Early last year I was finally pushed into living in my minivan. I was in a very shit living situation, schooling wasn't working out, couldn't keep a job, struggling with my disability and just the whole life shabang. I was scared out of my mind but I put many many months and years of research...
I'm Lio.
Turning 21 soon and currently studying a million languages at once. I'm an INTJ 1w9 if that matters to you or is obvious. A super secret dream I have is to either become a model or a firefighter or a storyboard revisionist. Green is my all-time favorite color. I mostly listen to Vkei...
I am an 18 year old male and for the longest time I've yerned for this type of life. This type of lifestyle is what I want to do with my life. I hope I can get some tips on how to start, especially types on starting in a small town. I'm from PA btw. I'm about 20 miles from erie. Any tips would...
Back out there after a 25 year break to raise a daughter and pursue a career that ended up going nowhere. Got on a westbound at 2am this morning in fort Worth and still heading west past Midland! I'm suddenly remembering what freedom is like and it feels great! Hope to see you out there or get...
Just another person looking to join the community. For any useful information that anybody would be willing to give to an amateur. I want to do this correctly. Really looking up to you guys with the shit i see on youtube. I already know the basics from what ive studied so far. But i want a...
I'm new to STP but definatley not new to this lifestyle. Grew up with no home going from place to place. My story is a long one. I was born in Rolla, MO. My father was a Vietnam vet and the war had fucked him up. He was a drunk for a while afterwards then got into a wreck that killed someone. He...
Hey all, my name is Dan and I'm here to find out more about this lifestyle. I'm no stranger to public lands (BLM) but I am much less acquainted with hopping around from place to place for long periods of time. I currently live in Tucson AZ and would like to travel up the west coast to enjoy the...
Well I'm considering this life on the road for my first time. Grew up to a fairly well off family, but it's not easy living under their roof. I have a college degree, and I still just couldn't seem to make it in the real world. I sold drugs for a couple years, and I made a ton of money, but I...
We should be allowed to sleep under all shelters that are not where people sleep inside of unless we have gotten their permission. (Store fronts, pavilions, play grounds, etc)
We should be allowed to live under all bridges as long as we mostly respect the land and all people who will walk past...
I am taking off Tuesday, I haven't been on the road extendedly since 2012, and reading the "Untrustworthy People" forum makes me feel disheartened and paranoid. What kind of precautions should one take? How many bad experiences have you personally had as far as theft and violence?
I wasn't sure where to post this.
I'm looking for somewhere I can go to learn the skills of subsistence living. Somewhere open to teaching an inexperienced but dedicated person how to live off the land.
If anyone has any leads or ideas, let me know.
Hey folks, I'm Lyle, 22 from the east coast of FL. I've been dreaming of getting rid of all my shit and leaving my starchly white, republican hometown for years now. So while I've been looking for someone else to travel with, I've taken to researching everything I can. Made this account a few...
As many folks here know, I have been posted up in the squatter town of Slab City for almost three whole years, running and working on the library.
I've been through a lot of fucked up situations. People trying to steal my stuff, trespassing in my home, multiple people threatening to hurt and/or...
Life with Autism is no different than any neurotypical person. If I don't eat I die. If I don't sleep I die. If I piss off a psychopathic thug I will get gun down. The only difference between me and a neurotypical is how I handle people.
Personally, I think Autism made me into a better man. I...
Hello everyone. I just found out about this forum recently. Two days ago to be exact. I have had a growing desire to travel for the past year and a half or so. Literally I think about it every single day. I work at a job I absolutely hate and I've been thinking... "Why continue on like this and...
I believe, after looking at various threads, that alcohol and drugs often have a detrimental effect on the people that abuse them. The best advice I could find on this topic include the avoidance of social activities with people that actively use these substances, the establishment, or...
I recognize the presence of threads about railroad geography, the regional geography section, and other areas. This led me to consider the importance of geography in this lifestyle. The subject geography, however, covers many areas and disciplines that include cultural geography, physical...
June 12, 2015 by Kayla Chobotiuk | 0 Comments
Group cuddling in a squat on May 11, 2013 in London, United Kingdom. The communal...
So here I am at 32 years old looking to change things up. I have spent long enough trying to fulfill the agendas of companies that I didn't give a shit about. There is not one job that I have ever had that made life seem worthwhile... even when I was in an industry that revolved around one of my...
Hi, i'm new to the site. After hearing some of the stories and seeing the freedom that living an 'ordinary' life lacks, prospect of the train-hopping/squatting lifestyle has absolutely captivated me. Now, i'm young enough that i'm still in secondary education and live at home with my parents in...
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek)
By David Cain raptitude.com
Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering...
I know this has been discussed before, but my reasons for asking are slightly different and related to my research efforts. I am also aware of that fact that a lot of you have been inspired by different stories, both fiction and non-fiction, when choosing your life path. I would like to...
Let just start of by saying i am a 23 year old fairly healthy and intelligent young man, And due to recent personal changes in my life will be short of a place to live and have decided to start traveling.
I am very new to this and only have one experience with hitchhiking in which i hitchhiked...
O.k dokey, don't plan to turn this into a three ring circus or the cyber version of "Jerry Springer" but are you living an alternative lifestyle? BTW, I don't necessarily mean just being G.L.B.T.Q, but other lifestyles as well.
I thought I would start this thread for people who DO, and may...
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