
  1. EmmanuelGoldstein

    Stank farts in my tent

    Farts are truly like a fine wine: complex, multilayered; notes of this and that; body etc Anyways dont EVER fart in your tent. i had fried pork loin with gravy and soon enough, i felt one brewing up, so i cut loose. As it was fiery hot i knew it'd be bad, but it wasnt just bad it was horrific...
  2. EmmanuelGoldstein

    Photos Fartin in Gdansk, catchin train to Vienna

    (see title😂💕)
  3. EmmanuelGoldstein

    Guide / Tutorial Do you fart alot? Is it really stinky?!

    i ate at a soup kitchen. the staff ladywho cooks is a Polish granny and shes amazing, her food is so good. But she always makes gravy and that gives me farts so horrible i have trauma because of it. So, heres what you do to avoid stinky farts If they feel really hot, or if it takes alot of...