
Well-known member
Jan 25, 2014
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so, Catfish (my lab/shepherd mix) got parvo from the back yard where were housed up in Oklahoma City.. a month ago these people's new puppy had it and has been treated but I'm almost sure he contracted it through dog shit in the back yard as they deep cleaned everything else. anyway, he's been losing weight, won't eat, has bloody liquid (as in not solid whatsoever) poop, throws up, and is completely lethargic. I have like forty bucks to my name, I'm goin to see if any vets can do ANYTHING to help tomorrow when stuff is open but I've already been told (twice) that if I'm caught flyin or spanging again I'm going to jail so I dunno how much id be able to afford. I'm stuck y'all.. if I lose my boy I will lose my mind. does anyone know of anything to keep him alive until I can get him proper treatment?? I'm fuckin desperate.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I would take him to the vet and if they won't help you due to lack of funds, ask them if there's any organizations that will. It might help to call ahead/around and see if anyone can give you a price break or do it pro Bono?


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
If he's got diarrhoea the most important thing to do is make sure you keep his liquid intake up so that he doesn't get dehydrated. If he won't drink from a bowl what I have done before is using a syringe (without needle, obviously) and syringed water directly into my dogs mouth. I think you can even get special syringes for this from a pharmacy as you can use them to give babies medicine. Anyway, yeah keep his fluids up.

You said he's not eating, have you tried feeding him something like rice, chicken, scrambled egg? these are gentle on dogs stomachs, you could even liquidise the food to make it easier for him to eat.

I don't have much better advice than that. good luck, I hope your pup gets better soon.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2014
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thanks guys, yeah I've tried feeding him all kinds of people foods he just looks at me like "yo mom I don't feel good I don't want this" and it breaks my heart. I've been giving him a mixture of dog food, water and some vitamins c and b in a squirt bottle down his throat every so often.. enough to keep something in his belly but not so much that he throws it up :/


Apr 7, 2013
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From Wiki

Unconventional treatments
There have been anecdotal reports of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) reducing disease severity and hospitalization time in canine parvovirus infection. The drug may limit the ability of the virus to invade the crypt cells of the small intestine and decrease gastrointestinal bacteria colonization and toxin production.

I have no idea how you would get a hold of some tamiflu but I thought that it may be an alternative.

Deleted member 2626

google free animal clinics I guess. thats shitty I know how you feel. My dog just had to have a lump cut from his throat a few months ago. had me reelin for a few months till everything was finalized. good luck, put an ad on CL or something too


Feb 27, 2014
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Ottawa, ON
I've dealt with that before too, it sucks pretty hard but we managed to save our dog. We went to a vet and couldn't afford to have our dog treated but the nurse there told us to buy pedia-lite water from the baby section of walmart and using a syringe with no needle to force our dog to drink it. What kills dogs isn't the parvo its the dehydration from the diarrhea and vomiting. Just keep strong and keep making him drink even if he doesn't want to. Also, parvo can live in dirt for months so if a dog has it and pees or does anything there it'll get in the dirt and stay alive for a long time (according to that same nurse from above) so watch out for anyone that has had a dog with parvo in the last few months. That nurse also said that usually only young dogs get it but sometimes older ones do too but once a dog gets parvo its like the chickenpox in people, they probably won't get it again until they're really old and their immune system starts dying off so he probably won't get it again.


Sep 1, 2010
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I've dealt with that before too, it sucks pretty hard but we managed to save our dog. We went to a vet and couldn't afford to have our dog treated but the nurse there told us to buy pedia-lite water from the baby section of walmart and using a syringe with no needle to force our dog to drink it. What kills dogs isn't the parvo its the dehydration from the diarrhea and vomiting. Just keep strong and keep making him drink even if he doesn't want to. Also, parvo can live in dirt for months so if a dog has it and pees or does anything there it'll get in the dirt and stay alive for a long time (according to that same nurse from above) so watch out for anyone that has had a dog with parvo in the last few months. That nurse also said that usually only young dogs get it but sometimes older ones do too but once a dog gets parvo its like the chickenpox in people, they probably won't get it again until they're really old and their immune system starts dying off so he probably won't get it again.
Agreed. You want to avoid dehydration at all costs. The only way that you're going to save your pup is if you can be with him/her constantly so that you can syringe her fluids every five to ten minutes for several days. It's easier for the vet because they can just hook her up to an IV and pump the good stuff in. But if you can't a vet's help, you know what to do.

I hope your pup is alive.. Parvo is a swift killer.


The party is over and all, but I really feel the need to add this in case anyone in the future reads this (hi, future reader!).
OREGANO OIL saved my friends pup from parvo once. She wouldn't eat or drink whatsoever, was dropping weight and would hardly move as well as having blood in her stool. I went to the local health mart (Sprouts, Haggens, Lassens, etc) and got a tincture of Oregano Oil for about $20. Seriously two minutes after giving her some she went straight for the water and started lappin' it up on her own. Later that night she even managed to eat some food. Two days later she was running around with her sis again. That shit is some miracle tincture.

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