
  1. G

    New Squat in London.. need more squatters!

    Would anybody be interested in joining me, my fiancé and some other people at a new building we plan to open tonight in Central London? Over the next week or so we are looking to fill this. This will be my fifth building.. and my fiancé has been squatting here since 2016. This will not be a...
  2. Tobiko

    in remembrance “PUNK KAF”

    Punk Kaf the early years - Freedom News -
  3. P

    Squatting in London

    Anybody looking to squat in London? If you are interested, and you are here already or soon to arrive, send me a pm and I will give more details.
  4. D

    A Brief History of the Hippie Trail - London to Kathmandu - Updated 2021 (

    It looks like the only thread on here explicitly about the Hippie Trail is about how it was about five years ago. I found this gem and thought at least a person or two on here might be into it: A Brief History of the Hippie Trail - London to Kathmandu - Updated 2021 (
  5. iukzhe

    Sleeping at Stansted London airport

    Hi, this weekend I have a late arrival and early departure (around 7 hours of layover) at Stansted London airport, and I was looking up the best way to get some shut-eye that night. It turns out it's one of the worst airports in the world according to this website. I've been there already four...
  6. Anagor

    A little bit of info about Camden Town in London, UK

    General Information Camden Town is famed for its market, a warren of fashion and curiosities by the Regent’s Canal. A haven of counter culture, the area is popular with tourists, teenagers and punks. The thriving nightlife scene includes live music in alternative clubs and old-school pubs, and...
  7. D

    Video Hamilton to London, ON

    On a trip of mine recently I got fascinating footage of Hamilton, Ontario as I was leaving on CP. We ride through CN/CP Bayview Junction - Popular foam spot. Underneath a 1 mile long tunnel underneath Hamilton's downtown core . Traverse through close quarter urban areas as the train leaves the...
  8. Darcyx9

    some london city magic

    hello hello lovely people, I've been lurking for a week or two so I wanna introduce myself (typed this up and it turned into my life story whoops) i'm from germany originally and i left my teeny tiny village when i was 18, traveled around the country for two months then settled in dresden for a...
  9. RedDeath99

    UK Bound

    Heading to the UK quite soon,. Was wondering if anyone is there and knows a place that ill be able to squat. I do plan on visiting A.S.S once I get there. I just want to be sure i got a place to pass out. Til I can get on a train to somewhere warmer.
  10. ANOK

    Hello everyone! Cool community here! I'm french but i'm right now in Brixton (London) someone in London here?

    Hello everyone! Cool community here! I'm french but i'm right now in Brixton (London) someone in London here?
  11. Brennan Pollock

    Greetings! Moving to the UK ASAP!

    Greetings! It's a pleasure to join the site. I few things to lay out on the table as my perfunctory introduction: 1. I am an aspirant anglican priest and scholar who many would label as "quite unorthodox" though I tend to believe I am as "orthodox" as they come. I will never attempt to...
  12. K

    Anti-Fascist squatters occupy London mansion

    @Matt Derrick is on mobile and wanted to share this artical: Inside the £15million Belgravia mansion owned by a Russian billionaire that...
  13. Hillbilly Castro

    As of 9/17/16: Westjet flights $187 Toronto to London

    Thought I'd put a line out, as it's a great frickin deal. I long didn't consider Europe because of cost but with this I definitely realize I can do it.
  14. Matt Derrick

    Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP) #1

    Matt Derrick submitted a new file to the StP library: Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP) #1 - Squatting newsletter for people living in London, England. Click here for more information on this file.
  15. Matt Derrick

    Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP) #2

    Matt Derrick submitted a new file to the StP library: Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP) #2 - Newsletter for folks squatting in London. Click here for more information on this file.
  16. landpirate

    SLAP! - Squatters of London Action paper

    Here's links to issues one and two of SLAP! - Squatters of London Action paper. I'm on my phone right now so I can't seem to download them, I'll try and sort it out later.
  17. undine

    All London Squatter Comic

    undine submitted a new file to the StP library: All London Squatter Comic - Published : 16th February 1990. Is really more of a zine then a comic Click here for more information on this file.
  18. landpirate

    Photographs of London Squatters in the 70s and 80s Amazing Photographs of London Squatters in the 70s and 80s October 7, 2015 by Bo Franklin It can't have escaped your attention that Britain is going...
  19. Danny Hammons

    London squats or punk houses?

