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  1. T

    Fuck the Police

    You should visit, that site has lots of information on how to assert your natural rights granted to us by Nature and/or God(s) and reserved by the US Constitution. It'll show you how to make the government your bitch. LOL.
  2. T

    Hi, I'm an under-employed student.

    Yep, sadly there are only a few coffee shops in my area. There's the Starbucks outside the University Mall (technically in Orem.), Coffee Pod just 5 blocks west of BYU on Bulldog Blvd., Juice N Java just outside the downtown Marriott, a food court stand selling coffee, and I believe they just...
  3. T

    Hi, I'm an under-employed student.

    Hi, I am an under-employed art student from the Provo area in Utah, and I joined this site to get some pointers on panhandling and busking my art skills (may post images of my works soon). Some of the things I like and enjoy (or at least used to): Art, cartoons, movies, music, video games, using...