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  1. spike rodriguez

    Tattoo artist biking from Orlando to Savannah

    So I started riding from Miami to Orlando and I took sometime off but now I'm back on the road .... I packed all my tattoo stuff and I'm about to start riding my tall bike from Orlando to Savannah if anyone has a place to crash or if you have some hand me down bike parts or if you have any...
  2. spike rodriguez

    fuck wall street.....ftp.... so fight back

    i hope my friend krew gets arrested to...... there dumb as fuck and i told them there being dumb
  3. spike rodriguez

    fuck wall street.....ftp.... so fight back

    oct22.. 8up taggin crew of miami is going to wall street and not pro test but will burn flags and paint walls and will fight many people are getting hurt for nothing so we need to fight back the people need to take this in to there owen hand... dont be scared to fight back cause u...
  4. spike rodriguez

    Looking to set up squat/commune in nyc

    bro im so down...... and i do tattoos