
  1. NeverComingBack

    Video Hopping Around Morant's Curve

    Heading west around Morant's Curve back in October on the CPKC Laggan Sub. Such a killer view(hence the shouting in the background).
  2. retrobarbie

    Train Hopping

    Hey they're I'm Destiny and I'm looking to train hop out of NYC. If anyone knows where the yard is at so I can hop and head south I'll appreciate it
  3. klamytaint101

    learning the ropes of freight hopping before my first ride

    before i start off i do want to say im not expecting any free information, although that doesnt mean it wouldnt be appriciated lol. anyways. for years ive been interested in freight hopping, starting back watching hobo stobe or shoestring years ago. as of recently me and a friend have been...
  4. shadowwolf42

    Train hopping wandering wolf

    Good day and welcome I am usually in Houston, Texas near Memorial Park there is some sidings for catching out but there has been local police activity due to unruly individuals tampering with the air hoses or other rail equipment. I'm a traveler as well. I'm open to getting and receiving updates...
  5. I

    Train Hopping Advice

    This is a blatant like farm so I can get access to the train hopping channel. I have had an interest in train hopping for years but never been in a situation where I could until now and am struggling to find train timetables/ train yards for the lines I want to ride. Any advice is greatly...
  6. vtrail

    new to hopping the west coast

    any tips? or wanna show me maybe? and can i actually hop out of seattle or do i have to go to tacoma?
  7. CurlyTJ


    Accidentally made two, and not able to delete this one or sum so just ignore this I'm sure it'll get deleted by a mod soon.
  8. H

    Hello from New Zealand

    Hi there from the bottom of the south pacific Came here to research a few things for a planned trip around the states. Keen to get off the beaten track and meet people rather than follow the usual tourist routes Have travelled NZ alot too so happy to help with info for getting round our...