
  1. QueerCoyote


    Meet my new ride, Liberation. She's a Dahon speed P8. Can't wait til the cargo rack and panniers arrive. :) Decided to go with a folding bike after @Buffalo sold me on them. The idea of being able to hitch and use public transport were winners.
  2. CohesionHouse

    Hello >:)

    Greetings from Cascadia! Thank you for having such a wonderful site. We are a punk house co-op in Washington state. This is a group account. We hope to get to know our neighbors and other like-minded households. We host ad trade with others. Let us know what your collectives and co-ops...
  3. xRENx

    Grounded in Resistance Winter Speaking Tour: Grassroots Mobilizing for Animal Liberation [Deleted]

    xRENx submitted a new event: Grounded in Resistance Winter Speaking Tour: Grassroots Mobilizing for Animal Liberation - EarthFirst! Click here to read more about this event, and don't forget to RSVP by clicking the button at the top right of this thread!
  4. bryanpaul

    If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (documentary)

    If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front 'If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front' explores two pressing issues - environmentalism and terrorism - by lifting the veil on a radical environmental group the FBI calls America's "number one domestic terrorism threat."...
  5. GCM

    Earth & Animal Liberation Fronts

    Just wondering if anyone's heard anything about these groups lately (post-2007?)? I know alot of their members are now either in prison or are fugitives, but I'm curious to know if there are any recent related activities similar to those done by the ELF and ALF, or maybe something different and...
  6. simpletoremember

    Liberation Regurgitation

    Mine and my girlfriend's new anti-folk/folk-punk project based out of the Boulder, Colorado area. Liberation Regurgitation on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
  7. R

    Liberation Fall Fest 09

    This looks pretty rad, and will be on the way north for all you STP festers that lollygagged around the desert all month. It's on October 24th, in Los Angeles from 1pm to 9pm. I'm definatly gonna try to make it. liberationfall