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  1. Soulutions

    Featured Anarchy newbie, recommended reads?

    The most dangerous superstition
  2. Soulutions

    Ocala Rainbow gathering 2018

    Can do, im gonna try and make it to Astor today
  3. Soulutions

    Ocala Rainbow gathering 2018

    Just showed up in Ocala. Nearly there!
  4. Soulutions

    Ocala Rainbow gathering 2018

    Ok, sounds good. But its going until the 18th right?
  5. Soulutions

    Ocala Rainbow gathering 2018

    I'm heading that way from TN, with limited knowledge. Should I aim for the city of Ocala first an then figure the rest out from there?
  6. Soulutions

    She takes, she gives, then takes

    When you are at the lowest, you can only go up. When you are high, it's always fleeting Although it may seem it's never enough, trust is still required, along with some guts To fixate will only compound your sorrows. So please, Exhale, then you remember, you're breathing. Try not to get...
  7. Soulutions

    Should I get a pack with an external frame?

    After having a simple, small eternally framed, Walmart bag for awhile, then recently switching to an external, I'd say I prefer the external. As an aside, is hopping with a external frame pack completely stupid or just harder?
  8. Soulutions

    What are some good novels to read this winter?

    I've been told to read this by a very good friend But uh: Supernatural by Graham Hancock! This book is mind melting, in a sense as reading through it will alter your perception of reality, with or without your consent considering the clear, easy to understand, fluidity that is his writing style...
  9. Soulutions

    Spreading anarchism -- or voluntarism

    Well, "government" is only an abstract is idea to begin with, and maybe not even a productive one at that. You can't point at anything in the lowest physical common denominator (across individual's reality) of persons and say "yep, that's government." So really, it's only a believe system, much...
  10. Soulutions

    Spreading anarchism -- or voluntarism

    Undoubtedly, if you've ever debated -- virtually or in person -- a statist, you'd be well aware of the rigid, stubborn, non-arguments their full of. 1: Who will build the roads! Answer = the same damn people. A society having a perceived "authority" has nothing to do with roads being built...
  11. Soulutions

    Direct Democracy

    A psychopath is closer to an animal than a human. And it's like 1% of the global population. And with secondary psychopaths, I suggested actually helping or curing them, not the ol eugenics line. But I'll take your advice.
  12. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    "Capitalism is not dependent on consumerism" Why would you think such? In a capitalists system a "private or corporate" person or persons can legally own "capitol goods." Which is to say the means of production. 1. Yes or no? "by investments that are determined by private decision, and by...
  13. Soulutions

    Direct Democracy

    Drews point is a good one. When something is forced unto a population, it tends not to work efficiently. Hell, equality doesn't even work when it's forced. What to do about it-- It's my opinion that the human race should eradicate psychopathy from the gene pool and cure, if we can, the...
  14. Soulutions

    Direct Democracy

    What needs to happen- a evolution in consciousness ( to Know together ) And people learning natural law, The sacred male and female principles, and probably general psychology What to do about it- I'm tiered. I think on it and answer tomorrow
  15. Soulutions

    Direct Democracy

    I read maybe a 1/3 of your post. Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner( maybe Benjamin Franklin first said this )
  16. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    Drew: I never pegged Americans as the only "consumer culture." Just that capitalism needs a consumer culture to thrive. And your rebuttal to land ownership is little more than a straw-man argument. Malaclypse: Your post is kinda confusing. But I think the word your looking for is agorism
  17. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    It is a system
  18. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    No, now I have used Google and I was pretty damn close. Using "capitol," which itself is a pretty vague term, for the exchange of goods or services is closer to the definition of Economics, not capitalism. But your right about language and how definitions arent universal
  19. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    Without resorting to Google, my honest interpretation, which is only rudimentary, admittedly, would be so: An economic system in which private citizen garnish the right to own land( private land ownership ) and have access to a free market (hypothetically. It's as fleeting as that socialist...
  20. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    This is a few of the beefs I have with capitalism as of now. 1. Endless, literally, endless resource mining. The consumer culture( out with the old and in with the new, compulsively ) is undoubtedly what funds this economic system. This will occasionally lead to the u.s. military "Spreading...
  21. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    can't say I disagree with any of your points here. im an anarchist before in ideals in community. it might be just a language barrier in our way(in the aggregate as well) . everybody formulates for themselves the meanings of whichever word in question, and sometimes not of there own accord or...
  22. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    Captain Cassius: Every thing you said is/was true. But I don't think I agree with you that communism absolutely needs force and that individual rights can't exist simultaneously within it. Obviously it doesn't work with some humans being above others, the 20th century is evident of that. What...
  23. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    A book written by peter kropotkin called " mutual aid" might be a great read for you. I haven't read it myself but it's next on my list
  24. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    How would you define anarcho communism Ajax?
  25. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    Skit: Well not talking about the world won't fix it either. And he's right about the 20th century communist, although I don't know about the exact figure. But, its stupid to go down that road because you'll miss the point, same with the death toll on the capitalists. Even though I'm in a...
  26. Soulutions

    My thoughts on A- Political beliefs

    A lot of people don't like the political system, even if they don't intellectually participate, I'm sure most people would love to keep and distribute all of the fruits of their labor as they see fit. Or better yet, not fund the endless wars and the supplying of radical groups with murder their...
  27. Soulutions

    Revolution and why we need one.

    It is my belief that what we need instead of a revolution (normally violent, witch hunting and destruction) is an evolution ( peaceful progress, healing world view, sympathy and empathy, and MORALS). in times of chaos followers are going to seek out a leader, and Psychopaths love to lead other...