
  1. squatterchad

    Hot tents

    Recently just bought a hot tent. Guess I'm wondering if anyone else has tried them out
  2. Billy Cougar White

    EDM/rave camping festivals in Atlantic Canada

    Is anyone else going to be at any of the amazing festivals around the east coast of Canada? Im volunteering at 2, staff at a 3rd and then partying way too hard at a 4th and maybe 5th one. Current plan is to be at Not So Thatch Vitality music festival Future Forest Raven Forest? Electric Pines
  3. Scat

    City of Grants Pass v Johnson

    City of Grants Pass v Johnson Camping Ban (Laymen's Article) Huge loss of rights and safety for us houseless folks today. Of course, Grants Pass... This is probably going to set a precedent for the nation. Spread the word and stay safe out there, everybody.
  4. Tobiko

    2024 Southern Oregon Area Punks Picnic! August 16th and 17th

  5. Coyote Red

    Camping with a pack full of dog food in bear/cougar territory

    Bout to be out with the pup in the pnw we ran into trouble years back with cougars tracking us shes a small heeler. Gonna be on the coast with a tent and was wondering do y'all camp with dog food in the tent or do you take the time to string it up away from camp? Got some bear spray this time...
  6. wanderbusk

    Do you treat national parks the same as anywhere when stealth camping?

    I'm guessing all parks are different. I will be walking along highway 41 in southern Florida through the Big Cypress National Preserve. Haven't got my feet wet with stealth camping yet (but have some coming in the near future but not in national parks) and I'm sure it won't be my last national...
  7. waywardvagabond

    Question large Dutch 'lowe alpine sting' rucksack safe to take in public?

    I live in the USA. I recently came into possession of this dutch military surplus backpack (pictures attached). Its comfortable, not too long on my body, room for my gear, etc. The only downside is that it is not discreet at all because its so large and it looks very 'military'. Ive been camping...
  8. moderntrivia

    Camping Notes

    Camping Notes In my adult life I’ve hardly ever camped. Not never. The family would camp at state parks, as a kid, and on my grandparents forest property in Michigan I was exposed to the forest. But throughout high school I had less and less experience in the wild. Some of my former close...
  9. dirtman

    Stealth camping in Yosemite/high sierra?

    I'm looking for any and all information about stealth camping on public land in the high sierra. Ideally in or around yosemite valley or high country. I know there are pretty strict regulations and permit processes about camping in the parks so I'd also appreciate any information about evading...
  10. Svintah5635

    Camping in the Swiss Alps during winter

    This weekend I went on a long desired train journey to the Swiss alps. This ride has taken me 13 hours. At first I went to Zurich to explore the city for the morning. I quickly came to realise that I preferred the actual mountains over the city much much more, so I took a train early to a...
  11. Anthorhitchhiker77

    Stealth camping Nashville hood

    I went in the corner of this parking lot and dug a hole in this snow mound and went to sleep I heard at least 30 gunshots so it got to cold to sleep so around 2 am I start walking and ask these 2 guys if they know a place that's open so I can get warm they were going to break into abounded...
  12. MetalBryan

    Free tents (and other camping gear) in the news

    Here's a story about a UK festival where the estimate (reddit) 60,000 tents and an estimated (reddit) 1 million pounds sterling of camping gear was left behind at the festival. If there isn't already an...
  13. BearFoot89

    Question San Diego busking/stealth camping?

    Hey guys, getting ready to hit the road again after almost 10 years away. I’m gonna be bike touring, stealth camping and busking. I was thinking I’d head to San Diego, or the surrounding area (la jolla, del mar Encinitas, Carlsbad) sometime this winter. Im wondering where the cool busking...
  14. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    Is it still legal to camp on land in Ontario because of covid-19?

    Does anyone know if it's legal to still camp on public and crown land in Ontario because of covid-19? I read awhile ago in March it was gonna be banned for abit, but I'm seeing online that public campgrounds/RV parking lots are still gonna rent it out to the public? I would like to do some...
  15. Crazy Hobo Johnny

    Video Austin TX Homeless Threaten Violence Against Police If Camping Ban Enforced
  16. ChillAI

    Venice, LA hanging out and camping

    I’m in LA staying at a hotel in Venice. Originally from around the Bay Area and I like to here more for staying outdoors as a temporary outdoor thing. Is it a good idea? Not as grungy as downtown and I came here for this type of thing but does anyone do it/have tried it or at similar places and...
  17. DertyDers