    Anyone know of any decent squats or punk houses in London? I am traveling solo and this will be my first time in London... any ideas would be very helpful!
  20. Brother X

    News & Blogs Stowaway found dead after falling from British Airways plane in London

    Apparently this is a thing. I googled around and found it's more common than you may imagine. =========== LINK: A stowaway on a British Airways jet was found dead after falling on a roof as the plane approached London Heathrow Airport, authorities said Friday. It's...
  21. landpirate

    An Insider’s Look At The Communal Squatting Lifestyle In London AN INSIDER’S LOOK AT THE COMMUNAL SQUATTING LIFESTYLE IN LONDON June 12, 2015 by Kayla Chobotiuk | 0 Comments Group cuddling in a squat on May 11, 2013 in London, United Kingdom. The communal...
  22. landpirate

    News & Blogs Fining People £1,000 for Being Homeless Is a New Low for London Fining People £1,000 for Being Homeless Is a New Low for London June 4, 2015 by Mark Wilding A homeless man in Hackney (Photo by Tom Johnson) Imagine you have almost nothing in the...
  23. Anagor

    First time really sleeping rough, London

    Perhaps in the context of this forum rather mildly interesting, but I'll share anyway. ;) Last Saturday night was the first time I really slept rough in a public place. Buckingham Palace Road, a minute away from Victoria Station. View from my sleeping spot: Was another new experience...
  24. Tude

    Making a squat a home - photographer in london squats

    Interesting read and pics. "Photographer Corinna Kern joined squatters in London to document their uncommon lifestyle" ;) Sound familiar with some of the requests here? Anyway the article is interesting. Also went and found the article and pics she took on another website as well. The pics...
  25. landpirate

    News & Blogs Anti-homeless studs at London residential block prompts uproar

    I've seen benches designed so you can't sleep on them and sprinkler systems timed to go off to put people off sleeping in places, but I've not seen these before. Anti-homeless studs at London...
  26. Coin1993

    Life in London

    This is a universal post for European cities, London happens to appeal to me. Is it possible to move to one of these cities and start a new life? I'll do whatever it takes to survive somewhere else, besides killing. How difficult is it to relocate somewhere with nothing and stay there without...
  27. Genjix

    Squats of Europe- Kasa de la Muntanya, London, and Calafou

    Hi guys, I'm programming opensource and living in squats around Europe. My work gets a lot of attention from the media (working with Bitcoin) so I give a lot of exposure for the squat movement and what we're trying to achieve. Here's a sample of photos/videos from things I'm involved with. BBC...
  28. Stinkyyy

    Space in South London squat

    Got a fuckin huge building lined up need more people - get in touch!
  29. Stinkyyy

    Anyone around London?

    Hoping to get out of the South pretty soon and am looking for some nice, respectful people to meet with and possibly find somewhere to crash short term or prefferably live slightly more long term. I don't know anyone around the London scene so it's feeling pretty difficult for me to just rock up...
  30. landpirate

    Bailiffs evict 32 year old london squats ANGRY SQUATTERS AND BURNING BARRICADES AREN'T HALTING THE YUPPIFICATION OF BRIXTON By Simon Childs, Photos: Jake Lewis 15 submit A street in south London was left a mess of scorched debris and broken...
  31. Stinkyyy

    Need somewhere to crash in Bristol or London next week!!

    Need somewhere to crash between 30th and 5th in either Bristol or Ldn. I'm pretty chilled out and quiet so I won't be getting under anyones feet and i'm down to help out with shit and look after dogs. I'm totally awesome to drink with too, so yah, hit me up.
  32. Komjaunimas

    One of the biggest London squats evicted

    A little background info... My 2cents... from couple of years of constant visiting friends living in the place id say the number of people living would be close to 150+ if not 200, cause in the last...
  33. Komjaunimas

    Squatted industrial unit London

    Here is our new squat 2 floors office space ... ~3000sq ft... and massive warehouse space... just settling in a place. Will update later.
  34. Z

    squat in london

    plenty of experience of squatting. currently homeless in north london. anybody help me find a squat? you'll be well rewarded...
  35. Lee

