
  1. Shedthread

    HeLo, Im vira, Im new here

    I grew up in Chicago and lived here most of my life, i do stick and poke and machine (if i still had one). D.i.Y luver seamstriss, t girl poly open, Im an unactive haarsh vocalist,just been too busy to practice and dont have anyone to play with in the area. Ive been crashing on a friends couch...
  2. hobbet

    Question chicago diy spotzzzz

    Hello people 8) I am hobbit! I'm new here! I've been in diy hardcore and rave scene in chi for a few years, couch surfed a little bit, and i'm now peeking out of my hidey hole and looking for other weirdos to hang out with! i'm 23, nb, open/poly, i do stiknpokes and patches. AND I MAKE HUGE...
  3. Mrcharwe

    City Vacant and distressed property maps

    I saw another thread about signing up for a site to look for vacant properties and realized people must not know that a lot of major cities track vacant and distressed properties and publish the data for free on their sites. Before we start, I would like to make it clear that you use this very...
  4. Supposed Mocha

    Tucson to Chicago

    Looking on some tips, just scrapping a vehicle of ours to get outta rubber tramping and bum it with some friends back in the Midwest after some crazy times. What would be the best way outta this city? Unfortunately railhopping is too new to me so that's not much of a thing, but hitchhiking is...
  5. MichelleA66

    Photos Missing:James Jones last known in Chicago

    Was hanging out under an overpass in Chinatown Chicago. Shops at Walgreens 316 W. CERMAK. Not heard from since Oct 8th. Was supposed to hop a rail to Oregon. Possible sighting at McDonald's on Cermak & Western. Finger tats read DON'T SLIP.
  6. Gypsybones

    Parking a RV in Chicago

    Driving into Chicago with a 20' yotahome and I already know parking is cramped in this town. But I'm looking for an area where its easy and hopefully not to shady to park this thing. I got my bike so getting around wont be a problem, but I also don't wanna park way out near the burbs. Thanks y'all
  7. WanderWest

    Springfield MA - Chicago CSX?

    Hey have heard rumors of a CSX direct to Chicago out of Springfield MA can anyone confirm? Also if anyone is going this way feel free to pm!
  8. Django

    Address to get shipment around Chicago?

    Hey all. I'm bike touring around the u.s and I'll be in Chicago in a few weeks. Im trying to find an address to recieve a new tire (I dont wanna use us post office, their hours are weird) for my bicycle. Any ideas? I tried a few bike shops, no success
  9. EmmaAintDead

    Some info if you're going through Chicago, Illinois

    General Information Chicago is the third largest city in the US. Its also pretty inevitable you'll end up here if you're hopping freight around the US. Train hub of the Midwest right here. Easy hop outs and tons of yard to scope. Chicago is segregated by class and by race. Every neighborhood...
  10. Mabombix

    Looking for Chicago Squats

    Apologies if I don't know the correct words or terms for certain things. This is my first day being homeless and I am genuinely searching for a community that will take me in. So, I'm looking for squats (or one of the under-bridge-tent-goups) around Chicago, and I can't find anything recent that...
  11. Mabombix

    Alone in the Windy City

    Hi there! I'm Maeve, a 19 year old trans woman who just got thrown out of her family home. I don't really have an interesting story aside from that, but I figure that's not super uncommon on this forum. I'm an amateur cartoonist and guitarist, and I'm looking for squats in or around Chicago that...
  12. Joe Btfsplk

    Chicago Hot Dog Boner (Horrible Gaffe of Heinz)

    Matt: Don't know if this post belongs here, move it at your want. The post is mainly for EphemeralStick, he'll enjoy it. Also, I would like to send him a private email and not clutter up StP. I want to know if he would be interested in surprising the Slab City clan; I have an idea of how to...
  13. JaneTheTraveler98

    Leaving Chicago in about a month.

    Hey all I'm Jane, I'm in Chicago Illinois and I'm planning on doing some solo cycling/hitchhiking long term across the states for the first time. Any advice would be appreciated.
  14. ScumRag

    Posting for the older guys on StP-- remember the forced STD tests in Chicago jails??

    Although hard to believe, yes... It was a real thing. I was arrested in Chicago for trespassing the Scamtrak Station & was held for a week back in '02 + forced a pipe cleaner test... Its since been redacted as a standard but still a good article as seen below. Any other guys remember this? Fuck...
  15. CainNoAbel

    How to get out of Chicago?...

