
  1. Matt Derrick

    Photos I finally visited Area 51, the #1 item on my travel bucket list

    I'd been talking about it for years, watched others do it on YouTube and various blogs, but no matter how many times I watched others do it I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to do it myself. I blame TV shows like The X-Files, and maybe unsolved mysteries too. I loved those shows when I...
  2. Joe Btfsplk

    Interesting--Arizona UFO Spotted by Two Pilots

    Two pilots on different aircraft reported having close encounters with a mysterious object flying high above Arizona last month, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. The sightings occurred within minutes of each other on the afternoon of Feb. 24, some 40,000 feet above southern...
  3. Matt Derrick

    UFO Festival / Museum - Roswell, NM

    Name: Roswell, NM / International UFO museum/festival Location: duh History: What's there: A museum dedicated to UFO history. A quirky town that thrives off selling ufo shit. The international UFO festival & parade that happens every June. Why we want to go: I've had a facination with UFO's...