    Question Down the Mississippi in rat rod canoe sailboat

    So I’ve been drawing up the plan for years now and this summer I’m going to achieve the goal of making it down the Mississippi River in canoes. The plan has evolved and my girlfriend Destinee and I are gonna try something a little crazy. We want to convert back and forth between two canoes and a...
  18. spoons

    stealth camping round bozeman mt

    hey folks, i'm moving my sis out to bozeman mt where she'll be training w a wildfire crew out there! we don't have a place to stay and are thinkin of just camping out-anyone here have any suggestions for where around bozeman might be a good place to camp for a few nights? already looking...
  19. Badly Drawn Girl

    Safe places to camp or squat in Philly

    This is a long shot but I'm really up against it. Philly residents or folks who are familiar with the city...are there any good spots you know of either in squats or bandos where I could possibly find a little shelter from the elements without exposing myself to too many other people? I've been...
  20. RavenOnTheNethervoid

    News & Blogs [cw] RIP in San Diego: 3 dead, more injured, camping in tunnel

  21. isaiah

    best places for free camping near santa Barbara?

    Does anyone know a good camping site around santa Barbara? Where I won't get hassled for sleeping or stabbed for my stuff? Lol
  22. MetalBryan

    Question Bike Tour & Camping during Covid - SE US

    Covid got my old cycling & mechanic skill set back into action. I'm in a good place to prepare for a bike tour, so this isn't so much about the HOW or the WHERE, but the WHY. I'm in Miami and I have a place to stay until late January or early February. I've been giving serious consideration to...
  23. ThreadsInNeedles

    Photos Modifying the MSS gortex bivy for hammock camping

    I have a ton of ideas all the time of how to get around gear problems I encounter, or to just generally improve my current system that I dont see anywhere else on the internet. I intend to write guides for all of these in the near future. Problem is, writing these big long posts obviously...
  24. Kaywandersoften

    Hi im kay living in the UK looking for uk travellers site bristol ideally

    Hi, im kay im 25 and i started travelking the uk doing live in work with an ex partner working in the catering industry, but the relationship broke down. Im looking to find artistic and musical people and a bit of adventre. I have heard of sites in bristol and squats and am thinking of heading...
  25. thegrapsman

    Anywhere to city camp in Covina area?

    Hey guys I'm in Covina (LA/SGV area) for the night and I can't find a spot to park overnight anywhere out here, I have to line up at the DMV at 5am so I really dont want to have to travel outside of Covina/West Covina. Anyone know about this area?
  26. Timothy Englert

    Free Legal Camping in NY State Forests

    IF you are traveling across southern NY/PA border, be sure to check out the NY-DEC website list of numerous state forests. Most allow free camping up to 3 days with groups up to 10 persons. The DEC has state forests all over NY but there are 100s of them along the southern counties. List of...
  27. Tyler65

    Thru-Hiking Vs Long-Term "Camping"

    I had a buddy complete the PCT last year in 2019(Goose trail name, for his laugh). He lives very similar to me...vegan, substance free, spends very little money(like $1,500/year), hasn't payed rent in like 5 years....basically the nomadic version of myself. Hearing his experiences of the...
  28. Wearyzombie2

    Looking to get into camping in either parks or trails, any advice?

    Whatsup everyone. Let me start off saying I'm fairly unfamiliar with camping and such in general, only gone a handful of times. I'm from Northeastern Ohio; best places I've heard of being Hocking Hills if you're familiar with the area. Same time considering going camping at a local bike trail...
  29. coltsfoot

    New Mexico Hot Springs Camping?

    Hey there, anyone recommend a hot spring where we can camp nearby in new mexico. preferably a spot that doesnt usually get too crowded/rowdy. thx! cf
  30. jakmail

    Pickle or ALICE pack for long term hitchhiking and camping

    I know pickles suck. But i do like my pickle quite a lot. Im attached to it. I got an alice large with frame while i was working the past couple months. Objectively this would probably be the better bag and better for my back. Any thoughts?
  31. Coywolf

    'Residential' camping and squatting on Public land

    Not sure if I should put this is squatting, orwilderness seemed better here. Hey all, I am creating this thread to see what people's experiences have been with the recent push by the Forest Service and BLM to limit 'Residential camping'. As I have noticed recently, the FS and...
  32. void gaze

    Where to winter? (Busking, camping, rubber tramping)

    Once my harvest season work is done here in the NE, it’ll be mid December and I’ll probably want to go somewhere warm as possible with my pay, maybe a car, definitely an instrument. I’m thinking about places in the SW , probably CA or AZ , that I either haven’t been to in a long time or didn’t...
  33. NomadHatter

    Places to stealth camp in Nashville?

