
  1. MrSirLanceAlot

    Hello From Texas!

    So I've decided that mid next year, I'm going to set on a adventure of my life and try to travel to most states, Canada and Alaska. I've decided to join this forum to hopefully find a few People to get to know so that when I do start to travel I can have a few stops to make and hang out with a...
  2. Gnome

    Texas lovers planning to travel

    My lover and I are starting to plan to travel, we are currently saving funds, getting gear together and proper clothing, doing research, etc and plan to travel around the country on foot, by train, hitchhiking, and possibly by bus (when funds allow) and we'll also be carrying a small tent with...
  3. Kate Westcoast

    Photos can't sleep can't stop thinking about texas

  4. Kate Westcoast

    Photos Getting high going to texas

  5. S

    Squatter Rights in Texas

    Recently decided to make this house my home down in Texas, but I'm not getting any clear answers on how long I have to occupy the space and how I would need to prove my stay and such when the time comes to. It's an ex boyfriends childhood house that his parents just up and left behind. Prob is...
  6. Vee Comm

    The only crusty kid in North Texas

    Hey there, my name is V! Finally got around to making an account here (three years after I said I would) Just checking it out and think yall are rad! soooo yea . This is my intro ::fuckinginbed::
  7. Traveler

    Photos A little bit of Texas

    So I recently came back to Houston after spending about 6 weeks in the hill country. As directed by Tude, I took pictures of stuff whenever I remembered to. So, here we go. I did some fishing, nothing was big enough to keep though so I threw everything back(bluegill and catfish). I was...
  8. C

    Sail the warm waters of Texas!

    On my way back to Texas after spending a few days in Eugene and Portland. Heading back to sea in the next 2 weeks and can use up to 2 crew. Looking for extremely adventurous young, single folks to live and work as crew on a small sailing yacht (Windrose 18 fractional sloop). Must be comfortable...
  9. Traveler

    East Texas

    So I'm going to be doing the primitive deal real soon. I'm in Houston right now and I'm not sure of any good close spots for camping. I have a few small spots picked out in urban areas but I'm still looking for better, more remote spots. I have most of the gear I need, have to go buy a few...
  10. R


    Hey everyone! Ricky here, born and raised in Texas, 19 years of age, I do smoke weed it relaxes me and makes me the most joyful person on the planet, (At-least in my head) ha ha. Anyways, it is nice to join this community finally. Hopefully I will meet a'lot of new people and do great things...
  11. TexasTea

    Looking for a Hitching companion out of Texas.

    I gave hitching it a shot recently, loved it 10/10 would do again. But I'm looking to travel with someone else to lighten the burden of some of the gear. I would want to head west and hitch it up the Pacific Coast Highway. I've got a few places for us to stay Hobbs NM, Mammoth and Escondido...
  12. krozar

    Going West from Texas

    Lived my whole life in Texas (with some time in FL). Now I am 31 and going west to hike and squat. I love living minimally and hiking. Like many, what I own will be in my pack. However I am still unfamiliar with that whole area of the US and places to go. The forests along the west coast is...
  13. ipoPua


    i'll mostly just be passing through, but there are a few places i'd like to hit up. most likely coming in from NOLA on hwy 10, see a few fun things in houston and then up the 45 towards waxahachie. closest cities are fort worth and dallas which dont seem to have anything for me but there are a...
  14. ipoPua

    Baldwin to Texas

    i'm heading out from wny this spring and trying to decide if i would rather thumb or hop when i'm done with florida. just looking for someone with experience on the Trop. express to confirm whether hopping is a good idea if i want to stop in texas. thanks in advance mang
  15. eve

    Hey from Austin Texas soon to be NoLa

    Hey. I just herd about this site threw some friends and thought I would check it out. I'm Eve I'm from and currently in Austin Texas but I'm about to make the move to New Orleans and i'm really stoked to meet people there I've never been to NoLa so I dont know very many people there. if your...
  16. Synth

    Jello, from Texas!

    Hey everyone. Trying to jump on the bandwagon here so just introducing myself! Name's Marcos. 21 and I have a wanderlust that cannot be sated. Or so it seems. I'm here to meet new people and gain new ideas and just a general flourishing of knowledge. I live in DFW so if anyone needs a ride...
  17. N

    Greets from central Texas

    So I have always been a bit of an urban explorer, and travel is one of the most happy parts of my life. I grew up with my dad and grandmother telling stories about making and growing what need, and the hobos that would get off the train near their house and come trade some work or crafts for a...
  18. spoon

    Hi from Texas, looking for others

    Hi, I'm in Texas. Been living here for a while like a "normal person". Getting ready to pretty much go off the grid. This is part choice and part need. I've started to get rid of a lot of stuff in my apartment. (not that I have much any way) And I've been trying to save what little cash I...
  19. wildboy860

    Texas Rainbow Family August 2010 Regional Gathering

    DIRECTIONS TO WELCOME HOME: Go north from Zavalla on 147 (147 is the Left fork at the Red Exxon Station while you're still in Zavalla. Hwy Sign say's "to San Augustine") Farm to Market Road - FM 83 FM 83 is a half mile south of Broaddus. Go East on FM 83 for about 3 miles. If a sign says the...
  20. rabidpossum

    chillin in the squat in austin, texas

    my buddies found the place not too long before south by southwest this year and showed me when i got into town. we had a small party one rainy night. the footage is dark but i think its gunny listening to our gibberish.
  21. ghostsymposium

    Texas bioregion/wildlife

    Hey y'all. Wondering if anyone is familiar with forests of texas. I'm from the north east and feel like I have an idea of what animals to watch out for when staying in the woods. I'm about to move to texas though somewhere around austin (maybe the green belt?) and I have no idea what to expect...
  22. Bishop

    Bishop. A home-bum in denton, texas.

    nice to meet you all! names bishop, i bum around a lot in my home town. i havent had a chance to hop out just yet my experienced roadie just got back, and were gonna chill here till it warms up. but ive been home-free since i was 16. i squated before i even knew it had a word. ive got an alice...
  23. nuckfumbertheory

    Texas border and mass imprisonment of aliens

    This is a transcript of an interview my sister heard on the radio the other day and told me about. I am pretty in awe at how horrible this is. I'm not sure if anyone knows more about a movement against this sort of thing, but I would really be interested if anyone has any information...
  24. informationsniper

    hello from south texas

    hey guys im frankie from south texas, i enjoy traveling and would like to do it more often.
  25. Avon Drunquist

    Texas Justice

    It was nearing late November, just before thanksgiving, and I was caught in the grips of D.T mania. In New Orleans, of all places, where it's far from uncommon to see someone shake until they puke up their stomach lining in the morning. I'd woken up in my corner room on the third floor of a...
  26. Lost

    hitching through texas

    im in Austin right now trying to figure out whether or not to hitch to houston and hop to nola or hitch the whole way to nola from austin,anyone do anything similar to this or ever hitch in texas,i kinda wanna know what im up agianst here,i aquired a dog now so its just me him and my rat.Any tips?