Four Loko !



damn ya'll are a bunch of whiney bitches. they are Merged now, not that it really matters in the end.

each one offered a different link and is from a different stage of the situation. we also have like 89230759817450981745 train threads.. should we merge them all into one? ha.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2007
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This may make ya sad... four loko news..

banning four loko because its making people sick is like banning penuts becuase stupid fucks eat them even though they know they're allergic to it. if its making you sick, either stop fucking complaining, or stop drinking it. id like to continue getting drunk for 3 dollars a day.
The only, SLIGHT, difference is that peanuts are very good for you if you are not allergic to them..

Four loko is shit, who cares. Some of us can regulate what goes into our bodies, and make grown up decisions for ourselves; The ban is for those of you who cant. If you only drink to get fucked up, you really should reevaluate your life and make some changes to it.


watching tv tonight I saw at least 8 different news specials about this very topic.

you'd think with it being justpost-election time and all that jazz they'd have better things to think about.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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eastern shore of Maryland
watching tv tonight I saw at least 8 different news specials about this very topic.

you'd think with it being justpost-election time and all that jazz they'd have better things to think about.

you'd think with all the crazy shit goin on in the world and all the neat travel stuff to talk about, WE'D have better things to think about....hahaha............................................................................but nah, i call for a national day of mourning over all this.........this is the kinda shit that fires up that revolutionary spirit in us the fuck out of us, tighen the noose of excessive laws and corrupt, untrustworthy police around our necks, send our kids off to die fighting poor people overseas, etc...... but dang it dont yall start fuckin wit my booze......... they done took it too far


Well-known member
May 4, 2008
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Northern California
It's interesting to me how many people are weighing in with variations on "So what? Four Loko is bad."
I dunno, at the very least, you should be concerned about the government arbitrarily limiting what you are allowed to consume. But I guess it's okay as long as it's something you don't like.

People should be out creating or achieving things or doing something good for society.
I enjoy getting good and blacked out every now and then, and Four Loko is good for that. Lots of other people feel the same way. I doubt that YOU accomplish something good for society with your every waking moment. Some people get drunk and then create and achieve things, but I guess those people aren't living valid lifestyles because they aren't up to your standards of being productive. Stop being so fucking judgmental.

Regardless of how anybody on here feels about Four Loko itself, the fact that the government is stepping in and telling us this product is "unsafe" without any real good reason for that should bother EVERYbody. Every time this happens, it's another step toward a more fascist United States. Only a moron sees freedoms being taken away and goes "Oh, it doesn't affect me, so why should I care?"


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Aug 8, 2010
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shithole Bethany Beach, DE
It's interesting to me how many people are weighing in with variations on "So what? Four Loko is bad."
I dunno, at the very least, you should be concerned about the government arbitrarily limiting what you are allowed to consume. But I guess it's okay as long as it's something you don't like.

I enjoy getting good and blacked out every now and then, and Four Loko is good for that. Lots of other people feel the same way. I doubt that YOU accomplish something good for society with your every waking moment. Some people get drunk and then create and achieve things, but I guess those people aren't living valid lifestyles because they aren't up to your standards of being productive. Stop being so fucking judgmental.

Regardless of how anybody on here feels about Four Loko itself, the fact that the government is stepping in and telling us this product is "unsafe" without any real good reason for that should bother EVERYbody. Every time this happens, it's another step toward a more fascist United States. Only a moron sees freedoms being taken away and goes "Oh, it doesn't affect me, so why should I care?"

I wanted to type something like this out, but I was too lazy, thank you for that! I could give a shit if everyone hates it, but big brother coming in and trying to regulate ONE MORE THING is completely fucked up. why not turn into full blown communists like china and start limiting the number of kids you can have, and have them tell you what your kid's profession is going to be? Why keep doing it a little at a time?

fuck em all, live in the woods and drink shine. they won't fucking govern me.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2009
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homebum of americas
i was visiting friends in orlando...near ucf
we went to a norml party last night everyone there was saying how the 4lo ban was a good thing. it made me sick the rank hypocracy. I think that marijuana is onre of the worst drugs in the makes u paranoid lazy mentaly il, abusive l...i saw what it did to my father.... i have no love for it...but i belive it should be legal on general princeipal...then i see these hypocritical socialist faggots sucking the fdas cock over "protecting people from 4lo" makes me sick
i wouldint call the cops on them for somkeing that hippie crap
my instinct is to kick a stoners ass
but i hold off
but i bet that rat on me if they found out i so much poped a measly little vicoden