    Squats in major English cities - London, Cardiff, Birmingham etc

    Hey guys and girls. I'm very interested in finding a squat in, like I've said, a major/semi-major English city. I mean somewhere more permanent, well, more-so than a month, if you dig. I probably sound like a rather big nonce asking this on the internet, but I'd imagine you guys are the...
  36. landpirate

    interactive online walkthrough of a london squat

    I found this piece of work by a photographer called Adrian Nettleship. he has made an interactive photographic walkthrough of a london squat. Its pretty cool. I thought people might like to play around with it.
  37. Sam and Laura


    Hey everyone, wondered if any fancied a meet up in London. Squatting on this farm in the east of england at the moment in the slickest of yurts, planning on going down to the big smoke to turn some coin though. Gonna head there next Thursday. Anyone around? Peace, Sam
  38. S

    Empty council flats available London!!

    Hey guys, Noticed some sitexed flats in a big estate in Woolwich. Looks like there are removal vans there regularly as well so people are moving out all the time. There is a collection of like four large blocks or so. There are some parts where 3 or so flats in a row are sitexd. I hear it is...
  39. B

    - Swede in London :D

    - Hey, Love squatting, skipping, diy, hitchhiking etc. . Thought it would be cool to meet other people online, maybe we will meet when we're travelling . Maybe another swede in London ? My swedish is getting shittier every day ! Hjälp ! Also, can't upload an avatar/pic . raawrr annoying . ...
  40. Komjaunimas

    London Meet-UP

    From 2011 09 21 i should be back in London for the winter. Anybody wanna meet up ? PM me here or text 07727831977 upwards from that date :)
  41. hoppi

    Looking for people or squats in the UK (particularly in and around London and Kent)

    Hey peoples! Anyone else either found somewhere, or looking to make contacts? Just want to know who is around, so message here or PM me or something if you want to chat :) Hoppi
  42. Komjaunimas

    Trip to London

    it was 10.06.14 early monday morning, a friend gave me a goodbye present, small bag of weed. I got my backpack from my parents home, met my traveling partner Monique with her german shepard dog, got some vodka and was siting on the side of the highway sipping beer, in 5min we got our first ride...
  43. EvaKS

    Tattoo Circus London @ London @ May 14th-16th

    Tattoo Circus London--{designed & powered by Simulacra Studio}-- Was there helping to set up last night. Looks wicked, if anyone here is in London at the moment, check it out for sure.
  44. EvaKS

    Scumfest @ South London @ 28th-30th May 2010

    ScumFest | South London DIY punk benefit festival :borg:
  45. Komjaunimas

    Squatters/Squats in London

    Photos do not belong to me, but there are alot of photos of people from Lithuania and other east europe countrys, thats why im sharing them. Stayed for some time in Riley's Squat and Elmdale Rd squat Flickr: squata'lala everydy's Photostream
  46. Isa Pizza

    youth in london

    Its not that im disappointed, i feel so lucky that i was able to discover at least a scene that i felt somewhat comfortable with, but maybe there is something more? When we first came into london we were staying with a couch surfing host who was very thoughtful and fun if a little young minded...
  47. wartomods

    Camden Town (in london)

    I am fucking hating here, i was said it would be cool and shit and punk vibe. But all i got was faux oi punks, disgusting goths and capitalism fueled on super sketchy businesses, a tourism leeching community. I am leaving Whats you opinions about camden.
  48. boucaneer

    hello from boating squatter from london.

    hello there, great to see a forum for squatters. we only have one in england that is squatters org and it is a bit too bissness like, and not enough chat. i used to roll with the new age travlers back in 92/93 traveling in a convoy around the uk with a crew of punks and hippies, it was a...
  49. Z

    Anyone know of any large blocks in London?

    Currently I'm squatting in London,limehouse. We're due to get evicted November 30th. Rather than squatting a house, I want to squat in another large block of flats. does anyone know of any large block of flats in London being squatted? Thanks.
  50. T

    squat needed in london

    Hey all, I have a small squat group.. all of us are new to this and we've had a few leads, but are just unable to break into anything ourselves successfully. We may have found a temporary place now, but we really need something more permanent, preferably something we can stay in for at least a...