


wow, after reading some of this I can honestly thank God that mine no longer works after the last ordeal - oops - I mean relationship - that I endured.

This process of 'operation operation snip and tie snip and tie' (**circle jerks) takes courage and guts....
A BIG Right On!! though to anyone who gets it done, as I'd be too afraid.

Then again, with me it doesn't matter anyway - as again - I am broken anyway :)

trash diver

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2011
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I had the procedure done almost 7 years ago. It does not affect or decrease the pleasure of intercourse.If you decide to do it,a bag of frozen peas helps a lot! ( after the procedure, i mean) ;)

Kim Chee

No vasectomy here. I think that if $ were an issue, then maybe you should fly a sign
asking for $ for a vasectomy. If you get rich, I want half. (or 10%, I'm not your wife)
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Active member
Jan 11, 2012
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Basically I advice you against getting a vasectomy because the testicles produce hormones that are essential to the body and by getting a vasectomy you are interfering with the transfer of those hormones to the body.


Dec 23, 2010
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Got a vasectomy over 4 years ago and have had no adverse reactions. I still shoot a satisfying money shot and experience no pain. It cost me $500 but I figure with the going rate of abortions at $300 I was still saving myself money, and my partner from the trauma of an abortion.
Gentlemen, we need to take control of our sacks and stop overpopulating this planet. If you want a child, by all means adopt one that needs a loving home. There are plenty who need it. But your fucking DNA isn't really that special, so don't think your biological child will be all that awesome. Check out

Wow, the page is indeed radical!! I guess their philosophy makes sense sort of ....although getting castrated might speed things up!!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2014
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I like condoms and I hate doctors so I will stick with condoms.


Dec 23, 2010
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Speaking of neutering.. there is a whole "alternative male" movement. Surely too radical idea for most people on here. The idea is that it's not just having kids that is the problem, but the urges, aggression and distraction that are the problem. So this doctor in Atlanta is apparently making a fortune creating " Alternative Males" ;!procedures/c1jm9


Active member
Sep 5, 2017
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I gotta second Widerstand, one of the best moves a fella can make. Women I interact with really think it's awesome that a dude is taking charge of the birth-control element and it sets them at ease that they're definitely NOT going to get preggers (if they trust you about the vasectomy).
It's just positive all-around.

I went to this dude in Tampa, FL - Doug Stein - and was in and out w/in 15 min. Of course there would be a super-hot secretary to check-out and pay with... (Talk about a fucking nutcracker!)
No anesthetic put into the sac by needle, it was by high-pressure spray.
A couple toots of that was like a soft finger-flick on the nutsack, and the doc/surgeon was chit-chatting the whole time so it was like nothing, keeping you at ease (or distracted).

There's no scissors, and the old days of having an ice-pak on your nuts are gone; I had only to wear a jock-strap for a couple days and not do any strenuous activity (e.g., football, ditch-digging, sex) for about 4 or 5 days.

There was no swelling or pains.
You can watch a video on his site,

Guys, get it done, for fuck's sake!
Six billion "miracles" are enough!
How about we keep a little of non-human life (beyond that which civilization grows and cages)?

This .....

And for a male bodied one to take at least some of the contraception responsibility is a big deal (a woman still has anxiety about pregnancy with condoms). This non-invasive method seems like it would really clear up a lot of male bodied concerns about cuts, scissors, snips etc.

Another often unsung bonus is that sex/love making is actually better with a male bodied partner with a vasectomy. I have had a couple of lovers who had vasectomies and I will say that knowing I couldn't get pregnant meant I relaxed and opened up more. As a result, our sexing was more intimate and hotter.


This .....

And for a male bodied one to take at least some of the contraception responsibility is a big deal (a woman still has anxiety about pregnancy with condoms). This non-invasive method seems like it would really clear up a lot of male bodied concerns about cuts, scissors, snips etc.

Another often unsung bonus is that sex/love making is actually better with a male bodied partner with a vasectomy. I have had a couple of lovers who had vasectomies and I will say that knowing I couldn't get pregnant meant I relaxed and opened up more. As a result, our sexing was more intimate and hotter.

Noninvasive my ass..its like diffusing a bomb...what if they cut the red wire instead of the blue one. Pulling out that's noninvasive.


Feb 11, 2015
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Balgowlah, Australia
Ive thought about a vasectomy before and did a fair bit of research last year on it. I found some horrifying accounts of enduring pain after the procedure. Apparantly 1% of guys who get it done have pain so bad that they want to off themselves. And it never goes away and no one knows how to fix it.

Fucking scary shit. Heres a bit about it:

So I dont kniw about you but I decided not to risk it.

