Search results

  1. Continental Drifter

    do you think hospitals treat people who are "travelling" the same

    I've recently visited a few ER's, and that only because of an infected finger from a deep cut. The staff and/or hospitals are hit and miss as far as working with folks who "don't have insurance." Leastaways they cleaned, drained, and wrote me the cheapest prescription for antibiotics, which I...
  2. Continental Drifter

    Smokey Mountain High...

    Greetings fellow travelers! I've been afoot for some time now: from Nashville, Tennessee to past Gatlinburg on the latest range. Still headed east and I'll eventually end up in the New England Territory; I've explored and discovered many great sites here in the mountains of Eastern Tenn., I've...
  3. Continental Drifter


    Well met fellow traveler; I've been ranging this continent well nigh five years, so have much experience in the art of traveling. If you have any inquiries, please do let them be known to me and I'll reply when I can friend...
  4. Continental Drifter

    From the Cumberland Plateau...

    Well met travelers! I've joined this site to seek any further knowledge or skills, and to share mine. I'm currently in Tennessee ranging across the Cumberland Plateau, heading back to the Appalachia region. Once there, I'll be preparing a campsite for the late fall/early spring seasons. For me...
  5. Continental Drifter

    Walking Routes?

    First of all, well met. It might do you justice to consider the legality of foot travel in your region. Depending on the lands in which you find yourself traveling through, the local populace might frown upon it; for in this generation, our lifestyles are classified as "suspicious/criminal." I...