Nov 13, 2010
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four loko...... drink have a can add whiskey and it turns to a sidewalk slammer
Oct 31, 2010
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marijuanas not a drug...and if it makes you lazy paranoid or a head case chances are youve always been...i like all drugs cept pharms. but still i see no need to ban anything...really i see no need for an "FDA" in general...everyones a hypocrite and no one needs protection from anything they decide to take.also marijuana has been around alot longer then hippies.


no need for name calling, I smoke weed but I'm not a mongrel. to answer your question weed is a drug even though the FDA will say that plants can't be labeled as drugs but for legal purposes they make an exception for weed, peyote and opium. (so they can put them on the controlled substance act)
Oct 31, 2010
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well i smoke it for spiritual reasons...but you kan also eat it...fuck the FDA when i think "drug" i think abuse...a "drug user" is way different then a "drug abuser"


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2007
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It's interesting to me how many people are weighing in with variations on "So what? Four Loko is bad."
I dunno, at the very least, you should be concerned about the government arbitrarily limiting what you are allowed to consume. But I guess it's okay as long as it's something you don't like.

I enjoy getting good and blacked out every now and then, and Four Loko is good for that. Lots of other people feel the same way. I doubt that YOU accomplish something good for society with your every waking moment. Some people get drunk and then create and achieve things, but I guess those people aren't living valid lifestyles because they aren't up to your standards of being productive. Stop being so fucking judgmental.

Regardless of how anybody on here feels about Four Loko itself, the fact that the government is stepping in and telling us this product is "unsafe" without any real good reason for that should bother EVERYbody. Every time this happens, it's another step toward a more fascist United States. Only a moron sees freedoms being taken away and goes "Oh, it doesn't affect me, so why should I care?"

"Any real good reason"? Did you really read anything on the topic?

As I said, some people cant make grown up decisions for themselves. If your idea of a radical society is that everyone should be free to do WHATEVER they want even if that includes drinking bleach koolaid, then youve got a fucked up idea of freedom. The truth is, in such a township, youd be a huge burden to everyone around you. All your friends would have to watch you slowly kill yourself, and all the while youd just be leeching. FourLoko is poison, and the lines gotta be drawn somewhere.

There are things you hope people can figure out for themselves, but if tomorrow McDonalds, cigarettes, caffeinated energy drinks, high fructose corn syrup, among other things, were outlawed, id honestly be stoked. People only consume that shit because its convenient. You can still make fourloko, but youre probably not going to because its so fucking gnarly.

marijuanas not a drug...and if it makes you lazy paranoid or a head case chances are youve always been...i like all drugs cept pharms. but still i see no need to ban anything...really i see no need for an "FDA" in general...everyones a hypocrite and no one needs protection from anything they decide to take.also marijuana has been around alot longer then hippies.

Marijuana causes me to have long, painful, terrifying, seizures. I dont like the idea of fourloko or weed, but at least people who drink arent physically poisoning me at the same time.

well i smoke it for spiritual reasons...but you kan also eat it...fuck the FDA when i think "drug" i think abuse...a "drug user" is way different then a "drug abuser"

When you use a substance every single day to keep yourself satisfied with life, you are an abuser. Weed isnt a vitamin that your body breaks down for your nourishment, its a drug. If you want to use it, go for it, but its obnoxious to hear stoners talk about pot like its jesus christ and in so is free from the standards similar substances are held to. Weed can still give you lung disease, fuck up your life, and make you a wage slave.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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eastern shore of Maryland
wholehearted disagreement with previous post..... opinions withheld ......


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Aug 8, 2010
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shithole Bethany Beach, DE
"Any real good reason"? Did you really read anything on the topic?

As I said, some people cant make grown up decisions for themselves. If your idea of a radical society is that everyone should be free to do WHATEVER they want even if that includes drinking bleach koolaid, then youve got a fucked up idea of freedom. The truth is, in such a township, youd be a huge burden to everyone around you. All your friends would have to watch you slowly kill yourself, and all the while youd just be leeching. FourLoko is poison, and the lines gotta be drawn somewhere.

There are things you hope people can figure out for themselves, but if tomorrow McDonalds, cigarettes, caffeinated energy drinks, high fructose corn syrup, among other things, were outlawed, id honestly be stoked. People only consume that shit because its convenient. You can still make fourloko, but youre probably not going to because its so fucking gnarly.

Marijuana causes me to have long, painful, terrifying, seizures. I dont like the idea of fourloko or weed, but at least people who drink arent physically poisoning me at the same time.

