Search results

  1. juno

    sacramento -> redding

    curious if anyone has experience or tips on hitching out of sacramento north towards redding/red bluff. i'm planning on taking the yolobus 217 all the way to dunnigan and hitching north from there. right now i'm hung up at the sacramento airport waiting for the next bussssss
  2. juno

    pedaling on the cheap

    how do you stretch your dollars when it's time to go the distance? let's say theoretically you have no musical talent, so busking is out the window. how long could you pedal on 3-4 grand? if you make sure you run into a lot of grocery outlets, work exchange gigs, and bicycle kitchens, i imagine...
  3. juno

    just want to be somewhere else... anywhere!!!

    three years is too long in eugene. i know exactly what the next two, three, four or more months would look like here.. maybe i should take off without trying to find somewhere to go ahead of time and see where i end up. maybe after one more good work gig and then i'm out. god almighty. i need to...
  4. juno

    hello and hi

    i am juno, i found this site cuz some friends at the place i'm staying in eugene told me about it ::cat:: my methods of transportation are foremost my bike and then my feet right after that i'm embarking on the Great Summer Bike Tour '18 with my sweetie in a week. hi STP!
  5. juno

    Pedaling to Black Bear ranch from Eugene

    Hi STP My sweetie and I are taking off soon to pedal from Eugene to Black Bear via the coast. We're getting our route down but I'm mostly concerned about the last leg of the journey (trail vs. < 7' rocky road with 200' cliff). We have pretty good bikes and I think we could handle the trail but I...