vehicle living

  1. Big Time

    They never rebuilt the Niland post office?

    Random question, but I figured it would be rebuilt by now. People who live in an RV in Slab City, where do you have a PO box now?
  2. canoflentilsoup

    Question Overnight parking in Seattle?

    I'm coming up to Seattle for a show soon and I was thinking of just sleeping in my van rather than driving home, but I want to avoid the knock, so I was wondering what peoples personal experiences have been parking overnight in Seattle? The show I'm going to is at the vera project so like right...
  3. marmar

    Anybody looking for cheap car? NY

    I'm trying to sell my old Subaru asap as I need money and so figured I'd post here in case anyone in the carless situation but is looking for acheap one. So it's manual shift Subaru impreza outback sport from 2010 in fare condition. I traveled and lived out of it for a few months before...
  4. stonepit

    Things to look out for regularly?

    I have a compact car with around 130k miles. I'm wondering if there's anything you all regularly pay attention to in your cars that aren't the typical things like oil check or tire pressure to stay proactive on any issues that might arise.
  5. Paddy

    Rubber tramp

    Sup Yall first time making a post here have been traveling in my mini van for going on 5 years have been to 32 states and have met all sorts of people in travels who only make the experiences that much better. Am currently in New England after making a trip from San Francisco to Boston to see...
  6. oldanarchothug

    1700 S near redwood you can park a camper anytime

    verified in person
  7. marmar

    Meet up east coast, NYC?

    I was wondering if any van dwellers are around North East or New York city specifically and wanna meet up. I've been back to the city on and off for a year and split time between city and the mountains, been living in my new van full time for a few months now. I feel pretty good in the van when...
  8. up2eleven

    About to be a Prius dweller.

    Once upon a time I was a road hippie. Hitched around and went to Rainbow Gatherings, busked, and it was the best time of my life. For 35+ years I've stuffed the real me way down deep and been fucking miserable. I'm abandoning that and hitting the road again, this time with a car. Preparing for...
  9. dumpsterjumper

    New to RV living! Any tips?

    My partner just bought an 89 ford flair RV. She runs great, if a little rough around the edges on the inside. Our plan is to do some repairs and fix up the inside and be on the road within a few months. We will be full time, staying in the PNW area. I've squatted and done some vanlife and...
  10. unrulywaunder

    Best Electric Car (EV) for living-in

    Has anyone here had any experience living in an all-electric car? I lived in a Prius for a few years. I loved that car. Compared to living in a backpack/tent, it was a mansion. But eventually I left the US and had to sell it :( I'm looking at rubber tramping again, but this time I'd like to go...
  11. E

    places to park in Clare/Churchpoint Nova Scotia?

    It would be my first time truck dwelling in Canada...What are the places to look for as far as truck camping/parking in that area?
  12. fatberg

    Question Purchasing Used Ford Transit

    Before anything else, I’d like to thank everyone who has been supporting me and answering my questions as I launch my life on wheels. I’ve decided to jump on purchasing a van to upgrade from my SUV, and have found a deal online that seems trustworthy. May I ask for a second pair of eyes to look...
  13. Batsy

    Setting/asserting boundaries in your home (on wheels)

    I think a very underrated topic - that I don’t see anyone talking about - when it comes to living in a vehicle is setting/asserting boundaries with guests who enter your space. I feel like for a lot of people who you might welcome into your vehicle/home, it simply doesn’t click in their heads...
  14. fatberg

    Are tires cheaper depending in what region you get them replaced?

    I have a Honda Pilot that I am moving into at the start of March. The tire treads are pretty low and I should get them replaced, and I'm wondering if that would be cheaper to do depending on where I am. I'm starting out in Baltimore, and my first stops are Richmond, VA and FL. Does anybody know...
  15. synchronizedviolence

    Diesel e40d .

    Anyone got a line on one in the south west .