    I'm looking to begin traveling on foot in April, and need any advice you guys are willing to offer. I know it's probably tempting to say " walk out of tbe door and don't look back", but please don't lol. I'm not asking how to be a vagabond. I'm looking for general tips on how I can get out of...
  16. japanarchist

    “We’re Not Leaving”: Chicago Squatters Resist Eviction

    This statement published below comes from a group of squatters who have occupied a building owned by Barnett Capital, one of the driving forces of gentrification in Chicago. The squatters state that they are not leaving the building. As many of us are squeezed out by rising rents and real estate...
  17. blue ant

    Chicago Kid Hitting the Road

    Hey everyone! I've been kicking around a handful of Chicago suburbs most of my 20 years, and I figured it was about time I got the hell out of here and saw some sights. So, I've spent the last few months preparing for a prolonged trip out into the civilized wilderness, and in a month or two I'm...
  18. Acxulo

    Chicago: Barnett Capital and Police Move to Destroy Squat for Condos

    From "It's Going Down": On Thursday, May 11, residents at 2620/2622 West Cermak Rd. woke up to six cops breaking down their door and ordering them onto the ground. Walking behind them was Steve Mallon, a property manager for Barnett Capital, a $200 million finance entity that claims to own the...
  19. anticivdaddy161

    Returning member

    Been here before. Live in Salt Lake City now with my fiancee, originally from Chicago and lived a good part of my life in Indiana outside of Chicago. Most of my family are from the roughest part of south-side Chicago which is Gary, Indiana of Metro East Chicago. It's 20 minutes south of downtown...
  20. Katthizzsohyphy

    Hi from Chicago

    Hey, I'm Katt. I've been posted up near Chicago for about a year. If there's any mom's around here, I'd love to chat. I'm from Detroit, and have lived all over metro Detroit , Monterey, CA (x2), Yuma, Az, and Okinawa. I've done extended stays in New Orleans (squatting with dirty kids...
  21. rusty

    REPOST: Nancy Minus

    Lisa Marie Lopez · June 9 at 7:22pm WARNING. GRAPHIC DETAILS OF RAPE ACCOUNTS. After everything that has happened in the past 24 hours, I am coming out against a serial rapist. a serial abuser. I have made comments here and there about this person harming me, but never went into too much...
  22. EphemeralStick

    TPAN offers free services in Chicago

    TPAN, or Test Positive Awareness Network, is providing various services for free to any homeless youth or persons that need them. These include free HIV testing as well as free Hep C testing. They also have a free needle exchange and they distribute EVZIO, a naloxone auto-injector on a first...
  23. EphemeralStick

    News & Blogs Don't Feed the Gutterpunks Please Don't Feed The Gutter Punks, Alderman Says As 'Travelers' Return By Alisa Hauser | May 17, 2016 10:47am | Updated May 18, 2016 9:52am @DNA_wpb Twitter Facebook Email More...
  24. Slingshot Collective

    Squatting: Chicago to Mexico City

    This came in the mail to our office:
  25. bystander

    Chicago 'n roamin'

    Last weekend me and my buddy were chillin' back at my apartment tryna' figure out something ta do. With pockets phat from the last two weeks of slavin', we decided we needed to put our bounties to use and get out and do somethin' before motherfuckin' nature decided its ready for winter and we...
  26. koco

    searching squat in Chicago

    Hello good people, we are searching for squat or some place to lowcost holidays in Chicago.We arriwals June 17. U got some ideas? We are just 2 dirty crustskaters.
  27. madison

    travelin chicago, NOLA, and memphis

    new to this site. just got done travelling all around california and vegas. Back in canada but heading to chicago in a few days then will be in nola middle of may then up to memphis area. Wondering if theres any shows, venues etc to check out along the way? cheers!
  28. Preacher

    Reparations for Chicago Police torture?

    PRESS RELEASE MARCH 16, 2015 Chicago: Finance Committee Announces A Hearing on the Burge Torture Reparations Ordinance CHICAGO — Today, the finance committee of the Chicago City Council announced that it will hold a hearing on the Burge Torture Reparations Ordinance on April 14. The announcement...
  29. Matt Derrick

    The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site'

    If anyone tells you that nazi gestapo shit like this doesn't exist in america, show them this article. The Chicago police department operates an off-the-books interrogation...
  30. libro

    punk scene, new york or chicago?

    What city has the best underground? Punk house? Culture of any sort outside the mainstream?
  31. nvasv

    [July 25-27, 2014] Fed Up Fest (Chicago, IL)

  32. izel

    new to forum, moving to chicago

    Don't have much of a familiarity with this community at the moment but since I'm moving to a larger city where I don't know as many people I thought getting acquainted with it would be a good idea. Still working on a living situation in Chicago but I might have excuses to spend a decent amount...
  33. Matt Derrick

    [Sep 13, 2013] Riot Fest - Chicago (Chicago, IL)
  34. pacostan

    Southern Wisconsin, Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee people

    Hi everyone just got on this site yesterday, I just got back from San Francisco and it was an awesome experience. Supposed to be starting school in madison soon but idk if im ready for that yet maybe want to start a new adventure to the east coast. Anyway just looking to meet some like minded...
  35. Driftwhistler

    NATO/G8/G20. Chicago.

