The weapon that makes you feel safe?


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Feb 16, 2012
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im in Louisville Kentucky
While I was volunteering at a bike co-op in town I would go through the trash pile looking for useful salvage. closest thing to a weapon i found is a bike seat post. it sounds stupid, but its heavy steel. think of it like a club. also i have a bike chain/lock that would make for an impromptu smiley, but as a bunch of folks are saying here, if you use your head you wont have such a need to carry designated weapons.. you can usually use your surroundings to defend yourself too. blunt objects like bricks and bottles whatever you have around you can save you in a pinch. I think you just have to be aware of your surroundings and you can pick up on stuff.
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Dec 25, 2008
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Lincoln ne
since 92 i have carried a throwing Tomahawk or camping ax with me. Usually I carry the ax head and handle separately , but whenever I set up camp, the ax comes out. It is a great tool to have, and I really feel like I can defend myself with it, from anything, short of a gun. It is legal to carry and very useful to have. Have never needed to use it in anger, but am sure that it has stopped aggression toward me, in the past. Right now I have a Trail Hawk, from cold steel, with a 22 inch Hicory handle. Bitchin


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
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im in Louisville Kentucky
since 92 i have carried a throwing Tomahawk or camping ax with me. Usually I carry the ax head and handle separately , but whenever I set up camp, the ax comes out. It is a great tool to have, and I really feel like I can defend myself with it, from anything, short of a gun. It is legal to carry and very useful to have. Have never needed to use it in anger, but am sure that it has stopped aggression toward me, in the past. Right now I have a Trail Hawk, from cold steel, with a 22 inch Hicory handle. Bitchin
i have a small camp axe too. its a tool for so many things but also in the right situation itd be a protector.
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Not a weapon but my dog always made me feel better about bedding down in sketchy spots or around potentially sketchy people. As far as hand to hand combat goes, a cane, walking stick or staff works well for keeping attackers at a distance and until you use said cane to beat someone, it's by no means considered a weapon by police. Knives are great but can get you into trouble with the law, and if your attacker takes it from you, your potentially fucked. Likewise, self defense training and learning to safely take a knife or gun from someone might be worthwhile. Actually I would highly advise anyone and everyone to learn some self defense skills and basic firearm training. After all, ya know, America....

I'm kinda surprised no one has told you to use the damn search function, there's definitely a few threads about weaponry and self defense here already.


Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
I have an 80-pound, 2 year-old Pitbull; he's my early warning system/visual scum deterrent. He's really a big softie, BUT HE'S FRIGGIN' *HUGE*.

As far as *actual* weapons, I have a USMC KA-BAR knife I'm my pack that comes out when I camp or travel through sketchy areas, and I have extensive military training in hand-to-hand combat/knife skills.


Meh, being smart means not seeking out trouble and avoiding situations that could spell trouble. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been sitting there minding my own goddamn business and trouble decides to come stumbling or stomping into my life. You pretty much gotta learn to either mediate that shit or beat it the fuck up.


Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
For the record, I've never had to physically defend myself during my travels, because I have a level 100 charisma, and have thus far been able to talk my way out of every situation I've encountered that could have gone south. ::soapbox::
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If i'm not mistaken, OP is in philly right now. Philly is one of the two cities i've been jumped in, the other being chicago. I love philly and chi, but I wasn't looking for trouble either times.


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
might be love.

dunno if that is the same as brain or mind, though..

had a rapist pull a knife on me, years ago..
had nothing.
just an "ok, asshole. one of us will die" my eyes to his.

& he fucking backed away.

if you need something, carry dust, sand, dirt & a reasonably long, sharp fucking rock.

unless you are in bear country.
then you need to carry bear spray/gel..

hardcore shit, as i understand..
way stronger than pepper spray (& remember, all you need for a good, homemade mace is a little spray bottle of ammonia water-- which,, maybe can be gelled with plain gelatin form a grocery store??), plus, since it is gel, will not redirect at you.

avoid the desire to punish.

always seek to escape, before all else, even if you have to discomfort your attacker..
never hesitate if you have a non-lethal (& preferably non-injurious) deterrent.

i can't advocate things like low power lasers, but if one is in in your pocket, it may be justified.


at least for guys, love, first.

we don't deal with the shit our sisters do.

if you travel with a sister, you better put you fucking life on the line, expecting fucking nothing, just as if you were traveling with your best guy friend.

also.. you throw a rock away, unless it is trapped in guts or ribs, it is a lot fucking harder to recover..

but hopefully you can get away with Love..

if you tell them "i have a cam pic of yer vehicle" (& or plate, since the plate for a shit-turd is likely to be changed) you will have about 70 StPer's, at least, out looking for the shit.

i will fucking jump in my fucking van & fucking *hunt* them..

with fucking rocks..

no fucking kidding.


