folding bike

  1. ali

    Guide / Tutorial affordable tri-folding bikes now available

    Alright, it's done, i bought a goddamn foldie. There's millions of them here in Asia, although almost all of them are the bi-fold type that are still pretty large. Bi-folds (Tern, Dahon etc) are definitely small enough to casually chuck into a car boot or in the luggage compartment of a...
  2. laughingman

    Video Folding bike tour. The next few days.

    I had some time to edit these in a bnb yesterday so I'm posting them here as well. This is day 11 and 12 of the tour. I'm already on day 22 so I'm a bit behind on editing. Working on making videos a bit more short and digestible. Let me know what you all think. And If you have places I should...
  3. A zed

    Question Foldable bikes, what's the trade off of the smaller body and wheels? (and other questions about foldable bikes)

    I'm thinking about getting a foldable bike. So far I've mainly been seeing two different varieties, ones with small bodies and wheels that have seats and handlebars that extend high and what I would call more of a "normal" body (though the ones I've found are almost exclusively mountain bikes)...