Then I found out about this thing being developed called vasalgel, which sounds awesome! Here's their site:

The big difference with vasalgel is that instead of cutting the tube they inject a gel which allows fluid to pass through but not sperm which solves the issue of chronic pain (apparantly, we'll have to wait and see). This gel can also be removed with another injection meaning its not permanent. Atm they seem to be in clinical trial period but hopefully it'll become available in the next few years.

The other really cool thing about it is that the company isn't focused on money, they are focused on population control. You can read up on their website about how they wont be trying to make a buvk out of this thing and the cost of the procedure will be based on your income so that those with hugher income will pay more helping to offset the cheap price for low income people.
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Apr 7, 2013
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Vasectomies are fuckin retarded so is tieing tubes.
One of the greatest thrills of sex is knowing you may procreate...
that does not discount the simple intimacy factors... and pure getting off...

but voluntary neutering/spaying is just animal control for humans

don't worry if you think your not worthy of it... all life is magic as fuck. And I'm no religitard. (to emphasize tard) simply be responsible. with your gametes.

also fuck overpopulation.... yea its crazy yea it could go wrong but the fucking solution is right in front of us. Space. And ALL ITS RESOURCES>
stop fearmongering to keep the masses in check... humanity has a penchant to fix shit and progress at the event horizon after all...

our solar sytem can sustain countless more habitats and teraform projects.

there are plenty of people born without the capability to have children... giving up that privilege seems like awaste

to be clear not saying you have to use it... just make smart choices...

plus you never know... :rolleyes:

in the middle of that love making session you both may just scream LETS MAKE A BABY!!! ::eyepatch::

How awkward if you've been surgically altered lol ::drinkingbuddy::


Vasectomies are fuckin retarded so is tieing tubes.
One of the greatest thrills of sex is knowing you may procreate...
that does not discount the simple intimacy factors... and pure getting off...

but voluntary neutering/spaying is just animal control for humans

don't worry if you think your not worthy of it... all life is magic as fuck. And I'm no religitard. (to emphasize tard) simply be responsible. with your gametes.

also fuck overpopulation.... yea its crazy yea it could go wrong but the fucking solution is right in front of us. Space. And ALL ITS RESOURCES>
stop fearmongering to keep the masses in check... humanity has a penchant to fix shit and progress at the event horizon after all...

our solar sytem can sustain countless more habitats and teraform projects.

there are plenty of people born without the capability to have children... giving up that privilege seems like awaste

to be clear not saying you have to use it... just make smart choices...

plus you never know... :rolleyes:

in the middle of that love making session you both may just scream LETS MAKE A BABY!!! ::eyepatch::

How awkward if you've been surgically altered lol ::drinkingbuddy::

Or just date older women like me lol

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Vasectomies are fuckin retarded so is tieing tubes.
One of the greatest thrills of sex is knowing you may procreate...
that does not discount the simple intimacy factors... and pure getting off...

but voluntary neutering/spaying is just animal control for humans

don't worry if you think your not worthy of it... all life is magic as fuck. And I'm no religitard. (to emphasize tard) simply be responsible. with your gametes.

also fuck overpopulation.... yea its crazy yea it could go wrong but the fucking solution is right in front of us. Space. And ALL ITS RESOURCES>
stop fearmongering to keep the masses in check... humanity has a penchant to fix shit and progress at the event horizon after all...

our solar sytem can sustain countless more habitats and teraform projects.

there are plenty of people born without the capability to have children... giving up that privilege seems like awaste

to be clear not saying you have to use it... just make smart choices...

plus you never know... :rolleyes:

in the middle of that love making session you both may just scream LETS MAKE A BABY!!! ::eyepatch::

How awkward if you've been surgically altered lol ::drinkingbuddy::

^ this whole post is moronic as hell. just because you get a sexual thrill from possibly getting someone pregnant doesn't mean the rest of us do. i also disagree with just about everything else you said to the point where i just don't know what to say...


Apr 7, 2013
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^ this whole post is moronic as hell. just because you get a sexual thrill from possibly getting someone pregnant doesn't mean the rest of us do. i also disagree with just about everything else you said to the point where i just don't know what to say...

Yea I didn't write it very well...

By great thrill I meant like a shared enjoyment being with someone that has that same idea in mind to procreate. . . I also understand there are people with no interest in having kids. I guess I was not trying to talk to them.

Overall.. I was posting under the influence a bit ::cigar::

Still I just don't like the idea of surgical sterilization... its just a visceral reaction.

Plus were on the edge of nuclear war... the wastelands gonna need breeders Max!! ::mask::

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