
  1. hobbet

    Question chicago diy spotzzzz

    Hello people 8) I am hobbit! I'm new here! I've been in diy hardcore and rave scene in chi for a few years, couch surfed a little bit, and i'm now peeking out of my hidey hole and looking for other weirdos to hang out with! i'm 23, nb, open/poly, i do stiknpokes and patches. AND I MAKE HUGE...
  2. atraxmorgu3

    Introducing my diy shop :)

    Hi I'm from Portugal and I just started a diy project with a bunch of patches and stickers ( and probably merch and tees in the future). I use the technique of screen printing, all made in my house by me alone and it has been a great journey with a bunch of support by the tiny metal/punk/goth...
  3. atraxmorgu3

    Introducing my diy shop :)

    Hi I'm from Portugal and I just started a diy project with a bunch of patches and stickers ( and probably merch and tees in the future). I use the technique of screen printing, all made in my house by me alone and it has been a great journey with a bunch of support by the tiny metal/punk/goth...
  4. O

    Püssi Punk - Estonia

    Püssi is still alive! On June 20th and 21st, all the interested will be showered with bad music and all the other great things . This is the party with the cheapest tickets (0 €) and best lineup (you will hear soon) in the world. Good has never been so good........ There will be music bands that...
  5. sleepingbagchaos

    finally saying hi: looking to share and connect

    after hanging around here for a couple of pretty passive months, i finally found the motivation to introduce myself. you can call me bert (no pronouns/they). i'm in my twenties. i'm from europe and my preferred way of travelling so far has been hitchhiking, but i'm also curious about trying...
  6. MetalBryan

    Annapolis DIY Boat Show via Ego Alley

    Captains, My bandmate has this idea about having a noise show on a boat. If you're familiar with Annapolis, MD, you know that once a captain makes the sharp turn in ego alley everyone cheers. Well, my bandmate wants to see if they'd boo a floating noise show. We'd have to charter this boat, so...
  7. Batsy

    Guide to the Bay Area DIY music scene

    I’ve been involved with the Bay Area (CA) scene for almost 10 years now. I’ve sent the following info to a number of friends in the past as they’ve visited and asked where to find shows, so I figured I’d make one big post here for anyone looking to get involved with the scene or at least catch...
  8. laughingman

    Video Folding Bike Touring-An Old Bike For A New Adventure.

    Almost a year ago now I managed to find an old Bike-Friday touring bike on ebay. I actually won the auction while I was on a backpacking trip so that was a bit touch and go. Bike-Friday is a US brand who makes custom fairly hi end bicycles which fold. There line up is, comically, expensive. So...
  9. sleepingbagchaos

    Question how to diy a cheap but solid bike trailer

    hey bike nerds, i'm planning on starting on my first bigger bike tour since a few years and want to go for a bike trailer (that fits a bit more than what i usually bring for backpacking/hitchhiking; so i guess it would be like 100l or something). i don't have a bike trailer yet and really like...
  10. Batsy

    Bum Flap

    Does anyone else rock a bum flap? This photo was taken the night mine was given to me as a 21st birthday gift by a friend, who made it. I’ve worn it almost every day since, so needless to say it’s seen some wear and tear, but that makes it an ongoing project. I’ve replaced/repaired the...
  11. beersalt


    AYye! My band dropped some rough cut first takes in the form of a demo this last month!! What I like to describe as: Comedic-Femme-Powerviolence Do what's good for you, give it a listen. I even have a SoundCloud link for those of you who favor it...
  12. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How to make a diy shelter with cardboard & tarp?

    I'm thinking of cheap or zero cost housing alternatives and one of the things that came to mind was: building & sleeping in a diy shelter made out of cardboard, and using a tarp to cover the shelter from rain 🌧️ soaking me. How do you make a diy shelter out of cardboard & set up a rain tarp...
  13. croc

    DIY service dog card

    Have any of yall made ur own ID card for ur "service dog"?
  14. train in vain

    DIY Electronics/circuit bending...

    I guess I will give a little backstory before getting into the projects... Ive been a musician since I was a kid in 93 and FINALLY got a guitar which i haf wanted for several years but my parents werent into it. I started experimenting right off the bat. Altered tunings and just weird sounds in...
  15. beersalt

    Off-Grid homesteadin' wing'n it yeh

    Alright, peeps... I'm gonna share with you my on-going journey with the art of land cultivation, building, and off-grid living. I began this with my partner @Caveman118 in mid November of 2018. This all started after I finally spent some time in Louisiana, being my 48th state hit while...
  16. roughdraft

    Video DIY language acquisition: How to learn any language within six months (practical insights and tools) ((Five principles and Seven actions))

    not sure if this is the best subforum, more about people than art isn´t it? and wouldn´t want it lost in general banter, but I have no qualms should a moderator want to move this - Here we go - it´s 18 minutes and fastpaced, very little if any filler disclaimer: it´s a TEDtalk, I don´t know...
  17. Potatos

    We've set up shop in slab City

    We've taken over and now running a smoke shop an tattoo parlor serving snow cones cold drinks hot vegan food. And a good old squatting time
  18. Laundromatt

    Best U.S. diy punk music cities 2019?

