After visiting with friends in Mission, BC my travel partner ditched me, spending the last of his money on a bus ticket home. Probably for the best after he polished off my 15 pack while I was out gathering firewood the previous night. I spent the next day walking and busing into the lower...
[any mention of Anarchism, really, really pisses off the government, seeing as they watch me so closely these days]
Here's my vision and my explanation for such.
Let's all agree that modern society works for a vast majority of people. The masses seem to be pretty damn happy whilst subjugated...
Hello! My name is Jai (pronounced as "jay"). I like to draw and take mediocre pictures on my digital camera, Im involved in my local hardcore and punk scene, I'm 18 and fresh outta highschool. I also have an immense love for music.
I'm planning to start traveling, I feel that there is really...
Hello everyone,
I am the OP of the featured article "Anarchy Newbie..." thread. I think my username back then was "Dontaskme" a relic from TOTSE. I apologize for my last bizarre, rambling post in that thread, I was under severe, severe stress and drinking a lot at the time.
I've been around...
Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted. Now a road trip to Canada has come up, always wanted to go to Newfoundland and now seems like a good time, since I have just bought a van again after 6 years and settling back into the road nomad life.
Any tips for van parking, free or cheap...
Is anyone else going to be at any of the amazing festivals around the east coast of Canada? Im volunteering at 2, staff at a 3rd and then partying way too hard at a 4th and maybe 5th one. Current plan is to be at
Not So Thatch
Vitality music festival
Future Forest
Raven Forest?
Electric Pines
Moniker may have changed from "Typical Hobo". Andrew is a dangerous person; travelers beware.
He has a squatters' rights tattoo under his eye and a several other identifiable tattoos (see photos).
The picture where his head is shaved is the most recent.
He tried to forcibly undress and have...
Tyler, the king of the road. Ty had a restless spirit that lead him to endlessly travel coast to coast across Canada, busking with his banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle, washboard, and a one of a kind, loud, raspy, singing voice. He and his dog Jack made many miles hitchhiking, riding the rails...
Recently ended up in Smith's Falls after hopping an IM that I thought was going straight to Toronto. I wandered into Trinity United Church in town and met some very nice people who offered me a sink-shower and some food/water.
The church makes an effort to be welcoming for queer people, and is...
hey, im jane from saskatchewan.
I was travelling around north america at 18, but decided to move home and go to university. throughout the past few years of my degree (film studies) I have felt somewhat restless and unfulfilled... I'm beginning to realize this is a result of being stagnant for...
Any one in canada interested in morel mushroon picking . Can be very luctative with motivation and if fast hiking in woods
Two months or more of it happening. Northern bc
So I'm asking this question about a plan that's years away from being executed, but still gonna ask it.
In a few years time, I plan on getting a bike touring setup and doing long-term bike touring around Canada. I plan on going slowly, I have a big long list of places and things I wanna do...
First off, I scoured the site for a forum of international travel and couldn't find any, so I'm really sorry if this isn't the spot for this question!
Second, I'm wanting to, at some point make my way to Canada via backpacking, this probably wouldn't be for a while as I need to save up some...
Got kicked off my parents farm close to Wallaceburg recently. They're not easy people to live with anyways. I've also had 2 TBI's in the past decade or so. Life hasn't been the easiest since then.
I've done a lot of solo hitching around S Ont on and off for years, but right now Im just couch...
From what I gather, the Northern Territories aren't very good for this. In fact, I just read a story about this guy's cabin being demolished in the Yukon. I've read about people doing this in Northern BC, but that was 20-30 years ago, I imagine attitudes have changed. I've also heard about...
Pender Island: The Canadian Town Where Hitchhiking Is Encouraged
Brendan Sainsbury
5-6 minutes
I’m standing by the road outside of the Otter Bay ferry terminal on Pender Island in British Columbia, waving my thumb optimistically at the oncoming traffic. Behind me is a green...
I'm curious if anyone is aware of any countryside or even small cities that have a decent punk/weirdo scene. I keep hearing about ex big-city punks fixing up houses in northern Maine (is that happening on the New Brunswick side??) and I remember meeting some grindcore kids who lived in Squamish...
Ive hit a block. Rather not backtrack and take an alternative route as im trying to make best time to van isle.
Im in canmore / banff and am really tempted to hop rail but itll be first time n im not certain i know enough yet to do it safely.
Are there other routes via thumb that are getting...
I haven’t researched this much yet but maybe someone else has. This morning I’ve been thinking about how to permanently live in Canada, maybe even gain citizenship, despite me not even being allowed in Canada due to a larceny charge (which occurred at a Rite Aid).
I was thinking I cross into...
Hi there!
