Ok, right - well I've been shitting blood off and on for about twenty solid years now so I guess I could be considered an expert in the field.
In my case - it's definately related to a combination of diet and stress.
Cheap beer and lots of dairy = heinz ketchup / tomato sauce coming out for a few days....
Even worse: when it comes out like strawberry shortcake and you are having the dry heaves type shitting to where you think your insides are going to come out!!
I know you're going to think I'm out of my mind - but is the blood nice and red??
Red = Good (hemroids)
Dark = Bad (something internal)
However, with proper diet (and cooling it with the drinking of alcohol all the time) that problem went away real fast.
(not too mention having my most recent ex move 3000 miles away)
Make sure you drink lots and lots and lots of water.
Being hydrated is crucial to good health
And if you can find it - there's an aloe vera leaf GEL that comes in a brown gallon jug - which you drink 2 oz of each day, man let me tell you - as disgusting as it looks and feels in your mouth (like semam I'm sure) when you swallow it slowly you can feel it heal you from the inside out. Just make sure it's refridgerated, or else you will vomit.
Are you blocked?? There's a really good colon cleanser out there - believe it's called colon cleanse - which you can again find at a good health food store. Forget metamucil, you want the industrial strength stuff..... but again, if you're going to use it, make sure you are drinking lots of water throughout the day...
Can you do salt baths??
They fuckin rule!!
I got into them after watching Caligulia one night and something clicked.
Salt water (as in the ocean) is a great cure all too, but it's too damn cold
to go snorking / swimming now..............
Now, shitting water is an experience unto itself.
That happens if I'm sitting too long / belt is too tight, etc.... not properly discharging internal pressure....
What's interesting is that I see no relation between chafing and shitting blood.
I don't think I've ever had chafing per say - but I have gotten jock itch from cheap beer - especially old cheap beer thats been subjected through several temperture changes - so avoid that crap.
And you talk about a motherfucker to get rid of!!
I tried everything under the sun - including - GASP !! - seeing a doctor, but in the end - it was yet another previous ex who found something which resembled black tar which I applied and that cured it.
I think wearing "swing easy's" (boxers) might contribute to that as well.
Do you have any blood sugar issues (I have low) because that can cause problems too.
Rollins put some good advice out there: Keep your body lean and your blood clean
Believe me, it definatley works.
Keep us posted on how you're making out, GOOD LUCK !!