    Just was wondering about which cities are currently doing well with the diy punk/noise/Weird music scene. The bay area has been the best spot that I've experienced in regards to a diy music scene and I miss it there but it's super expensive to live around there. Currently in Austin Texas and...
  19. Matt Derrick

    2018 Jamboree DIY zipline into the canal, slab city dirty scouts jamboree

    Just thought I'd make a separate post for those that aren't watching the can we talk about favorite moments at the jambo thread:
  20. Strangeandsolo

    Diy stuff sax

    Hey you got too much gear? How about a pair of jeans kicked down in the wrong size with a good hem on the bottom. ( not walked off ) Got some rope or para-cord. Gonna need a needle n thread or some fishing line. 4-8 lb. Is good. Lets begin. To start cut the legs off them wrong size pants...
  21. Matt Derrick

    Video Home Made Camper Van Build - Start to Finish DIY

    Link: A pretty extensive video showing how this guy built out his G20 van into a livable camper van. Some good stuff here if you're looking to create some basic amenities in your van.
  22. Matt Derrick

    Seeking DIY music to use in our podcast

    This is just a general notice to let everyone know that I am looking for independent, DIY music from just about any genre to use in the StP podcast. Any suggestions should be music that isn't on a big label or would get the show's episodes flagged on YouTube. Ideally, this would be your own...
  23. Cornelius Vango

    Anarchists developing DIY medicine
  24. Some Dogs

    Anarchist Folk Punks in Georgia End of May?

    My travelling band of misfits is going to be headed down to Georgia end of May (we'll be there the 25th and 26th of May before heading to Florida) I was curious if there were any local folks anywhere in the state who would want to throw a lil folk punk show and hang out and play some music!! We...
  25. ResistMuchObeyLittle

    DIY front fork bucket panniers

    I've seen the rear bucket panniers and that's what I'm doing, but I like how this girl improvised when not having a front rack. Very creative. I'm going to steal that idea as I'm trying to budget. Also incorporating dry bags and arno straps. And not sure who the guy is, but he's also said fuck...
  26. Trooper

    Roadside Clothes

    Well my day started with my loosing my favorite (only) beanie, already a rough start:eek:, but on my way walking home I looked in a ditch and saw a dirty black beanie just laying there. One good wash later and I have a new beanie::woot::... I guess you loose some, you find some! What clothes...
  27. D

    Simple, outdoor, diy, no power FRIDGE

    A pot-in-pot refrigerator, clay pot cooler, or zeer (Arabic: زير‎) is an evaporative coolingrefrigeration device which does not use electricity. It uses a porous outer earthenware pot (lined with wet sand) containing an inner pot (which can be glazed to prevent penetration by the liquid) within...
  28. Luna Walsh

    DiY Out Of A Backpack

    I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for projects or crafts that you could carry with you in a backpack? I'm housed up atm and have been brewing a lot of tinctures. Since all you need for those is a jar, alcohol, and herbs, I'd be able to brew those in my backpack whenever I travel next...
  29. D


    I'm starting a series about every city I spend an extensive amount of time in: mapping out how they treat their homeless, the spread of gentrification, all the shiz I experience, stories that are shared with me, and resources for trans folks. The introductory post can be found here. Might be...
  30. BenAxeMan

    Diy self defense?

    Hey everyone, first off let me just say sorry if this isn't where this goes, I couldn't figure out where it did. I was gonna take some mma classes before I hit the road since I'm pretty skinny and un intimidating. I recently found out I can't afford it. I'll be carrying a knife but still I'd...
  31. crow

    Photos show us yer patch pants

    For lack of a better term, I call them patch pants. This is my fourth pair so they're not all broke in yet. They have a tendency to "disappear" Be that as it may, I love to see how other people attach the world to themselves! So show me gets n I'll show you mine :p Notice I've stitched in a...
  32. Benji91

    Video Pig City Folk Punk - July 1st 2017

    Me and a mate decided to try and start a little folk punk collective in Brisbane, Australia. It's mainly drinking, sharing songs and jamming (on originals and covers)....essentially we get park drunk in this shitty town with acoustic guitars and noise happens. The vid is on my shitty go-pro...
  33. Benji91

    Pig City Folk Punk

    Yo, Meet up for Pig City Folk Punk (Brisbane, Australia) happening on July 1 at People's Park in West End. We'll be jammin' from around 2pm! Bring acoustic guitars, banjos, harmonicas, drums, booze (FYR - the law is always murky with drinking in parks/where you can drink in public - so know...
  34. HemlockSaoirse

    Cannibalizing LBVs?

