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  1. Faunus

    Urban Herbalist and Sundry Other Projects: A Reminder

    @BelleBottoms That sounds lovely! I'm a bit of a anachronism; I love the self-sustained nature of pre-industrial tech (Franklin, da Vinci, Gutenberg, and all those other Renaissance/"Enlightenment" tinkerers), and there's something about a revolution-style print shop and book-bindery that...
  2. Faunus

    Urban Herbalist and Sundry Other Projects: A Reminder

    That sounds fantastic. :) Chickens, Doves, or Ducks are always helpful for soil prep, and in helping there be some food coming in during the fallow/prep years. What climate are you in?
  3. Faunus

    Urban Herbalist and Sundry Other Projects: A Reminder

    Notes on a Squat Farm: Companion Planting is some Fantastic-Shizz Beans: You Can Plant Them From the Boil Bag Friends with: Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Peas, Potatoes, Radishes, Squash, Strawberries, Summer savory, Tomatoes They Get...
  4. Faunus

    Urban Herbalist and Sundry Other Projects: A Reminder

    I'm kinda putting together a note to self regarding what I'd like to accomplish wherever I am, wherever I end up; a lending library full of reading nooks and porch swings, with a food forest instead of a lawn (GardensNotLawns), with a bunk for whoever wants to help (HomesNotJails), a long table...