Video video by the new yorker on millennial transients.


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Apr 13, 2014
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Vancouver, Canada
I've met a lot of travelers similar to this. I can understand them, I think, because i'm quite similar in many ways. But they seem so... lost. Just hanging out on the streets all day, and there's a look in their eyes that makes me think they're waiting for something to happen instead of reaching out for it themselves...

They also seem quite young, so they're clearly putting together who they are and what they want. I hope they find their peace and purpose.

One thing I don't like is that videos like this are going to make people even more wary about giving to people on the street. This paints kids/people on the street like lazy hipsters who are fully capable of providing for themselves, but just not doing it.

Deleted member 16034

I'm not sure what angle the New Yorker was going with in that documentary. I mean, the couple looked pretty happy and in love, but then it cuts back and forth them eating a fancy ass brunch and drinking starbucks then spanging.

Now, I bet you any fucking thing that the people who filmed that short video probably payed for their brunch, but it doesn't look like that. I almost feel like the person who made that video was trying to show these three off as lazy bums. Even when the one single girl was talking about how she liked to work, I wish it would have delved in further about why she didn't. I'm guessing from my own personal experience having no one to take care of the doggo and not being able to afford rent even after working full-time is probably why, but the video does not show that at all.

That's really fucking annoying.

Desperado Deluxe

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Apr 20, 2010
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Its pretty much a propaganda film. They paint a kind of pathetic normalcy around the people in the video. Which creates somewhat of an understanding with the viewer which is cool but also of apathy which brings it a neutral tone.

Nyc is a great place to be but its a hard place to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. The homeless shelters are pretty shitty the spange sucks and any chance of other real opportunity is bleak. On the other hand its a great place to visit with plenty to do and the people are nice but extremely busy.

Also why is that kid carrying a fucking shovel around? Like the fuck are you doing with that in a city?. Just seems like they looked for the most lost looking folks they could find.
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
This waffles eating couple of tourists with packs are not NYC homeless.jeasus.there are a few faces in the video that he should ve made the main characters, but I guess they looked too drunk dirty and homeless for him. I know those kids, they are millennials too, and actually are NYC street kids. If he was aiming for a traveller type, then I don't get why to talk about NYC homeless. The fucking New Yorker seem to be a bit confused. This video is a mess of information

Hillbilly Castro

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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Westernville, NY
Meh, more reasons not to talk to the press in my opinion. Whoever edits the video and the sound bites will project whatever hangups they've got, no matter what. We're better off staying quiet.
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Beegod Santana

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Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
There was a bit of an uproar over the crusty punks blog a few years back. Kinda looks like the people at the New Yorker saw that blog and said "hey this could be a video." if anyone cares. The blog kinda pisses me off but I also knew a few of those kids and got a chuckle outta it. But ya, stop fucking talking to reporters kids, no good can come of it.
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