
  1. tenderowl

    East Coast / NC / TN / VA dispersed camping

    Heya lovely folks, I'm living up in Nova Scotia, planning a road trip in my hatchback with my sweet puppy down through Maine to spend time in the Ashevile, NC, TN, VA, & Atlanta, GA areas. My trip is pretty flexible and I am primarily seeking to connect with like-minded individuals &...
  2. Section8

    A New Anarchist Vision

    [any mention of Anarchism, really, really pisses off the government, seeing as they watch me so closely these days] Here's my vision and my explanation for such. Let's all agree that modern society works for a vast majority of people. The masses seem to be pretty damn happy whilst subjugated...
  3. Section8

    How to make an Anarchist - 101

    Hello everyone, I am the OP of the featured article "Anarchy Newbie..." thread. I think my username back then was "Dontaskme" a relic from TOTSE. I apologize for my last bizarre, rambling post in that thread, I was under severe, severe stress and drinking a lot at the time. I've been around...
  4. stonepit

    vegan anarchist saying hi

    I sometimes go by stonepit. I live in Tucson. I'm currently crashing at someone elses place. I'm a queer vegan anarchist. I like sharing, engaging in life non-commercially, and making connections with others who do too as I always appreciate learning from others and helping each other out. If...
  5. huffinggasbycAndlelight

    Why we can not have an anarchist society

    So I see all the anarchist pining for an anarchist society. Bad news we won't see it in our life times nor w8ll our,their children etc... Human DNA is still encoded with scarcity and survival mind set from 100s of thousands of years of evolution. We, as an entire species need to evolve. Those...
  6. saul

    fighting of witchcraft, praying on the road and honoring god as a traveler of light or a christian anarchist

    something not talked about too often or praised on the road is God I can remember so many times I could of used a prayer is their such thing as a christian anarchist, doesn't that go against everything we know, instead of stealing from the police and getting arrested i could of prayed to god for...
  7. C0ffeeCat

    Rylee from Ohio, about to start my travels and tryin to figure stuff out

    Hi, local weirdo enby burnout here. I'm in bit of a mixed bag situation, things are real weird for me, and kinda always have been. I was one of those ghetto kids who ran the streets at 3am breaking into abandoneds with fellow deadbeats, so I'm not entirely helpless. But at the same time, we...
  8. marymemarryme

    Book Steal This Book (v3) Throughout the 1960's and 70's, Abbie Hoffman criss-crossed the country, ferreting out alternative ways of getting by in America—some illegal and all radical. Causing scandals with its advice on how to Survive!, Fight!, and Liberate! in the “prison that...
  9. M1nka

    New to this - looking for people in Bristol

    Hiyaa I am looking to get out of my current housing situation, I am trying to find a crew I could join / set ine up or really any method to house myself (van or trailer) - though this is tricky because i cant drive😭 If ur in Bristol/ know people there plz get in touch i dont really know many in...
  10. Bootbum Henry

    Young anarchist and Wobbly on vagabond trails

    Solidary greetings to all you friends and folks on the road! While researching yesterday about the old and modern Hobo way of life in the USA, I have stumbled accidentally on this site and I am very excited to get involved in this community! Already for a couple of years I am organized in the...
  11. WildVirtue

    Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline

    Fair warning: This will be a long boring text to most, it's just something I'm interesting in studying. – This text is also available as a PDF: On Screen Viewing.pdf Print Ready – Both Sides.pdf Print Ready – Front Side.pdf Print Ready – Back Side.pdf – Table of Contents Introduction...
  12. Maliceofcats

    Event San Antonio Bookfair

    Anyone going to the San Antonio Anarchist bookfair on the 9th of April? I'd love to meet some fellow dirty kids, and party. Trying to make progress from the Thumb of Michigan's Mitt but it's hard, gonna avoid the midwest like a plague from now on I think. Hoping things pick back up soon.