
  1. Gypsybones

    Hacker Who Archived Parler Explains How She Did It (and What Comes Next)

    The Hacker Who Archived Parler Explains How She Did It (and What Comes Next) The hacker, donk_enby, explained that she only scraped what was publicly available: "I hope that it can be used to hold people accountable and to prevent more death." LN By Leland Nally January 12, 2021, 12:53pm Share...
  2. G

    Common Sense in the digital world

    Hacking is becoming a big problem in today's society. Even our email boxes can lead to stolen information. I am not talking about about that NSA shit (that's a given). But common everyday stuff that can royally screw us over Here are some hard lessons I learned from my experiences 1#: Lock...
  3. Fred R

    Hacking Greyhound

    I'm hoping none of you work for Greyhound bus lines and hope more desperately none of you are the police. I'm going to tell you about my travel hack. I'm the first person I've met that has used this technique. It's arguably unethical and surely illegal. Im talking about photoshopping and reusing...
  4. VikingAdventurer

    STOP "hacking" your life!

    So I was browsing online, just kinda killing time, and I came across this article that I think an awful lot of us nomads will understand... Kind of a long read, but WELL WORTH IT. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ http://www.artofmanliness.com/2015/04/13/stop-hacking-your-life/ April 13...