Search results

  1. Big Sister

    Greatest backpack ever made?

    As a freegan and one who tries to not encourage the grinding down of our habitat into products with money use, the best backpack ever made is the one which was handed down to me by someone no longer using theirs. It happens to be a small Burton snowboarding backpack, so it has strong straps on...
  2. Big Sister

    Squatting Augusta, GA

    How's it going?
  3. Big Sister

    stealth pissing (aimed -no pun- for the guys....)

    Let me share with you all my PEE TENT strategy: I spend a lot of time in the city, so sometimes there *is* no quiet, out of the way, place to go. Plus, sometimes I am just laying down and I don't want to move anywhere. What I do is stand on my knees, and make a tent with my sleeping bag or...
  4. Big Sister

    How much money do y'all need to live?

    I, too, have been living a mostly money-free existence. Once you get used to it, you can find whatever you need, and the comfort level grows with time. I was motivated mostly by the realization that money enables and facilitates many large-scale badness in our world, and whenever I spend a...