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Zine Gaining Entry

Hello! This is a zine about gaining entry to abandoned buildings. The information in this zine is based on experience squatting in ireland. Some of the information here is specific to this region of the planet, though a lot of the information can be used anywhere. It might be a good idea to hide this zine in another zine, as this zine can be a bit incriminating. Some of the techniques here describe ways to damage locks and windows and stuff. It might not always be the best idea to damage the building you’re trying to get into, but do what you want. While this zine is focused on gaining entry to buildings so you can squat them, it is not a manual on how to squat. For information on the law related to squatting in Ireland, dealing with evictions and the authorities, getting your electricity and water working, forming groups of people to squat with and everything else related to squatting in Ireland check out the “Irish squatters handbook” This is the second version of this zine published October 2015.
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