i just wrote this, is it good? is it funny?

Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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yeah. im describing the connection you make with a woman, and then when you lose her the feeling of her being fucked by other people when you are still connected to each other in spirit.
i think those lyrics are very clear and i think that youre trying right now to make yo urself feel like a good person by coming at me. and idk by the way yeah coming on womens faces is like a babylonian sex ritual but i cant control if a woman likes being face fucked. not that im talking about fucking a womans face in this. im talking about her getting fucked by someone else and the graphic images that flood my head lmao.
but hey since you wanna go into this, its weird to me how many women tell me to hurt them during sex and do degrading things to them.
it must feel really good to challenge misogyny though. i remember when i used to tell the "bad people" about right and wrong and feel like i was radical.
im editing this cause i just wanna say i know im being toxic as fuck right now. but i am really bothered by this idea of like, verbally challenging someone as somehow this amazing righteous act. thats usually combined with a quick block of the person after so they cant be challenged and thats part of why society is so adversarial right now. oppressed and oppressor nothing else. but yeah im just expressing myself, in music. and i think its so important that music is pure. real if nothing else. i kind of hate whats happening to music and my music was like that for a long time. saying what the best thing to say was instead of spitting.
but yeah. im bad. i know im bad.
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
you posted this song and directly asked for opinions, so I gave you mine, im not just randomly 'coming at you'.... the meaning of the lyrics might be clear to you because you wrote them but they seemed pretty nonsensical to me.... if you really wanna make it as a musician you might have to deal with the occasional negative opinion...

and yes I do wanna challenge misogyny and all the other oppressive shit that keeps people down in this wonderful world of ours - not because it makes me feel good, but because I am a punk and anarchist who genuinely wants to live in a fairer more equal society.... oh wait a minute - you described YOURSELF as a 'folk punk' musician in another thread, yet you're coming out with all this cynical right wing sounding bullshit, questioning my motives for commenting and happily describing yourself as toxic - jeez you must be one confused little bunny to be calling yourself a punk...

Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
Reaction score
punk isnt what you say it is. i dont know why you think your opinion makes a fairer more equal society and thats kind of my point. youve changed nothing by saying that coming on a womans face is degrading and its like you didnt even read the words to my song.
dude why do you believe every fucking anarchist has to have the same opinion
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Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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i was thinking about this earlier how like, punk has changed so much even in the last ten years and its at a point now where people think self censorship of art and ridgid regulation of other people is this badass thing. youre just saying what everyone else says dude. thats all youre doing. repeating bullshit you saw on facebook or crimethinc.
i never thought i would hear people say that wanting freedom of expression is a right wing talking point but i hear it all the time now.
anyway exeter is nice, i slept outside there a few nights.
by the way i used to do the same thing you know? think i was changing the world by judging other people and thinking there was this right opinion that i needed to make sure everyone knew i had.
i was a hardcore fucking leftist until i saw so much of it is just control, and also that most leftists arent willing to die for what they believe in at all its basically just an act for them. feels good though, i know it feels good to think youre right.
you know what the right opinion is? "yes bip this song fucking bangs innit oi wanna stab someone while this plays in the background"
thank you

i just remembered i wrote this too, you will probably like it more
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR

@Uip Bumms: "hey check out my music plz"
@roguetrader: "uh, you have some problematic lyrics in there"
@Uip Bumms: "how dare you critique my music" (insert various tirades)

so you post your music and no one is allowed to have an opinion on it? makes sense /s
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Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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he asked me to explain myself matt derrick, it sucks cause if i say anything else to you youll ban me.
who tf goes around telling people what punk is and isnt. BUT SINCE the brit already went there:
im just gonna say punk at many different times has been controversial. and controversial stuff is offensive, thats kind of synonymous. are we going to go "ok we only want things that are controversial to parties we dont like, but if you challenge OUR sensibilities, no thats not cool, its not punk anymore, you arent punk" its kind of fucking lame dude. "im gonna play this song about how trump is stupid to a bunch of people who agree with me, nazi punks fuck off!" its fucking lame dude. its an echo chamber.
fear was a cool band. they used to say hella mean shit to women and gay people. yeah thats old people 80s punk, whatever. i still think the way ive gotten most people to hate me and want me to leave is punk. wearing a suit in a mosh pit is punk. punk literally means nothing anymore anyway. punk punk punk, punk.
thats not punk.
this is punk.
youre a punk.
i dont really want to take pride in being a punk, its kind of dumb.
are wearing patches on your clothes punk? whats punk about embroidery?
also whats punk about being a good person and keeping people safe?
isnt that just being a good person? and keeping people safe?
does punk mean "good" or "i like this"?
is solidarity punk? this word is meaningless
also matt i dont care about whether someone says it sucks, but he asked me to explain myself
why dont you like me?
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
he asked me to explain myself matt derrick, it sucks cause if i say anything else to you youll ban me.

