freight hopping

  1. Svoje

    Greetings from the Czech Republic

    Hey, this is my first post on here. I am a 21 yo girl from the Czech Republic who loves to hop trains in the EU. I am curious about where this platform can open my doors to. I was studying high school in UP Michigan and that was the first time I heard about hopping trains, but I was not in...
  2. Skeleton Patches

    At the hands of nature once again

    Hey my Fellow free souled freedom investigators! My Names Skelly and I’m 22 I’ve been riding since 15 and I’m really exciting I found this place I did my very best to read Matt’s guide before posting so bear with me if I’m not totally on point I’m in Redding CA at the moment hanging around...
  3. klamytaint101

    learning the ropes of freight hopping before my first ride

    before i start off i do want to say im not expecting any free information, although that doesnt mean it wouldnt be appriciated lol. anyways. for years ive been interested in freight hopping, starting back watching hobo stobe or shoestring years ago. as of recently me and a friend have been...
  4. seldom

    australian desert rat - bicycle, hiker, freight hopping...

    hello StP - new user here, currently in mparntwe/alice springs, 'australia'. long term enjoyer of cost free adventure, newer to riding freights in the notoriously challenging and unreliable rail network of australia. keen to keep learning the sparse network and hoping to travel abroad soon - i...
  5. Hiruzen

    New here

    Hi, my name is Hiruzen I am 29 I am currently in East TN and planning to move around quite a bit. There is nothing here in TN for me anymore, It is time to start to move around and explore and see other states... I hope to learn and enjoy my time here.
  6. fryd0g


    Hi i'm Ben, 21 from London been stuck in the UK all winter :( I've been on a few adventures before mostly hiking trails around spainish island but some hitch hiking trips too, me and a friend went from Lille in France to Budapest last summer it was great! Looking to live on the road and railway...
  7. EvanIsCool1723

    Traveller's in or entering Spokane area?

    It would be nice to not travel alone, im freight hopping out of Spokane Wa some time in the beginning of this summer. This is an invitation to join me on this trip.(any advice for the rails and hitch hiking would be greatly appreciated:)