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  1. cozmic

    Coronavirus Should We Worry? By CHJ

    Something I would like to add is that I recently read an article of someone who is young, was healthy, and then he almost died of this. Unfortunately I did not save the link. He had symptoms and there were no tests available. He just kept getting worse, and when that happened the doctors...
  2. cozmic

    Coronavirus Should We Worry? By CHJ

    I'm going to agree with this. In my area megastores ran out of toilet paper and canned/dry goods really fast. I decided to go to a smaller store in a more rural area and I got everything I wanted except for one thing (and that thing is probably considered a luxury right now, so it's fine, I'll...
  3. cozmic

    Coronavirus Should We Worry? By CHJ

    I am taking it seriously. Someone I work with has a bad case of COPD and sleep apnea. Luckily we were able to get her remote, but that was as late as today. I am frequently in contact with someone that has severe asthma, so I am working from home half days. I would do full days, but my employer...