUNE 1, 2015 There’s a guy who has built his own island on a riverbed at the foot of the Prokletije Mountains in Kosovo. I got his attention and he...
  14. warlo

    DIY Backpack (Linyera Project)

    Linyera Project is a series of Do It Yourself projects that I have started with the aim of replacing all my equipment. I make an effort to keep things simple, durable, lightweight and easy to replicate for anyone who would like something similar. The original post comes from a website where I...
  15. Psylock1045

    DIY bike tools?

    Anybody have advice for how to make your own bike tools, particularly the fourth hand cable stretcher tool? That bastard is expensive ( cheapest I found was $32 ) and I'm kinda broke.
  16. VikingAdventurer

    Video DIY welding using car batteries!

    I randomly came across this video today, and I figured that it might be quite useful to those of us who are of the rubbertramping/homesteading inclination. :D
  17. murdermittenkid


    So i thought some people might find these little fuckers handy. I use them for my cooking stuff and rain gear. You can get all the materials for free and theyre kinda fun to make. You can use an old shoe lace instead of paracord and you can go to any thrift shop and cut the cordlocks off a...
  18. Tude

    DIY Greenhouses

    Did a search to see if anyone else had anything in for green houses. I'm rather liking the pvc and plastic ones - these go from really cheap to a more sturdy frame (and it looks like someone could live in them). The one built from recycled storm windows is also very interesting. ________...
  19. boomkattack

    Looking to start DIY community space/music venue collective

    So as the title of the thread states, I wanna start a DIY collective space/workers co-op. You know, one that caters to the community and gives back. During the day it functions as a creative/art space where people can host events, workshops, classes, etc and at night, it's a music venue for up...
  20. Raging Bird

    Resources for DIY Boatmaking

    Hey guys, first foray into the boat punk subforum here. I see a lot of threads about finding work on a boat, but has anyone had any experience building their own raft or boat on the cheap before? I'm looking for a project to work on this winter before it warms up here in Richmond and I'm...
  21. K

    Tiny house DIY in the jungle

    Check out the shack this lady built for herself in Hawaii. Thirteen pages with brief descriptions and videos. Not extremely instructional, but lots of ideas. Page 1 of 13 Next >> Overview: My Tinyhouse Story - With...
  22. Nikki

    DIY Cases?

    Anybody got any ideas on making a homemade mandolin case? help! :p
  23. shabti

    DIY capo

    So the guitar I dumpstered can't play open chords without a capo, so I made one out of rubber bands and chopsticks. ;)
  24. MEOW


    I want to see everyone's diy clothes! i'm talking vests, jackets, crust pants, hoodies, bags, whatever. Lets see what ya got STP. to start i'll post a pic of the latest vest i'm working on. i'll upload my jackets and such later after i grab the pics of the camera
  25. johnnymarie

    Hot Pants - DIY Gynecological Herbal Remedies

    have you ever found yourself knocked the fuck up, wishing you had a way to get the spawn of satan out of your uterus without shelling out big bucks or having your vag invaded by someone with a questionable medical degree? do you ever wish you had something without 98 gross chemical ingredients...
  26. A

    DIY Bike Panniers from recycled kitty litter buckets.

    If you ever looked into buying panniers, you have probably found out they are one of those items on the niche market of cycling touring equipment that can be quite expensive. Even used they can run around $100. There are a lot of cheap and easy diy's out there if you do a google search. My...
  27. mistahedges

    DIY theatre Project about gentrification in New Orleans

    What happens when two down on their luck gutter punks get mistaken for a famous graffiti artist? When Lane and Igor think they find the perfect place to squat for the night, they also stumble upon the perfect scam. Down to their last beer, they fall asleep in an abandoned building that two...
  28. steelcitybrew

    Show off your DIY Camper Vans!

    I'm sittin here waiting for the girlfriend to get back. So, I figured I'd snap some pictures of the van, and maybe start up a thread to show off the vans any of yeahs live in or have lived in. I'll start 'er off. I got me a Chevy express 2500 extended. Had it for about 4 or 5 months, been...
  29. Isaiah54

    DIY bike panniers

    Not sure whether to post this in how to or bike touring. I made panniers out of kitty litter tubs so I can lug shit around on the cheap. They are awesome, you can remove them and take them in places so your stuff doesn't get stolen. They seem very durable. This guy took pictures and showed...
  30. Scotty

    DIY portable guitar amp - easy easy

    Hey.. one time I came home and my brother was gone.. I go digging through all his stuff and checking out his projects.. he was hacking cigar box guitars and portable amps, etc. The amp he made (out of my speakers!) was just the guts of a 9v computer speaker with its 1/8th jack replaced with a...
  31. ipoPua

    saving a diy venue?

    one of the absolutely most important local independent showplaces is on the verge of being shut down for noise violations. the cops told the owner that if they held one more show he'd be arrested, so i was wondering if anyone on the site had any tips regarding giving up ownership to a collective...
  32. cport420

    Weed Wacker Bike DIY

  33. lalalazoe

    possibly starting up new collective house/ infoshop / diy music venue in miami, FL. who's in ?

    don't know very many radical folks down here. im from miami originally and this city is lacking in one too many areas. miami needs a radical social center type space (infoshop, anarchist cafe, lending library, diy music venue, etc.) FNB miami is dead- they need a space... the community here...
  34. erthenkin

    Calling for submissions for my DIY Prrmaculture Zine!

