
  1. TheManInThePants


    Hello, I'm the man in the pants. I have known about StP for a few years, but only got around to making an account on the site just now. I'm interested in going through the zine collection and learning more about squatting. I have been living in my car on and off for years, but I have been...
  2. M

    New here and looking for tips on getting started in this lifestyle

    I am an 18 year old male and for the longest time I've yerned for this type of life. This type of lifestyle is what I want to do with my life. I hope I can get some tips on how to start, especially types on starting in a small town. I'm from PA btw. I'm about 20 miles from erie. Any tips would...
  3. Andrea Van Scoyoc

    Hi, Y'all! Sock Monkey Queen and Gypsy, passing through!

    It's been a while, but y'all are never far from my thoughts. Thanks to my Cousin, Lif, I have discovered that I have Gypsy blood! Specifically, Romanichal, Gitano and a smidge of Volchi. Yeah! Now...my wanderlust ways make sense. Shout out to any others of Gypsy blood! Oh and just an...