You have literally no evidence to support that, you're just making unfair assumptions.

who tf goes around telling people what punk is and isnt. BUT SINCE the brit already went there:

At no point, in any of @roguetrader's posts, did they ever say that. Don't make things up.

why dont you like me?

Who said I don't like you? Because I commented on your post?

The majority of your posts don't make very much sense. Overall, you're inferring way, way too much from people's comments, and you're getting incredibly defensive over not much at all, just someone questioning your choice of lyrics. I'd recommend taking a step back and analyzing what you're saying.

No one is out to get you, no one is attacking how 'punk' you are, or whatever. Relax and move on with your life.
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
yeah exactly @Matt Derrick - his posts in this thread don't make much sense, they just jump all over the place... I was gonna try and have a little debate about the issues raised but first off I need a coherent, well reasoned argument to reply to...

at least we found the one true punk in this world... like Jesus he emerged from a sea of fools - dressed in a suit...
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Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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dude look at what you typed, you were literally just saying "you cant call yourself punk if you do this and do that" you can just look at what you said.
" jeez you must be one confused little bunny to be calling yourself a punk..."
what im saying makes sense. people choose not to understand what im saying. ive hitchhiked all over and people say things i disagree with all the time but i sit there and process what theyre saying and like, it makes sense.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
what im saying makes sense. people choose not to understand what im saying

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Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
yeah. im describing the connection you make with a woman, and then when you lose her the feeling of her being fucked by other people when you are still connected to each other in spirit.
i think those lyrics are very clear and i think that youre trying right now to make yo urself feel like a good person by coming at me. and idk by the way yeah coming on womens faces is like a babylonian sex ritual but i cant control if a woman likes being face fucked. not that im talking about fucking a womans face in this. im talking about her getting fucked by someone else and the graphic images that flood my head lmao.
but hey since you wanna go into this, its weird to me how many women tell me to hurt them during sex and do degrading things to them.
it must feel really good to challenge misogyny though. i remember when i used to tell the "bad people" about right and wrong and feel like i was radical.
im editing this cause i just wanna say i know im being toxic as fuck right now. but i am really bothered by this idea of like, verbally challenging someone as somehow this amazing righteous act. thats usually combined with a quick block of the person after so they cant be challenged and thats part of why society is so adversarial right now. oppressed and oppressor nothing else. but yeah im just expressing myself, in music. and i think its so important that music is pure. real if nothing else. i kind of hate whats happening to music and my music was like that for a long time. saying what the best thing to say was instead of spitting.
but yeah. im bad. i know im bad.

Dude....what? Come on.

punk isnt what you say it is. i dont know why you think your opinion makes a fairer more equal society and thats kind of my point. youve changed nothing by saying that coming on a womans face is degrading and its like you didnt even read the words to my song.
dude why do you believe every fucking anarchist has to have the same opinion

That.....sounds like some AnCap shit right there.

i was a hardcore fucking leftist until i saw so much of it is just control, and also that most leftists arent willing to die for what they believe in at all its basically just an act for them


punk at many different times has been controversial.

Ya the difference is that punk has never been controversial in an oppressive sense. That also sounds like some AnCap or neo-nazi shit.

For real, people aren't personally attacking you, or trying to 'define punk' here. You asked you opinions, @roguetrader gave you theirs and you got really, really offended by it.
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Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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he told me to explain myself. how many times do i gotta say that. yeah i asked. THEN he asked me to explain myself lol wtf!
and yeah, some of the earliest punk music was critical of leftism and liberalism, because that was, you know
the fucking establishment at the time or at least a big part of it.
at risk of sounding like a senior citizen, the Dead Kennedys and FEAR talked a lot about this stuff
they knew liberals were full of shit
have you ever listened to modern folk punk and been like "oh wow this person is really trying to say the "right" controversial thing here"
its weird when i go "yeah leftism is extremely divisive and a lot of leftists are just trying to feel like theyre good people on the right side of history" someone immediately says "that sounds like ancap neo nazi shit, youuuurre on the other side! im on the right side youre on the wrong side!"
i spent years putting my ass on the line until i couldnt even live in my own country anymore and its hilarious also frustrating to be treated like im an oppressor because im like trying to be true to myself and true to you
"why do you think every anarchist has to have the same opinion"
"sounds like ancap shit right there..."
also CRASS fucking sucks.
theres a perfect example.
yeah their politics were locked in, they said everything perfectly. all the right opinions.
music still sucks
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