
  1. P

    Question experience in nyc, or northeast/midatlantic cities?

    hi, I wondered if anyone had experience squatting in this region, or knew people who did? i found some info, but connecting with people has been extremely hard and I haven't found support, but I would need it to squat I'm open to other kinds of housing too, if anyone happened to know people...
  2. Hermes

    New guy, lookin' for a travel partner in Boston or NYC

    I graduated High School last year, and I'm gonna hit the road soon. I'm thinking probably January 10th(ish) at the earliest. I'm planning on taking an AMTRAK train from Boston to NYC, and I'm looking for a travel buddy in either of those cities. I'm more comfortable around people my age, but it...
  3. EmmanuelGoldstein

    Helpppp!!! NYC peepzzz!!!!

    hey you guyz i just got in to JFK and have to spend the 16th around Penn Station in Manhattan. my bus leaves morning of the 17th. but im broke and havent eaten much lately. Are there nice food pantries and soup kitchens in central manhattan??!! thank you!!!!! 💁😌
  4. fatberg

    calling all NYC queerdos

    I would love to form community with nyc/brooklyn queerdos and freaks who live the nomadic life. I'm a new van lifer and new to the city. Settling in well to my nomadism, but wanting more community with the transients. I also travel to Philly often and sometimes Baltimore. Mostly, I'm seeking...
  5. biene

    hitchhiking out of nyc to Montreal -- advices ??

    hiii!! I'm thinking of hitchhiking to Montreal soon and was wondering who already did that route ? Then if you have advices on how and where is the best to leave New York to start the trip? And also, what would be a cool direction to take without being on the highway but still on some main...
  6. fatberg

    Question Purchasing Used Ford Transit

    Before anything else, I’d like to thank everyone who has been supporting me and answering my questions as I launch my life on wheels. I’ve decided to jump on purchasing a van to upgrade from my SUV, and have found a deal online that seems trustworthy. May I ask for a second pair of eyes to look...
  7. georgiabear name is Georgia and I'm located in the midwest name is Georgia and I'm located in the midwest. Still in high school (I'm 18) and graduating in late spring. Right now i've been working to save up so i can move out and head to NY after graduation. I plan to stay for a few months. Still not sure where I plan to go after that. I'd like...
  8. Tremor

    Zinemas at Tompkins, NYC

    When: Saturday, the 23rd From 1pm to a little past Sundown Where: Tompkins Square Park, by the tree (you know the one) What: Bring zines, food, and whatever ya like! Come to the first annual Zinemas, an anarcho punk celebration of disruptive and dangerous literature. We'll exchange...