couch surfing

  1. Shedthread

    HeLo, Im vira, Im new here

    I grew up in Chicago and lived here most of my life, i do stick and poke and machine (if i still had one). D.i.Y luver seamstriss, t girl poly open, Im an unactive haarsh vocalist,just been too busy to practice and dont have anyone to play with in the area. Ive been crashing on a friends couch...
  2. Tst5

    Couch surfing colorado?

    Are there any threads dedicated to couch surfing connections in Colorado? My family and i are rubber tramping through co into possibly Utah and search though i might, i can find nothing on couch surfing in colorado...maybe this thread can be for those offering spots for a night? please get at me..
  3. TigerEyeJedi

    New to squatting, Looking for somewhere in Denver

    Hi all! I'm a homeless traveler whose new to squatting. I'm looking for a couch or a squat somewhere in Denver. Or just some friends or people to help me out. I'm thinking of riding the train down south just because it's getting cold, but I'm pretty attached to Denver if i'm being honest. I...
  4. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs Paradise lost: The rise and ruin of

    9.15.2021 7:15 AM Back in spring 2011 — the end of black truffle season, before the climbing roses bloomed — the Couchsurfers gathered at the Palazzo Massarucci, built on a hill north of Rome at the beginning of the Renaissance. The castle is said to have hosted Lucrezia Borgia, the Vicar of...
  5. ellemmeo

    Video Couchsurfing in Italy

    Hey, with all my gigs getting canceled, I started doing weekly shows on Zoom. If you're bored and looking for something to watch, here's a story about when I was couchsurfing in Italy. If you enjoy it, I also put on comedy shows in conference rooms I rented in London, Paris and Rome. Posting...
  6. chickweed gang

    Howdy, introducing chickweed gang

    known about stp for a fat minute, but just now joining we are joining stp with the intention of finding folks with the generosity to offer us some good 'ol @ist hospitality, and to return that favor to the world. Us three: haden (writing), felix, and oak are trying to form a life in common and...
  7. docbrawlstar

    New to the site! Couch surfing 306

    Hey StP, I found this site on Reddit by accident through something called vagabond I think it was a sub Reddit or something. Regardless, I've just recently started couch surfing. I like the freedom of it so I'm defs wanting to go off an adventure west to BC! I think this site is amazing and I'm...
  8. babywavy

    Featured One wild fucking couch surfing night from a few months ago

    I'm here on the bus, I mean I'm sitting here on the LA bus and like always I can't sleep. Any time we're enroute, I can't sleep. The exception being trains. That big steel mammajamma rocks me right to bed every time. But this road warrior ain't a train and here I am. Since my last post I've...
  9. loonaloop

    Heylo to all!

    Name is Giovanna. With that said, feel free to shorten my name or call me by my forum handle. Happy to finally be sitting down with this introduction. I've only been browsing here and there. Looking to make connections and give back as much as I am able. Currently in Roswell, New Mexico. Will...
  10. The Niche

    Edinburgh Fringe bound

    Hello again! It's been a fair while since I've been around but I'm going toward Edinburgh shortly (approximately the 22nd). I know Edinburgh isn't great for squatting but if anyone could offer me some floor or some recommendations for living cheap, I'd really appreciate it! I'm working in the...
  11. Hellcathysteria

    Hey new cat to the Seattle area. I'm a bit lost

    Hey everyone. I'm hellcat and I just got to the Seattle area. Been couch surfing or staying in hotels from New York City to here. I kinda need friends or advice on a place to crash. I wanna meet some fresh souls asap.
  12. 40oz in a rut

    Are Osprey backpacks really worth it?

    Im about to be couch surfing the bay area looking for work with my life in my backpack. I was thinking about getting a ALICE pack but I noticed the hype on Osprey. My question is are they really worth $150 and if so what model be best for someone with a pack full of clothes and a sleeping bag to...
  13. beersalt

    Anyone know of any other internet couch surfing websites or resources?

    I'm really not a fan of dirty kid couch surfing coalition and the Couchsurfing app seems to be more for tourists and uh, "normies" for lack of a better term lol. Anyone know of any other places to find a nice comfy floor or couch space?
  14. Wandering isaac

    A boy and his dog

    Hey everybody, just posting so people know I exist. I quit a dead end job in Philly to explore my options off the east coast. Not there yet, I got hung up in Florida training a pup for the road. I'm kicking it around Tampa on a friends couch for maybe another two or three weeks, then I'm setting...
  15. landpirate

    News & Blogs American Traveller murdered by couchsurfing host in nepal Young American traveler murdered by Couchsurfing host in Nepal WITW STAFF 07.09.16 DAHLIA YEHIA (FIND DAHLIA -- FACEBOOK) A Nepalese man has been convicted for the murder of...
  16. Sam Young

    What are your experiences with couchsurfing?

    Would it be possible to just surf from couch to couch? How hard is it to get somebody to host you? What's been your experience?
  17. Badly Drawn Girl

    The logistics of couchsurfing + hitchhiking

    Hi all. Sorry to immediately barge in and start asking questions, but it took me a while just to find a dedicated hitching forum and I'm trying to get on the road fairly soon. I want to do a hitchhiking trip just to see how far west I can get...I've been using my various social media platforms...
  18. Mikael Runefoot

    Couch Surfing to Wilderness Squatting

    Hey guys, The name is Michael. When I was 16 I moved out of my house, and when I turned 18 I became homeless. I started couch surfing, squatting in abandon houses, living in shit houses, living in basements, renting rooms etc. I am currently living in my best friends room with her mom while she...
  19. sara aranha

    Couchsurfing living Nomad on Macrobiotic::

    Primarily a student of Cultural Studies, I'm interested in any kind of alternative way of life, specially macrobiotic cookery, ethnology, alternative cultural associations, the logics of squatting, rock and psychadelic music, primitivism, anarquism, sustainable living, organic agriculture and...
  20. Acorn

    Has anyone heard of The Dirty Kid Couch Surfing Coalition?

    It started on Facebook, now they have a website similar to STP. ...they just put up the website, not too sure what to think of it yet.. Opinions?
  21. soapybum

    Camping vs squatting vs couchsurfing

    Just wondering...