StP Supporter
May 31, 2009
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Winnipeg, MB
Pocket knife, flipable, small and pocketable. But only as a tool -- for cutting myself out of a rope-bind, see?
(I mean, also partially in case I ever am in a serious situation in which pulling a knife could help a person discern that they did NOT want to hurt me, but I don't believe in weapons as great solutions, so I don't intend to ever have to use it for that). Yeah, the mind goes a long way.

Other things that keep me safe while traveling is crashing with actual, known friends if I can; sleeping in a house when they have them; not drinking with stangers; not doing drugs; not spending time with people that frequently and proudly talk about having beat the shit out of anyone.

To be honest, though I've only started carrying a pocketknife two years ago, I actually feel just slightly more afraid while hitchhiking than before (though I'm not sure why), and still have never come close to having to pull it out of my pocket.

So yeah, I keep it on my persons just in case I need to 'untie' myself with it.


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
RnJ, you've always got a crash (if available) or a hand (always), with me.


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Jul 23, 2012
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Jakarta, Indonesia
Ditto, a little foresight and critical thinking..
I do have a knife for emergencies but I have never pulled it out, I don't ever wanna put myself in a situation where I'd have to get it out..
Also, in many circumstances I've witnessed if you're new to a culture and for some reason choose to use violence to resolve an issue, that might be enough to set the whole village onto you..


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Mar 27, 2014
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A purse and a sharp word. I did some things to make money to pay for my hormones a couple months back, and told the guy I was armed. Didn't say what with, just that I was. He got a lot less demanding when he thought I had a gun. In reality I had a dagger in my purse I keep for sentimental and religious reasons that I'm not supposed to cut, let alone draw blood with, but it's scary looking enough to make someone back off if I have to draw it, and Goddess forbid if I have to fight with it, it's a serviceable weapon.

Rolling Blackouts

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Aug 12, 2011
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Northern CA
I'd say having the choice weapon depends on your geography, your mode of transit, and your local laws.

And to repeat the aforementioned, weapons are cool and whatnot, but nothing will help you defend yourself as well as keeping your cool. Maintaining clear thinking and a sense of composure in conflict scenarios will save your ass every time. Learn to understand the onset on an adrenaline rush and to control it coherently.

1. A Knife - almost everywhere, all the time. A big straight blade is nice and intimidating and all, but any folding pocket blade will do, particularly when it needs to be concealed / ditched. Haven't had to stab a homebum yet, but I've been attacked by enough feral dogs at this point.
2. Being in a strange hood, or knowing that shit's gonna pop off (ie. protest), my vote also goes for Bear Mace. Fuck that pepper spray garbage - that shit is a false sense of security. Bearmace is a superior chemical weapon (and would definitely be a felony to use on a human/ maybe cause permanent blindness). I got attacked by a bear last year in Canada, and was so glad I had a can on me. The blast is impressive, and like any chemical weapon, take wind into consideration.
3. Mortar Fireworks - shock and awe diversion tactics. Good for blowing up the spot real quick.
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
a pair of tightly laced steel toed boots ; protects yer feet and doubles as a weapon which can't be knocked from your hand.... also punk as fuck but the topic ain't fashion its fighting.... combat boots can be applied to an opponents body using a technique called the British Army Move : a combination (hard as poss) kick to the kneecap followed by a scrape with the instep down the shin followed by a big old stomp on the top side of the foot... anyone whose taken a serious blow to the shin knows that the pain can be unbelievable, out of all proportion to the actual damage.... if you must keep a weapon I'd go blunt / bludgeon rather than a knife ; less likely to kill someone unless you strike the head.... personally I hate fighting and avoid sketchy situations - you learn to spot the signs.... stay safe amigos its a cold world out there....


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2015
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I don't carry any weapons at all. Just stay away from sketchy people and you'll be fine.

Course, I'm also a pretty large male, so, ymmv, but I feel like if I'm armed I'm more likely to be involved in violence than if I'm unarmed.

Eat Shit And Die

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Dec 22, 2015
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Dallas TX
Well there's the hatchet i always carry. Then comes the S&W 26-inch military grade baton. Somehow, I'm able to fit an 18-inch machete in the midst of things as well. High power CO2 airgun with copper pellets, typical push-dagger, combat knife, pocket knife, secondary pocket knife.... A slingshot, some SAP gloves, Brass knuckles and some bear claws aside from the everyday screwdriver i carry with me 24/7. I'm doing OK by some people's standards.....
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