    So I’m about to move to Nashville, TN to work a job and I’m going to need a place to camp. I can get around on bike/bus, but I still need somewhere to stash my stuff during the day and sleep at night. Anybody have any advice?
  34. WanderLost Radical

    Jungle camping in Central America

    Hey guys! I'm starting to plan a trip to South/Central America this winter, and I'd like you guys' input and experiences. I've been considering trying to spend as many nights as possible sleeping outside, on beaches and bushed areas, like I usually do when I travel, but I also know by...
  35. Honey Crust

    Photos Hitchin' Denver to California: What Could Go Wrong? (Pt. 2)

    I woke up. I heard voices. It was still pitch black outside so it had to be at least before 5am. I looked to the north and saw a flashlight scanning the trees a little ways up the path from us. The flashlight was getting closer. I didn't know what to make of it, I didn't know whether to wake up...
  36. Maxnomad

    Resources or camp spots in santa fe?

    I got some cans of sparkling rose from the Joe's dumpster last night, so plus a couple. What should I see? Where's good to fly a sign? Any good feeds?
  37. mostlyharmless

    hi from Philly! looking to camp somewhere in the general area

    longtime lurker firsttime poster : ) i'm originally from Philadelphia born and raised, but i've spent about 15 years in various cities around the world including 4 consecutive years backpacking and working abroad on a WHV in New Zealand, France, England and Wales when i was in my mid-20s. i went...
  38. J

    camping carnavale

    Wondering if anyone has any ideas.. floating around Dom rep for a while
  39. NohaTarek

    1st time hiking in america - advice

    Hey guys ::cat:: this is my first time to post here... i'm an international student from egypt, & this is my 1st year learning & exploring in america ::bookworm:: while in the holidays now, i want to travel... i can't afford, of course, staying in hotels & all that stuff! right now, the...
  40. noothgrush

    Outdoor camping in the PNW during the winter.

    Is it possible without freezing to death? I was thinking about heading up that way in January from south Texas. I just know from prior experience of being homeless in New England around that time of year that it's pretty damn miserable and to be avoided if possible. i know the PNW doesnt get as...
  41. salxtina

    Stealth camping Miami area? Also who the good wingnuts

    So I'm casually considering dropping $$ to go to a concert in freaking Miami, or seeing if I can get hired on as concert staff / work-trade my way in, in part because it is so completely Unlike Things I Ever Do and it would be a novel experience, in part because no less than four artists/acts...
  42. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How to keep really warm on a tight budget/for free with fall/winter camping?

    Hello there People! thanks so much if you decide to read this, as i need to know something to survive and stay warm in the bush with my fiance during the rest of october in northern ontario, canada. For the past 3 months, me and my bf have been sleeping in a tent in the bush ( cuz we are...
  43. NotSoSchwillyWilly

    What are some relatively safe spots to stay the night in New Orleans? Whether a place to sleep in the van or free camping spots near the city

    I want to have a general idea of guaranteed spots we can stay, that aren't far from the safe spots of New Orleans.
  44. C

    N.E. Bike Touring, Charging Locations and Camping Locations.

    Providence, Ri. Behind the Jonhson and Wales University, Next to a generator. Riverwalk, three Light Poles with a gazebo nearby to chill and watch your property. 711 @ 720 Broad st, left side in front, don't spend too long there. Campsite, Woods by Old Bridge Trail. Marblehead, Ma. Donkin...
  45. ElNayshon

    Best spot to camp west coast

    I am taking a few months off in a week to live out of my backpack and be with nature. I was thinking about the Sierras however Yosemite is on fire.... Where is the best spot you have ever camped?
  46. beginnavagabond

    Living alone in wilderness but nearby civilisation

    I've heard all about how if you decide to go to the wild you should partner up with people to ensure survival which I totally agree with. If I were to do it alone, is there a place I can live nearby a town just in case I need outside help and would that be a good idea? I was wondering about...
  47. Benji91

    Bay Area Camping/Car Camping

    Looking at going back to the Bay Area for a couple days later this year, everyone I know there has moved on and I'll have my camper (converted 4x4, so not as subtle as a van) with me. I usually try and avoid bigger cities by San Francisco is, among other things, a bit of a nostalgia trip for...
  48. Connorb47

    Free camping index?

    I recently started rubber tramping from hitching and hopping and well i remember one time being picked up and a girl had told me that she found an index or forum type thing, of travelers who compiled a list of free campgrounds, and what not throughout the US. I know i usually just pull off some...
  49. coltsfoot

    found this at an abandoned camp in az

    I'm wondering who was living out by that canyon. The camp looked at least a few years old. I thought the sign was cool and wanted to share it but also thought that I'd throw it up here on the off-chance that I could find the person who's camp it was. Pretty neat spot. I'd be surprised if anyone...
  50. blu beard

    van camping in eugene

    we’ve been floating around Eugene and Oregon in general for the last few weeks but finally decided to stick around Eugene for a few weeks or months while I get a job (veggie cook by trade). we’ve found spots to sleep every night, some better than others, but none that felt safe, as in safe from...