    More becoming a manifesto! Calling for a mass kollaboration kontribution to earth kinnection's first real zine manifesto; 'Primal Prrmaculture' ... Kollective Kollaboration / DIY Manifesto! .. Advocating simple to build, symbiotic and down to earth systems! A kollection encouraging...
  35. Alexander


    So, I was manic as fuck last year and pretty much walked/biked/hitched...sometimes with cops from Chicago to Milwaukee to meet a girl. During my journey I stumbled upon a mcdonalds and it was quite hot out at the time. I think I was hungry but that was beside the point at the moment. So, I go...
  36. travis

    Anxiety aka DIY tinfoil hats.

    I've been traveling off and on since 2003. When I can afford it. Rag on me all you'd like but I try to make my way with a few bucks here and there. I'd rather not spange if I can help it, but I'm not above doing so. Not all of us can live off of our parents. I do however have a moderately decent...
  37. sierra conley

    DIY Sailboat Meetup Guatemala

    Couldn't find a thread on this. Not gonna be able to make it unfortunately.
  38. JackieBlue

    DIY Gear

    I thought this might be a helpful and comprehensive guide to making as much of your own gear as you can. :) Enjoy!
  39. Rolling Blackouts

    DIY Documentaries / No Budget Films

    I think a lot have already been aforementioned, and have running links elsewhere on the site, but I figured it might be worthwhile to start a running thread. There's a seemingly endless supply of liberal/wing-nutty/corporate/high production value documentaries out there - but the legit low/no...
  40. slurricane

    just finished DIY saddlebags, for the furry friends

    boyfriend made this one [wehavethemap] alice pack pockets, neoprene and carhartt frame, leather strap brackets or whatever, walmart shopping cart baby straps AND here's the ones i have made, for my beloved euphrates neoprene, carhartt, bike tube and leather and baby straps shopping cart...
  41. acrata4ever

    DIY amplifier ok this seems to be a walkman the magnetic tape head is removed and a guitar jack put in its place. the headphone jack is replaced with a mono 1/8" jack and connected to a piezo disc buzzer like in an alarm clock. the piezo is glued to the tin can...
  42. DaisyDoom

    DIY Grappling Hook Launcher

    I don't climb trees (yet) or know anything about grappling hook launchers but I came across this awhile go and thought some climbers here might appreciate it.
  43. xbocax

    DIY Dog Food

    Just got a puppy and was trying to figure out what i could get her from the dumpster and what the best diet was so this is what i read up on Interestingly, domestic dogs are unlike cats in that dogs are not “obligatory carnivores.” A cat is: it must have a diet high in animal protein. Dogs...
  44. RnJ

    DIY / Traditional Tattoos

    OK, this thread is long overdue. While stick and pokes, which I know are probably pretty popular with you kids, can be discussed here, the topic is in fact much broader. I think we can discuss any tattoos which are not done with modern machines. I have only one tattoo, which was done by...
  45. Dishka8643

    DIY Polyurethane foam winter clothing

    So I thought this was pretty neat. It's a basic guide on how to make a full set of winter clothing out of "super soft" poly foam sheets. Following the basic principals outlined in this article, you can make everything from pants, parka, mittens, mukluks, hat, and sleeping bag. The foam material...
  46. anyways

    DIY Abortion???????

    So I'm not sure if I'm going to need this information or not at this juncture in time .... but I'm getting a little nervous about my lack of period and figured I should start looking into this. Okay so I'm not going to be shoving a coat hanger up my shit.... so if anyone knows about any safe...
  47. xbocax

    DIY Explosives

    Hey Yall Im sure a surplus of you have played with explosives here and there and I wanted to know if anyone could share some fun but farely safe ways to make explosives. I really want to prank my friend by puting an explosive in a box covered in frosting which would look like a cake for his...
  48. Magma

    DIY Haircuts

    My hair has gotten a bit unruly, time to tame them. Anyone got any tips or techniques they can recommend on cutting your own hair? Got any past experiences good or bad you wish to share? Obviously were not talking studio here, were talking functional. -Jack
  49. RamblinRubyHowling

    DIY Wisdom Tooth Extraction

    Any tips, besides that it is a stupid thing to do?
  50. makan kotoran

    Diy (well sort of) shock proof, water proof camera hard case

    The last camera I had got smashed up while in the carry case I made.. so this is my attempt at a water proof carry case that will stop my camera getting smashed up.. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of it, as it's really easy.. I used... 1 little plastic "Sistema" food container that...