News & Blogs Neonazi skins arrested for stabbings at Austin, TX punk show


Squatter Fodder
Jun 17, 2013
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Central Texas

"AUSTIN (KXAN) – Austin police said multiple people were stabbed after a brawl that spawned from heckling at an East Austin venue.

Austin Police Department received the call at 8:55 p.m. for a disturbance at Trailer Space Record Shop located at 1400 East 12th Street. Reports indicated a man in his 20’s walked into the venue and was stabbed in the torso.

Upon arrival, investigators found multiple stabbings and multiple crime scenes.

Police told KXAN two men with swastika tattoos were heckling a man at the venue during a show. APD said one of them had a knife and began stabbing people. He then was stabbed, himself, from another in the crowd.

Six people were injured. All were taken to UMC Brackenridge with non-life threatening injuries."


"Okay I was there and from and center for all of this. Forgive me for any mistakes as I'm on mobile. So a couple of people's bands i know we're playing at trailor space and suddenly a fight brakes out. Before this it had all been your average friendly mosh pit, people horsing around. Suddenly everyone notices this dude with the biggest swastica tat over his heart and a huge tat of hitler heiling. That's when the fight breaks out, people were having none of this nazi jackass. 2 of my friend got stabbed/slashed in the brawl, the only one with a knife being the skinhead. My friend is currently in seaton for a palm wound. Everyone just beats the skin heads asses, 2 of them, into the intersection on rosewood. My friend nails on in the head with a bottle and they hit the ground. The real hero was this one badass who as a black dude was like no, we will fuck you up . The nazis retreat and then the cops picked them up after getting the story from trailor space."
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Andrea Van Scoyoc

Nomad Missionary & Tree Hugging Jesus Freak
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida

When I was younger and in the 80's punk scene, "skinhead" meant a totally different thing.

I hung out with a maniac racism involved... (I'm a Melungeon, so hanging out with racists would be dangerous for me) .just no hair and into Anarchy, moshing and just your general bsing.

I remember the shift to Nazis being called, "skinheads."

Times change...but it still sucks that losers are allowed to disturb people's fun.

Bet it was awesome until they showed up.

Andrea Van Scoyoc

Nomad Missionary & Tree Hugging Jesus Freak
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
Right I remember that too.To this day I get ask are you some fn skinhead.I usually ask if they are an ignorant person lol.These days I shave my head because I'm losing my hair and I'm vain lol.
Yep...been there.

Not the shaving the head part (not back then...didn't do that until a few years ago before I got my twists) but the trying to educate people as to the difference.

Much with other issues, people don't want to make a distinction.

Nazis have done so much damage, it's just better to not even bother any longer.
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Deleted member 13433

Yeah, you said it - don't even bother with that shit anymore.... but don't think it's just the Nazi's.......

I walked away from the NYHC scene in 1984 because I was sick of all the bullshit that was going on and I never looked back.

One thing that bothers me about this article: what prompted the skin to catch a beating ??

If you read all the comments - which I did, it sounds like the skin caught a beating because of how he looked - not because of anything he did, and once he was getting a beating out came the knife.

The brother who's the supposed hero sounds like a very violent mother fucker.

Again - I wasn't there - I'm just making observations on some comments I'm reading in the links above that kinda tell a different version of the story.

I am aware of something similar that happened in New Haven about 20 years ago, think The Business came to town and a couple of Skins showed up which is cool, but the fucking local straight edge kids - you want to talk about Nazi's?? - immediately picked a fight and even called the cops on the skins - because they were skins.
How about those SHARP skins ??
Seen them start way more trouble than Nazi skins..................

Not for nothing - when I played electric bass for the Official Hooligans, we had skins, Nazi skins come to our shows and I/we was totally ok with that - especially since the last thing the skins wanted - incredible as this may sound - was trouble.
They just wanted to have a few beers and check out the bands.

I remember the so called respected punks - the faces ha ha - wanting to start something with the skins, if for no reason other than they were there.
Fuck that..... quit the band a couple of months later [this was in 1992] and that was it for real.

Right wrong or indifferent - I wonder what would have happened if they left that Nazi alone at the show in Austin.
I know, that's a real hard thing to do when the strength is in one's favor........

That will be the day I beat some one just because I don't agree with his ideology - makes me then no different than any other thug*

[* unless of course that person is committing an act of violence first, then the game completely changes.....]

Andrea Van Scoyoc

Nomad Missionary & Tree Hugging Jesus Freak
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
Yeah, you said it - don't even bother with that shit anymore.... but don't think it's just the Nazi's.......

I walked away from the NYHC scene in 1984 because I was sick of all the bullshit that was going on

Same here...except I walked a little later...'87-88 ish.

The scene wasn't the "scene" anymore and I had no use for what it had become.

I too, wasn't there, but I'll never forget Rusty, the Skin I hung with.

We were both, sick, violent, twisted freaks back then...but we never bothered anyone.

No one ever bothered me because I was so tiny back then (barely over 100 pounds) so I wasn't a trophy.

Rusty...on the other hand was about 6'2 and 250 of solid mass.

People were always starting trouble with him, then wanting to whine when they got their ass beat.

Again...wasn't in Austin, but I don't condone violence except in the event that the person starting trouble refuses to learn or leave, any other way.
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Deleted member 13433

I don't know, man I've become so jaded I don't believe or trust anything anymore.
It's like you hear a story, then later on you find out what really went down...

