Before I set out .. always seek wisdom from the wise


New member
Sep 13, 2010
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I've got a long road ahead of me and a boring, irrelevant story behind me. My name is Sam and I'm bumming around Rhode Island right now. To be blunt I've recently been made homeless, stranded, and penniless. I have maybe fifteen bucks to my name, some clothing, a backpack, a few bare necessitates. Now this ain't exactly my first barbecue. I've done some wandering and hitchhiking before but only in extreme moderation. A refuge would never be far away.

Things are a bit different now. I nap in bookstores during the day and shoplift for food and snacks. I would be lying if I said working in retail hasn't payed off. This is all well and good but there are no couches for me to surf around here and no refuge. I don't plan on doing this forever. I need to get to Cocoa, Florida. Not my ideal destination, I prefer the cold, but there are some distant relatives who can lend me a hand there.

I'm not stupid. But it would be very stupid to not tap into the collective knowledge of a community such as StP. All of this hides a very simple question. I have no money, no means of transport, and next to no experience on the road. I need to get from Warwick, Rhode Island to Cocoa, Florida. -How?-


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2009
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when ever i'm not sure how to get somewhere, i usually take out my map and stare at all the endless possibilities. Then i get myself out of town via walking, and boom. Thumb goes up, get's sweaty, hard work, courteous thumb. Get's me here, get's me there. Don't give up, or feel dejected. Life on the road is hard, and it will wear you out, aye, but you'll have fun.

Someone else just wrote to turn down rides, if you have to. I think that's really wise advice.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2010
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who knows
RI represent. :)
Okay best words I can give you: Try and always have water with you (and some nonperishable food if possible...which sounds like it is), TURN DOWN RIDES that give you a bad feeling, have a knife if you can just in case, don't trust anyone, sleep with your shoes under your head, cardboard makes concrete a lot more comfortable and warm, get out of RI as fast as you can... take a bus down to the edge of the state maybe....I haven't tried to hitch there other than short distances (not that there's anything else in that state) but I've heard the cops fuck with you pretty hard... uhmm... I can't really think of anything else right now. Hope you have a sleeping bag or a blanket at least...if not, hit up a church or somethin for some sleeping gear. Oh and to my knowledge most places it's legal to hitch on highways but not interstates.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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the downloads section has some simplified laws for hitching in the
nw ne sw and se parts of the us
use common sense, try to have someone with you
or a dog... cause dogs know shit.
try to have fun! fun fun fun
your doing something that is beautiful, so enjoy every second of it

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