Lately, I've been seriously considering traveling to Canada, specifically the Toronto area. I have a very close friend there who I really, really want to see. He's very important to me, so I'd visit either way, but he's offered me housing if I'm ever in the area, and even told me he...
Hey everyone. Long time lurker on many vagabond groups. I've been lucky to be able to travel a whole lot and get really good at cheap minimalist living and travelling. Currently in Edmonton looking to train hop back to Ontario to see my family. Done the research, have the roughing it experience...
Does anyone know if it's legal to still camp on public and crown land in Ontario because of covid-19? I read awhile ago in March it was gonna be banned for abit, but I'm seeing online that public campgrounds/RV parking lots are still gonna rent it out to the public? I would like to do some...
This topic came up on the Discord chat and it occurred to me it would be worth linking here.
Last year some Canadian universities put together a team to research how COVID and the police are impacting the homeless population. One of their research projects was to make a map showing various...
Thinking about pulling the trigger on a 1984 GMC Vandura/Citation but they need some sorta inspection of the propane system and a bunch of pictures before they will give me a quote. The one company I've been able to talk to so far that will actually insure RVs doesn't even have the make and...
Hi All,
I’m curious if anyone on here has experience driving to Alaska thru Canada while the border is closed.
Canada currently allows it if you’re going to school, a permanent residence, or a job. The last option is what I’m wondering about specifically. I’m thinking about going wwoofing up...
Hello lovely people! This is my first post here, but I've been lurking this site for years now. I'm making ideas of what to do with my summer, and as I'm already in BC, I'm thinking of spending the summer fruit picking in the Okanagan. I've heard cherries are where the money's at, and my plan is...
I'm a albertian living full time in my airstream .looking to hopefully get outta Canada to travel the states California to new Mexico or route 66. I like to adventure with someone else I have good frugal skills ,can cook on a fire, and bush craft all winter in Canada is is surviving it. I'm very...
Hey, i guess i should write an official intro since i've poked my head in the Discord and a few threads.
I'm Ali, or Al, whatever. Came up as a raver, mostly underground acid/techno and outdoor parties. I've spent much of my adult life doing regular work and only traveling for shorter periods...
Met Chris in Saint John, New Brunswick, Heard from him late last year he was staying in shelters in Halifax and had borrowed a strangers phone. He's Tall, dark haired, has a thick accent and "funny" eyes( looks like he's looking up into his brain) Just want to know if he's ok. Thanks
On a trip of mine recently I got fascinating footage of Hamilton, Ontario as I was leaving on CP. We ride through CN/CP Bayview Junction - Popular foam spot. Underneath a 1 mile long tunnel underneath Hamilton's downtown core . Traverse through close quarter urban areas as the train leaves the...
Does anyone know this town? Saltspring Island. I have no choice, I need to leave my home town, too many expectations about my mental health. I've been travelling before. I need some intel about what to expect. If I do end up on t he Island, it will be to regroup and send people the right...
Will fill in on things, but up to this point I’m getting pretty good at filming. John E. Ringo got triggered on Instagram...::snaphappy::
I’m only gonna get better....halfway there. Got the entire thing filmed in 4K and gonna take this game to another level when I’m finished and are able to...
Salut la famille! Im new here so here's a bit about me! From France but I moved to Montreal for school after a bit of travel, so rn only hit the road btw semesters. I do Middle East Studies, Anthropology and Russian Literature if anyone's interested! it was real challengin to sit in a...
Hey! I'm 22, and I like messing around outside. I'd love to make some adventurous friends.
I'm currently trying to get to know stuff about train hopping, edible wild plants, off-grid camping, and Canadian and US laws about this stuff (to know what my rights are). I'd be jazzed to get any...
I'm going to be re-entering Canada in early April on a 2 year work/travel visa. I'm Scottish (UK citizen)
I first arrived back in October 2018. Being my first time arriving in Canada I made sure I was squeaky clean. Fulfilling all the requirements for entering. Proof of funds, Police...
So this Tuesday me and my dog are going to begin a hitchhiking trip from Vancouver island to newfoundland. I have a fair bit of experience hitching on Vancouver island, and a bit in Nova Scotia, but none in the rest of canada. Does anyone who has hitched this route recently have any tips? I'm...
Just wanted to start an all encompassing thread for canadian travellers for this season. Make of it what you will.
I will start it by adding this tidbit for those who dont know. In fact i wasnt 100% sure until tonight. Wawa ESSO has a warm bright 24/7 shitter in the back ;)
In case anyone is wondering , it is possible to ride a scooter fro portland oregon to canada.
i wont post the details, lets say yoIOUY can do yor homework and figure it out.
i was going to frieght train it, but i thoght a scotter wold be a better bet.
feqwcking A!
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