
  1. SonOfASatyr

    Hey all, newbie here!

    Im not really good at introductions, so pardon if it isn't top notch :v For starters, if you want a name you can call me Pan. I'm a 23 year old lil dude who lives in hell (New Orleans) and is finally willing enough to get outta there. By the metrics of lots of my friends (family...
  2. Goden

    Hey its me Goden!

    Greetings, my name is Goden. I will be homeless starting January 1st. I'm currently working at Pizza Hut in a very small town(2,000 population) in Georgia, USA. I already have a 25L backpack but I cant fit all the gear I bought into it. I plan on walking to Alabama then Texas and eventually...
  3. T

    Lost/left everything in my life, going to try living out in the woods and forests and exploring this country.

    Recently left my abusive family, an amazing relationship that i ruined, and a bunch of racist, homophobic (basically all of the "-ists" and "-phobics" a person could be.) "friends". And I just lost my job for basically giving up and now I'm here. Rent is gonna be due soon, and I'll be SOL once I...
  4. etherdwell

    returning but also new af

    hey y’all, i’m marrow! dropping an intro here as it’s recommended and i’m excited to connect. it’s just a copy/paste of my profile “about” section because i feel it makes a good intro. if ur a fellow trans traveler, reach out! 🖤 i’m marrow, 29, very trans / queer / gender fluid. i’m a dancer /...
  5. Filament

    Hi, I'm Esbee!

    I've been working thankless minimum wage jobs for the last like 8 years or so. Can't hack it anymore, I just want to be free, I know it'll be hard but I've always felt like I don't work with this society, the jobs never go anywhere, the bills pile up. I'm ready to live life and be free or die...
  6. wanderbusk

    Had to stealth camp on private property a few times and have mixed feelings

    The properties were out in the middle of nowhere. Before I did the first one, I thought it might be kind of fun but now I just feel wrong about it. On the other hand, I slept in a parking lot of a closed business and it didn't bother me and I slept behind a church without permission as nobody...
  7. roaminganimal

    New to this lifestyle (looking for travel buddy)

    Hey all, I'm currently in Toronto. Long story short I was faced with a few options for my future by my family but I hated them all, so I think I'm deciding to hike back to the US, which involves some hitchhiking, and maybe if I need to I'll take a train the rest of the way. Idk I'm bad at...
  8. Liskac

    Hi, I'm Samuel :)

    Yo, I'm 20 yo man from the Czech Republic. In Scout, I got a lot of experience with survival in the woods and so on. Czech scouts are strongly influenced by Woodcraft Indians, so luckily we were more Indians than soldiers. Ocassionally I do urbex with friends, hiking, camping, but nothing...
  9. Berightback


    What's happening, everyone? I'm currently at a rehab facility in Birmingham, AL with intentions to pacify the courts, after this, who knows? I have a guitar and would love to travel and busk, been playing for several decades (it's my favorite thing to do), and rly, I just hate stagnation. RN...