    Ahhhh, so who's going? Should be some critical fucking action. G8 is also doubling as the kickoff to being houseless until I can't take it anymore. This is also my sneaky way of seeing if I can hitch a ride with anyone, either from here or part of the way from somewheres else. I'm done with...
  36. natkalia

    Chicago Squats

    looking for someone to squat with.. i gotta be out of here by the end of the month and considering the fact that i'm tiny and a girl, dont wanna be on my own. ideas? suggestions?
  37. Caleb

    May 2012, Chicago, if you give a fuck be there

    " By UNAC The White House has just announced that the U.S. will host a major international meeting of NATO, the US-commanded and financed 28-nation military alliance, in Chicago from May 15 to May 22, 2012. It was further announced that at the same time and place, there will be a summit of the...
  38. TheLoneRat

    all who live in chicago and like old timey music should go see al scorch---next weekend!/events/316933908338735/ good friends of mine, and they're really cool people too! I'll prolly be there.
  39. xbocax

    Puppy Stolen In LA now in Chicago

    So I guess I found a reason to post here after about 5 months. Figured it's easy for a couple idiots to deny their priveleges but who could deny the love for a puppy?? Anyway heres the sad story :[ My friend who owns a non-profit where DIY vendors are able to sell their things let some dude...
  40. x2Dope

    Hello, from Chicago. :)

    Hey, I'm Nikki! I'm new to this site. (fackshat introduced me <3). Anyways, a little about myself is that I'm female, 17 years old, about to graduate in December and really eager to start traveling/train hopping with 2 of my closest friends and whoever we meet in the process (as long as they are...
  41. Storm Smokes Rocks

    Chicago = RIOT FEST

    To anyone thats out in the Chicago area that doesnt know. Riot Fest is a 4 day music festival that will consist of (Leftover Crack, Suicide Machines, Social Distortion, Strike Anywhere, 7 Seconds, Weezer, Youth Of Today, The Flatliners, Flatfoot 56) AND MANY MORE GREAT BANDS!!!! if you need...
  42. anyways


    So this winter a few friends and I are looking to house up for a couple months and go to school for music (old town s.o.m). I've only been to chitown once and it was only a couple days. What's the scene like? What interesting shit is there to do? What worthwhile activism is going on...
  43. the wizard


    gonna be living there for a little bit, should get there around mid november. i know there is some squats, could someone hook me and my homie up with a solid place for a minute?
  44. Matt aka Sparks

    Apocalypticrust- Chicago- OCT. 7th-9th

    Freaking awsome fest. Great line up and cheap prices. $30 bucks buys you all three days, or tickets are purchesed very cheep at the door. Free after party everynight, though I'm not too sure what that's all about. I'll be there and I know a few other kids that are showing up, and I'm sure many...
  45. zoidbergthedog

    Consent Fest Chicago, May 21st

    Hey, we also have a myspace page! Feel free to add us if you have one of those. Midwest Consent Fest (Midwest Consent Fest) | MySpace Midwest Consent fest is being put together to promote the use of verbal consent in sexual situations, and other situations involving physical contact or the use...
  46. stink

    anyone know of a squat near the chicago land area?

    i needa find a new place to stay
  47. xsjado

    Chicago nov 28th-30th direct action training/ anti coal benefit show and action

    saturday november 28th - anti-coal punk benefit show at mount happy (2003 W. Cermak) with: decay after death abby and the assholes dirty surgeon insurgency toxic shock refugee MC Chessmaster dead from shed and more TBA $5 benefit for the mobilization for climate justice...
  48. R


    Hey everyone. I've been lurking on and off the board for some time, never really posting anything. I figured that now would be as good a time as any. I'm John. I've been living in Chicago for a couple of months now (Virginia native - Fredericksburg), where I go to school. I've never really...
  49. A

    Whats up from chicago

    whats up yall? Im so happy to how found this forum. Anybody going to Rainbow gathering 2010? i'll definately be there bye bye :flush:
  50. R

    "LOVE HAS NO LIMITS" from florida to chicago to nevada love hasnt a limit

    BACK GROUND STORY:me and this gal ill call "VV" met in a weird way through my ex on the internet we talked day in and day out about spirituality our problems and life we did this untill for weeks and she said she was hittin chicago soon to get closure for this nutso guy she was dating and at the...