The NYHC scene in 1982 was an incredible small group of people - punks, skins, hardcore.... some rasta, but everybody got along because we recognized the need and strength in unity.

Can you imagine catching The Young and The Useless, the Beastie Boys [when Kate was playing drums still] and Reagan Youth - and getting all busted up in the pit at CB's and a little later on the skins catching up with you near Ratcage and saying "whoa, we're real sorry we got out of control, lets have a few quarts together...." then by '84, there were some real violent thugs - and once those SHARP skins showed up - I was gone !!!

Violence does not solve anything.

What I got out of that article was the Nazi got beat up because of who he was not anything he did - now of course, maybe his past came back to haunt him I don't know - as the article is very one sided, it just talks about the show
Thank God the comments aren't...........

I mean, I work with a guy who's culture back home in Vietnam eats dogs - but I am certainly not going to beat him up for it, besides as he correctly pointed out: we do the same thing to pigs here in the states.....

That movie - what is it called - American History X ????

Best part for me is when the Nazi is in jail and he learns the truth about racial injustice and starts to see things very differently, and learns from it, and changes himself for the better - and his little brother too if I recall. I mean, that shit is truth.

We can all grow, myself included - as I am far from being an ideal role model.
I make mistakes all the time but I try to learn from them.

I certainly ain't gonna beat up a Nazi because he's standing next to me.
Shit, I'd probably by him a beer so he can see what I'm like and vice versa.......................

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
ha, i'm so out of touch with austin, this happened like less than a mile from my house.
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Andrea Van Scoyoc

Nomad Missionary & Tree Hugging Jesus Freak
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
I hear you.

The peace spreaders (they started creeping into the scene around '87...I would have spit in your face, back then, had you told me that in the future, I'd be a peace loving pacifist, Taoist! Ha ha!) the Skins, the new wavers, the rockabilly and the Glams...we all hung out together and it was often the "quiet" ones that would shock you.

I moved in and out of every group...I'd be hanging with the gay (as they ALL were back then) Glam crowd and then turn right around and slam dance with the Skins and oftentimes, it was the ones you didn't expect, that were violent.

I remember outside of the American, Syrian and Lebanese Club in Orlando, before a Dead Kennedy's and Agnostic Front concert, we were all out there...eyeing each other, but no more than that.

We always were cautious...all of us in the presence of the others...just in case.

Up comes a couple of peace spreaders, two girls who could have easily blended into the New Wave crowd and no one would have given them a second look, and were handing out flyers for an upcoming peace rally.

I took a flyer, folded it up and put it in my back pocket, a couple others, either refused them or ignored the girls.

I happened to look up at hearing, "NO! Fuck peace! FUCK peace. I want war!"

It was one of the Glam guys, slapping the flyer out of the one girl's hand and storming off.

Like I never know and being an asshole to someone, for no reason, makes one, part of the problem... rather than part of the solution.
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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2014
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I hear you.

The peace spreaders (they started creeping into the scene around '87...I would have spit in your face, back then, had you told me that in the future, I'd be a peace loving pacifist, Taoist! Ha ha!) the Skins, the new wavers, the rockabilly and the Glams...we all hung out together and it was often the "quiet" ones that would shock you.

I moved in and out of every group...I'd be hanging with the gay (as they ALL were back then) Glam crowd and then turn right around and slam dance with the Skins and oftentimes, it was the ones you didn't expect, that were violent.

I remember outside of the American, Syrian and Lebanese Club in Orlando, before a Dead Kennedy's and Agnostic Front concert, we were all out there...eyeing each other, but no more than that.

We always were cautious...all of us in the presence of the others...just in case.

Up comes a couple of peace spreaders, two girls who could have easily blended into the New Wave crowd and no one would have given them a second look, and were handing out flyers for an upcoming peace rally.

I took a flyer, folded it up and put it in my back pocket, a couple others, either refused them or ignored the girls.

I happened to look up at hearing, "NO! Fuck peace! FUCK peace. I want war!"

It was one of the Glam guys, slapping the flyer out of the one girl's hand and storming off.

Like I never know and being an asshole to someone, for no reason, makes one, part of the problem... rather than part of the solution.
I love the fact that you are now a peace loving pacifist Taoist.
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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2014
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Cheyenne WY
I remember when the SHARPs hit Portland.The gutter punks there were pretty tight.We either stayed at the youth shelter or spuautted up and hung togather.That included some neos and such but it wasn't that much of a deal to me.Once the SHARPS showed up man shit got dark.Im to a point if you are radical you can fuck off either way.Walk the center line don't buy any groups bullshit and be your own person.I've survived 46 yrs doing it so far.
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Squatter Fodder
Jun 17, 2013
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Central Texas
These motherfuckers had nazi tattoos and were displaying them for everyone to see - that's enough to warrant a beating.

Fascists don't get a free pass - their ideology and the actions of organizations and individuals that champion it have terrorized black and brown communities in the U.S. and the neoliberal position of making peace with them enables their violence. Violence against fascism is always self-defense. ::rules::

** About skinhead culture though - it started out as an antiracist, antifascist music movement around Ska (Jamaican music where reggae gets its roots). I think nazi skinheads or "boneheads" came into the scene around the late 70s or 80s when white skinheads were won over by fascist prison gangs. Now skinhead culture is in the decline but there are still boneheads fucking around and I see them in Austin and Houston from time to time. - correct me if I'm wrong on any of the history. ::eyepatch::

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