whatcha reading right now?


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really haven't been reading too much...more watching movies.
but the most recent book i've read out of is a book of Rumi's poems.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
No Trespassing, by Anders Corr. It's "an international study on how people have taken over vacant buildings and unused land—and why it’s a good idea".


Well-known member
Just finished re-reading 'Dune', by Frank Herbert for reference. Startin 'Heretics of Dune'. I normally read political and ecological stuff, but this stuffs epic.


I think I'm going to read The Road; it's just sitting there, and the only two other books I've got on me right now is a western tree indentification field guide, and a book on Pacific Ocean fishing.


Well-known member
Compass, The Road is an amazing book. Have you read anything else by Cormac McCarthy?

I am currently reading "I Hope they Serve Beer in Hell," by Tucker Max. Hysterical.
Also, the Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Yiddish.


Well-known member
All my grandparents spoke it but I never got to meet any of them.
Also, we play a lot of traditional Yiddish songs, so it's nice to understand what I am singing. It won't be too hard, I speak enough Hebrew and various Germanic languages to understand most of it anyhow.

Anyway, Cormac McCarthy is an excellent author. The Road is probably one of my favorite post apocalyptic novels. I recommend it. Also, his other works, especially Blood Meridian.


Nice! Only one of my grandmothers spoke it, came over from Romania. I asked my dad for something cool to say, he told me "zy nischit azoi klieg:" "don't be so smart." That's the most appropriate of his limited Yiddish vocabulary:D


Well-known member
I'm sort of reading a few books most picked up one is Flirt by Laurell k Hamilton other one Mosh Pit and Born to Rock...


on the road's a great book, i think it was that book that gave me that thirst for hitting road in the first place, just read 'big sur' by him actually, i found it kinda sad, interesting though. im now reading fleur de mal by Charles Baudelaire


Active member
I was in the middle of rereading The Hitchhiker's Trilogy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) but I had to return that book. Stupid. I need to take one from a different library.
BUT in the meantime I've been reading Player Piano- Vonnegut


Well-known member
I'm sort of reading a few books most picked up one is Flirt by Laurell k Hamilton other one Mosh Pit and Born to Rock...

Nice to see another Laurell K Hamilton fan. Just got into her books myself. Just finished up a copy of Obsidian Butterfly I found in a dumpster...


ArrowInOre said:
Ed Abby's "the Monkey Wrench Gang"s
:eek: A fine choice, miss Arrow. That book did a number on me, and as a matter of fact, it's how I acquired my roadname/username years ago. I've read a lot of radical environmental literature, but that is the best of the best.

As for what I've been reading, "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman has been keeping me interested. When I crave non-fiction, "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene. Science gives me bonerzz.


Well-known member
Haha Yeah the series is now I think 18+ books they are pretty good all of them with the first one Gulty Pleasures its kinda slow but when reading the whole series its worth it...Hope you can get to reading them all


Well-known member
Haha Yeah the series is now I think 18+ books they are pretty good all of them with the first one Gulty Pleasures its kinda slow but when reading the whole series its worth it...Hope you can get to reading them all

Damn, that many huh? Better get crackin then. I know a friend of mine has at least one of them, possibly more...

There were a few things in Obsidian Butterfly I didn't quite get the full impact of, so I'll definitely be reading as many books as I can just to explain a few things...


i'll probably get shit for this but, the book evasion. i couldn't help my curiosity.

There's nothing wrong with reading Evasion. As long as you don't consider it any sort of Bible for travelers, or a guideline for your future travels. Remember that despite how much the author romanticizes his tales, it's mostly fiction. Good read, anyway.


Well-known member
Right now I'm reading Watership Down, and A People's History of the United States... Plus a hand full of zines. Always reading, ain't nothing much else to do here.

I read Evasion in high school sort of inspired me to hit the road, take note I didn't use it as a 'bible' by any means, just sort of made me want to travel. But yeah he does over romanticizes the whole ordeal (Mr.D and I were talking about this a few days ago), and he barely talks about the negative things that happen on the road. What about the story about that trucker who tried to take advantage of you in Elko? I was thinking about writing a zine about all the fucked up and weird things that has happened on the road, but decided against it.

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