When you use a substance every single day to keep yourself satisfied with life, you are an abuser. Weed isnt a vitamin that your body breaks down for your nourishment, its a drug. If you want to use it, go for it, but its obnoxious to hear stoners talk about pot like its jesus christ and in so is free from the standards similar substances are held to. Weed can still give you lung disease, fuck up your life, and make you a wage slave.

This has to be one of the most ignorant things I've read on this site. You do realize what you're saying here is essentially, "I don't care if the government is coming in an tightening the noose, I personally don't like that stuff, it's bad!" Well one fucking day here that fucker will be tight and the floor's gonna drop out from under us.

Do you even know what high fructose corn syrup is?

High-fructose corn syrup is produced by milling corn to produce corn starch, then processing that starch to yield corn syrup, which is almost entirely glucose, and then adding enzymes that change some of the glucose into fructose. The resulting syrup (after enzyme conversion) contains approximately 42% fructose and is HFCS 42.

I'm sick of stupid ignorant people, and honestly when I joined this I was really hoping there would be more of a universal understanding about things like this, but I guess anarchism is just a word people like to throw around and not follow through with. Big brother can hold your hand if you want, and lead you through life and tell you what to do or not to do, or you could have some common fucking sense, and think that maybe drinking bleach wouldn't be such a good idea. It's not a hard concept.

And as far as your seizures, and pot go, I'm sorry for that, but I sure as shit don't get em, so don't go talking shit on weed just for the maybe 10-20% of humans who have a bad reaction to it. Yes, IT DOES HAVE TAR AND ALL THAT BAAAAD stuff, but for fuck's sake, you can overdose on water if you really wanted to, you can overdose on ANYTHING if you try hard enough. Funny enough, there's never been a death from somebody smoking too much weed in one sitting, wonder why that is? Can't say that about many other "drugs". If you don't like the smoke, move to the next room.

Reminds me of this: Smug Alert (Season 10, Episode 2) - Full Episode Player - South Park Studios


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2009
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homebum of americas
im just sick of this hypocritical ninnys getting all sanctimonious over the fact they smoke marijuana. look just because its trendy doesint make it not a drug
marijuana is a drug
if it plays a central role in your life that makes you a drug addict
truth hurts
deal with it u ass spelunkering hipsters


Well-known member
May 4, 2008
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Northern California
Yes, Four Loko is being targeted for "no good reason". It is just two beverages combined: an energy drink, and fortified wine. It's not like there's been a huge amount of issues related to it in the past; it's just that college students discovered it and think that chugging cans of it like it's soda is a brilliant idea. People have been mixing Red Bull and vodka for a long time, which has even more of an alcohol/energy drink ratio. Alcoholic drinks are intended to be consumed by adults who know how to drink a fucking beer, not morons who think it's cool to chug two or three cans in a row. When we drink it on the streets, we're usually splitting a can between two or three people, or making a sidewalk slam and splitting it between 2-4 people and further mixing it to boot.

Mixing alcohol and caffeine is nothing new, and not dangerous under normal circumstances. The PRODUCT is not unsafe; the way some retarded college kids used it is unsafe. You can't blame a product marketed to adults who are supposed to know how to drink alcohol without killing themselves if people then proceed to kill themselves. You can chug mixed liquor and kill yourself way quicker and easier than chugging Four Loko.

And yes, I do think that a person should be able to put whatever they want in their body, and I don't see how that's a fucked up idea of freedom. This is my body, and I should be free to put in it what I want; it does not belong to the government, and it's not the government's place to tell me what to do when it comes to my body. If I choose to drink "poison", AKA Four Loko, then that is my decision and has no real detriment to anybody else.


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2006
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novosivirsk, russia
found the cheapest way to get fucked up and caffeinated simultaneously is Pay for some Hurricane or other High-Gravity at the Register and while the clerk's eyes are focused on the drawer making you change,
pocket those conveniently small 24-hr energy doodads and just drop em in your pocket. By the way those things are the devil.
So small, however, that you don';t have to wait for the label to mix if you so desire.

Whistler and BryanPaul @ROar!!@!! haha funny shit. where are u these days whistler?

BTW I was readin the other day how tobacco taxes disproportionately tax the poor...... More poor people smoke so gov's actually taxing poor people more than rich people right. And you thought you dint pay any taxes being a travelling badass....
It sometimes is so impressive how fucking stupid college freshmen are.... i guess because i started drinking/smokin weed way younger than that age and they just started is part of it, but still, wow, they do such dumb shit repeatedly for about their entire freshman year.

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