trains in mexico


Well-known member
i know a few years ago this was nothing but ive been debateing lately about hopping freight in mexico due to the drug violence on the boarder. i ve heard lots of different stories about how safe and or dangerous it is and was just wondering if anyone has riddden down there lately i imagine its not bad or to bad once you go further south


i've heard alot of things too. During the last few years, my understanding was that it was cool as long as you stay out of the border towns. Recently though, a Mexican who picked me up said that it is not longer safe anywhere. He said the drug war is everywhere and now it's not even safe to go out at night in the rural towns. He said since the last half year, he won't even go down to see fam anymore because it is so dangerous.

Another thing i often hear is that there are heat sensors scanning trains nearly everywhere they cross the border. i think even Yuma has some. Also, if you have ever ridden the Low Line in the West, ya know about Border inspectors. They usually just throw you off no big deal, but the problem is that they check out lots of trains car by car, and it sucks to lose yr ride.


Active member
Are you asking about train safety or general Mexico safety? In general Mexico is safe, dont go hanging around US/MEx Border towns and you'll be fine. I wouldn't ride across the border. Why bother with the risk when you can just walk right into Mexico with no ID anyways? The farther South you go into Mexico the safer and doper it gets. I just spent the last 6 months in Mexico, from North to South. Check around the STP site for more information on train safety in mexico. IMost of the workers & yard people could care less if you ride those trains. The trouble comes with robers. I have been told riding in and out of Guadaljara can attract some bad folk. As well lots of people from Guatemala hop trains North through Mexico trying to get to the US and are common targets for robers.

I would say if your going to hop through Mexco, don't carry anything your not comfortable loosing.


Well-known member
word word. ive heard both of those before my friend just did a bike tour to monterrey with bikes between boarders from austin and said they got harrassed by federales nearly half the whole way until the federales realized they werent smuggling drugs. they slept out the whole way down. its just a different world once you cross the boarder and like always you just got to have your wits about you. i might just bus in. im really only trying to get to mexico city.


mexico city is hella far from the border. Are you in mexico now? Did you ride anything there?

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