after numerous attempts to get rid of them, and lots of money spent on hotel rooms and crap, I eventually had to go home to get rid of lice (I had them for a ridiculously long time!!!). I kind of went crazy though becasue of so many failed attempts and the fact that I was around kids and stuff at my family's house...I alternated the rubbing alcohol/plastic bag method for an hour with the shaving cream/vinegar in a bag for an hour method, every 3 days or so. lots of blowdrying, and washing my hair with flea and tick shampoo and wshing everything I own daily. I'm not totally sure which of these things was the kicker but it got rid of them. I did this shit for like 2 weeks or something to be sure. Oh and I dyed my hair at some point afterward just to douse it in more chemicals haha, It was a serious pain in the ass, but if yer stuck on not cutting your hair off, it works!
Pee ess you can spread lice just hanging around people actually, they fall off you and climb onto others. Riding in the same car, sitting on the same furniture or grass or whatever can spread them!