    A buddy of mine plays airsoft and recently kicked me down a south African assault vest. Obviously wearing it won't get me very far. I was curious if anyone else has cut the pouches off other tactical vests and attached/rivited/sewn them to their packs, belts, etc? Got pics? Would the padding...
  35. Tetsuden

    Hello All!

    I'm lucius, ive had an account for a bit but never used it. I love travel but mainly travel for various music fests. I love weirdos so if ur a lil strange and passionate then let's be comrades
  36. Matt Derrick

    2017 Jamboree How to make your own DIY beer can stove

    So I'm going to be demonstrating how you can build your own ultralight alcohol powered stove using only a beer can and a pair of scissors! I'll be bringing enough materials for up to ten people at a time can follow along with me (more, if you bring your own scissors or multi tool). After...
  37. meatcomputer

    DIY refrigeration units

    One of the reasons I'm posting this is because I'm not even sure how to form the right google search. Basically I'm wondering if any of you know of a refrigeration unit I could wire to my 12v batteries and put it inside of a cooler I already use. The mechanism for refrigeration not an entire...
  38. duderino

    DIY touring bike kick stand or pole?

    Does anyone have any suggestions for making a kick stand or pole to hold up a loaded touring bike? I've never had a bike without a kickstand before. I need to make something that holds a lot of weight because I will have a semi-big load.
  39. A

    Improvised or DIY Pack Straps

    I have a problem, only you can help, If I can find them. I need ... The squat team! OK today I got an old jansport external frame backpack from Sally's. The straps were ripped off the top but for 0.99$ its a significant upgrade to what I have now. The straps are connected to the pack with...
  40. D

    Photos DIY Leather Knife Sheath

    Hey ya'll, the other day I decided to make a new sheath for my 7" blade I've had since I was 4. The old one is plastic, a bit heavy, and just downright cheesy. I had some spare leather so creativity got the better of me.... For reinforcement, and protection from the knife cutting through...
  41. A

    DIY Crusty Cologne

    Just because I'm crusty doesn't mean I don't like to smell good. I am a crusty with class and refined tastes. Feel Rugged, Smell Amazing – DIY Natural Men’s Cologne Using Essential Oils June 19, 2015 • By Christina Masculine essential oils to create your own blends Essential oils may seem...
  42. Koala

    Event Such Is Life DIY Festival - Melbourne, AUS

    I found out about this festie kind of last minute, it's in the bush a few hours outside of Melbourne and I'll be heading over with some friends tomorrow! It's the last year it'll be put on so figured I'd better check it out. It's a camping festie and something like $40 to go for the whole...
  43. dumpster harpy

    DIY Tarp Bivy

  44. VikingAdventurer

    Video Is the zipper on your sleeping bag or pack separated? Try this shit.

    So, the zipper on my sleeping bag separated, and wouldn't zip up anymore. I looked around the interwebs for a bit, and I found a solution. SPOILER ALERT: It fucking works. I've already tried the method in the video, and now my sleeping bag zips up perfectly again...
  45. VoraciousHeart

    DIY Radio Show- send me ideas

    Hey guys! I'm starting a radio show at my college based on punk, metal, folk, bluegrass, etc. However, I'm planning on basing it around the DIY lifestyle. If you have any ideas for things I should talk about, post them here. If you want to listen, hit me up for details!
  46. crow

    Photos Here's my Battlepack!

    hey so i wore this pack until it fell apart and the zipper completely broke. when a friend hoooked me up with a new pack, and brother gave me a medical reserve pack, i saw an opportunity to keep mah beloved squirrel pack and went to work... small though it is, this pack carries...
  47. Autem Tua

    Photos DIY boots anyone?

    Show me your DIY boots! Here's mine: They're steel toed military surplus combat boots. I added some spikes for the heck of it, and drew on a bunch of anarchist stuff all over it.
  48. Garminbozia

    Video DIY USB Charger

    Don't know if y'all already know about this. I seen it the other day for the first and thought it's really near. Figured I'd share it. You can charge phones or anything with a usb cord.
  49. HoboinaTux

    DIY gear- crochet/ knit/ ETC

    I have been working on crochet scarves, socks, and beanies. Mittens are my next project. I've never tried to sell any of it ive made in the past, i have however used them for warmth. Pretty sweet feeling when something you made from yarn is keeping you warm! Does anyone specifically crochet...
  50. RSTY802510

    Waterproofing your carhartt. Here's a link for a how 2. There's a bunch of different recipes and methods for this and it will make your jacket heavy as fuuuuuck. I used a mixture of neatsfoot oil and beeswax and it word out fine...